Tips for Christmas: I recommend: All dressed up.
This year's Christmas was able to get after it to the shopping centers and among the lights of downtown. Centers and center! Coincidence? This year
to bless all: "If we do not see you more I wish you and your family, then we continue to see and all the time" If we do not see .... "
The children speak instead of the gifts that Santa Claus brings surely, not to write a list of these mistakes in order of importance, provide a copy for mom, one dad, grandparents, uncles and anyone who may have something to do with them .
Me is've also shown with a price, as for wedding lists.
Finally, as every year, in the last few days I have moved myself to those gifts which is nice to do, which is right to do, almost necessary.
something nice, useful and a reasonable fee: facile vero?
Fra questi anche l’autoregalo, e come spesso capita: un libro. Quale?
Quelli da leggere che già possiedi, non valgono.
Quelli già letti e che sai essere belli, ancor meno.
Passi il tuo tempo in librerie zeppe di gente e libri, ma l’ispirazione non arriva e allora ascolti un vecchio consiglio che da mesi rimane pendente: Mi raccomando: Tutti vestiti bene: David Sedaris: Oscar Mondatori.
La vigilia è dedicata ad albero e presepe: finché non è mezzanotte si è sempre in tempo.
E’ Natale.
Fino a mezzogiorno si aiuta in cucina, poi a tavola con una quantità elevata di cibo, vino e parenti.
Il pomeriggio, invece, is devoted to reading, I follow the advice of the writer, teaches you to write and read tells you that: you can not ask for more.
The book has a fair number of pages and easily into your hand, so that you can meet each other at different text messages and greeting cards that arrive every year, playing upwards, are becoming longer and more articulated . Skip
Christmas, and also passes through this book ... this book ... disappointing.
autobiographical anecdotes fact that follow a certain logic to only half volume, then do what they want. I am the first to say that the plot is not important, indeed, but if you take away, you put the other, an invention, your style, something per bilanciare?
L’io narrante è un ragazzo gay nato in una famiglia strana nel mezzo di un paese strano: l’America. Se gli americani in sé non li si capisce bene, anche gli autori loro connazionali non è facile prendergli le misure, come per gli orientali, giapponesi in testa. Eppure per un verso o per l’altro ci affascinano, e molto. Io degli americani, gli autori intendo, mi piace come riescono spesso a descrivere misere vite di povertà e stenti con la leggerezza e il disilluso ottimismo che ad un europeo sono preclusi. Gli esempi sono tanti e famosi.
Queste storie deprimenti, basta un nulla e riescono a far sorridere, ma soprattutto insegnano a scrollare le spalle invece di piegarle. Sono storie che finiscono good or bad, or so-so, but this is not what matters, I have not yet identified very precisely what is important, but I understand that there must be something that it is. The same rambling
Sedaris (emule?) Ironic as it is not enough, the architect of his life anecdotes suggest you look for why things happen. If you understand this from the great American writers, why should not you also get to read this gay guy who, if he were straight, the story would not have won or lost?
The mechanism is the same, half above, and an effort to make it.
will, but for others this game I was almost spontaneous, while Sedaris ... I did not want!
Merry Christmas to all.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Cross Country Ski Bindings
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pinnacle Tv Center Pro Not Working
The Blind - Blind
The Book was the only rational thing and tangible in that context.
I am often confused themselves, lately I was going a bit 'too often. And then, in this parallel world that had not reached the city of dreams, now the noise of life had forced me into behaviors that are not uplifting ... all that crap with these desperate criminals like me who were talking nonsense nonsense. And the white lenses ... At one point I forgot to keep them in force, pinch my eyes, I saw opacified. I'm scared as a child.
course, very nearly was better to do with frosted glass filter rather than seeing the world on fire this corrosive, sticky, misshapen. Here, between alcohol and the rest, a rest too, the reality and the dream became confused, looked out the nightmares become dialogue partners, finding their own way, will assume the role of the ghosts of my past and disguises this. What a band of desperate delusional ... poor Denise, as if she had gone, all that trucidume, helpless, she was so fond of art, literature, cinema and music ...
walked with difficulty with the mind shot, view the spots, the rumble of the alley and the smell the box on him. Button continues the pocket, was there with me, that book. I had always followed, I had loved so little, but taught. Or maybe nothing as my state. It was faded and yellowed like my life. The title, alluding to that enigmatic ... not that logic would suggest. He spoke of nature, rocks and minerals, fauna and flora. The blinds were of particular types of translucent crystals similar to opal lens through which we could see the world as a dream. Fascinating contents tavole a colori che avevano fatto brillare i miei occhi di bambino. Ora erano stinte, le rocce frantumate, i petali graffiati, le scritte a metà.
E quella dedica, la grafia tremolante e obliqua della Nonna Amalia… cristallo, cuore che arde…sfera di luce…che illusione! Avrebbe voluto un nipote tutto perbenino e buono, soprattutto un bravo cristiano con le mani giunte, gli occhi al cielo e la riga da una parte. La fede, La luce, il cuore che arde….. Si era ritrovata con un somaro agitato e ribelle con le ginocchia sbucciate e i capelli a serpente che, ad una età indegna e non avendo combinato niente di sensato, beveva come una spugna e si faceva di tutto, si infilava le lenti a contatto accompagnandosi ad un consesso other brain-injured wretches such a scold him and then get slaughtered like an idiot from himself, not even had a tutor ... The only hope was that the grandmother Amalia could never see me from the afterlife and thus no afterlife, please .. Other than color plates! Here was all black and white, or rather of that dead-rat grigino even more disgusting. Poor Denise ..
In the library I was blind luck on the contrary, to always know where it was and put him in the illusion that the upside-down could straighten my life. Sometimes, when I crossed the line, lost the illusion of finding myself and understand how it went with Denise and her eyes lost forever I saw up there Grandmother Amalia I smiled, holding the glass of salvation, a heart that burned in his chest pierced with arrows like that all the saints, and a mesmerizing light all around. But
lasted little, Grandma was pissed off black and sent me to live in that country, all holding hands proudly in the heart, the crystal and the flame.
And then the whole thing, dream and reality, pursuits, mirrors, put black and white eyes seemed a trivial game, an escape from everyday life, without Denise and without meaning.
In that moment of temporary sanity, I might as well go home, put the blind in place, maybe the right way you never know in life .... maybe after having made a nice shot that clears for good ideas ... ... maybe.
[ Author: Sonia ]
The Book was the only rational thing and tangible in that context.
I am often confused themselves, lately I was going a bit 'too often. And then, in this parallel world that had not reached the city of dreams, now the noise of life had forced me into behaviors that are not uplifting ... all that crap with these desperate criminals like me who were talking nonsense nonsense. And the white lenses ... At one point I forgot to keep them in force, pinch my eyes, I saw opacified. I'm scared as a child.
course, very nearly was better to do with frosted glass filter rather than seeing the world on fire this corrosive, sticky, misshapen. Here, between alcohol and the rest, a rest too, the reality and the dream became confused, looked out the nightmares become dialogue partners, finding their own way, will assume the role of the ghosts of my past and disguises this. What a band of desperate delusional ... poor Denise, as if she had gone, all that trucidume, helpless, she was so fond of art, literature, cinema and music ...
walked with difficulty with the mind shot, view the spots, the rumble of the alley and the smell the box on him. Button continues the pocket, was there with me, that book. I had always followed, I had loved so little, but taught. Or maybe nothing as my state. It was faded and yellowed like my life. The title, alluding to that enigmatic ... not that logic would suggest. He spoke of nature, rocks and minerals, fauna and flora. The blinds were of particular types of translucent crystals similar to opal lens through which we could see the world as a dream. Fascinating contents tavole a colori che avevano fatto brillare i miei occhi di bambino. Ora erano stinte, le rocce frantumate, i petali graffiati, le scritte a metà.
E quella dedica, la grafia tremolante e obliqua della Nonna Amalia… cristallo, cuore che arde…sfera di luce…che illusione! Avrebbe voluto un nipote tutto perbenino e buono, soprattutto un bravo cristiano con le mani giunte, gli occhi al cielo e la riga da una parte. La fede, La luce, il cuore che arde….. Si era ritrovata con un somaro agitato e ribelle con le ginocchia sbucciate e i capelli a serpente che, ad una età indegna e non avendo combinato niente di sensato, beveva come una spugna e si faceva di tutto, si infilava le lenti a contatto accompagnandosi ad un consesso other brain-injured wretches such a scold him and then get slaughtered like an idiot from himself, not even had a tutor ... The only hope was that the grandmother Amalia could never see me from the afterlife and thus no afterlife, please .. Other than color plates! Here was all black and white, or rather of that dead-rat grigino even more disgusting. Poor Denise ..
In the library I was blind luck on the contrary, to always know where it was and put him in the illusion that the upside-down could straighten my life. Sometimes, when I crossed the line, lost the illusion of finding myself and understand how it went with Denise and her eyes lost forever I saw up there Grandmother Amalia I smiled, holding the glass of salvation, a heart that burned in his chest pierced with arrows like that all the saints, and a mesmerizing light all around. But
lasted little, Grandma was pissed off black and sent me to live in that country, all holding hands proudly in the heart, the crystal and the flame.
And then the whole thing, dream and reality, pursuits, mirrors, put black and white eyes seemed a trivial game, an escape from everyday life, without Denise and without meaning.
In that moment of temporary sanity, I might as well go home, put the blind in place, maybe the right way you never know in life .... maybe after having made a nice shot that clears for good ideas ... ... maybe.
How Much Do Truffles Sell For
VIII - The Blind
[ Author: Valeria ]
Instinct made me bring my hand to the genitals to make sure there were more. I had never weighed my balls with such pleasure!
These people were made worse for me and their fucking specchio era solo un'olografia della solita foto di Denise. I capelli, i vestiti e la posizione erano quelli della foto. Mi mossi alzando un braccio. L’immagine riflessa rimase immobile, poi con uno scarto di qualche secondo seguì il mio movimento.
Mi voltai verso i presenti con espressione trionfante, sicuro che avrebbero accolto la sconfitta con dignità. Ma eravamo rimasti in pochi.
I soliti due pesci lessi dall’aria finto angelica, la vecchia presa dal suo ruolo e l’uomo "non male" dalle caviglie fini e dal pastrano fuori moda. Avrei voluto assomigliargli un po’, almeno nell’aspetto, forse Denise si è lasciata affascinare da questo stronzo con le lenti bianche. Invece di stare con me and live happily, and I always drunk and she always cooked and maybe pregnant. This shit would have been nice to invite to dinner one night and throw up the soul on the table just arrived. Denise potutto would be a nice trip in front of him and maybe give her a dose. So people look for the emotion, widening his wallet in front of people like us.
I began to assemble the rage. That just blind, but for real. What we did not need gimmicks to be pseudo paranormal to kill someone. He had escaped the eyes of my lady and they were still free to play with mirrors. I did not know if they had been or herself to imagine and put into practice what dirty that I was touched to find down on the floor of the room.
With a grin I turned to the old woman who seemed very distraught by my behavior. He looked at me like watching a child who does not want to play the game that the adults want to impose. "Oh, do not you see I know the old 'I Do you remember the' Richard? But I am not drunk the mica cooked as you know Denise!"
They had all joined forces against me and I could not understand me or get out of this situation. One of the angels deficient handed me a glass and I took it as I always do and threw it down. I lost consciousness and woke up with the usual pungent smell of the filth of the garbage bin behind the bar. "Here I find myself now" satisfied and I thought to get up. With groping hand found the edge of the box and lifted his head out. It was pitch dark. So dark as to appear even more dark of night, a dark compact. I was frightened and began to scream.
rear entrance of the bar came murdered in person to pull me out. "Feel good Riccardino, if not the finish I call the one hundred and eighteen mobile psychiatric unit! You can not go on like this you understand?! And take off those fucking white contact lenses that you wear when you're completely drunk and you forget the terrors ! You seem to really Marilyn Manson! "
"But you've seen you? What spilungo with the 'hat and' coat? There were also dresses with the old with frills ... "but the Truce is already back in the bar to work. When you know that for a few days so I do not see why I have to put on my nerves. So, after staying some time with his back resting comfortably against the wall , I walk away and go home. Then I realize I have something in their pockets. It's usually old and tattered book.
[ Author: Valeria ]
Instinct made me bring my hand to the genitals to make sure there were more. I had never weighed my balls with such pleasure!
These people were made worse for me and their fucking specchio era solo un'olografia della solita foto di Denise. I capelli, i vestiti e la posizione erano quelli della foto. Mi mossi alzando un braccio. L’immagine riflessa rimase immobile, poi con uno scarto di qualche secondo seguì il mio movimento.
Mi voltai verso i presenti con espressione trionfante, sicuro che avrebbero accolto la sconfitta con dignità. Ma eravamo rimasti in pochi.
I soliti due pesci lessi dall’aria finto angelica, la vecchia presa dal suo ruolo e l’uomo "non male" dalle caviglie fini e dal pastrano fuori moda. Avrei voluto assomigliargli un po’, almeno nell’aspetto, forse Denise si è lasciata affascinare da questo stronzo con le lenti bianche. Invece di stare con me and live happily, and I always drunk and she always cooked and maybe pregnant. This shit would have been nice to invite to dinner one night and throw up the soul on the table just arrived. Denise potutto would be a nice trip in front of him and maybe give her a dose. So people look for the emotion, widening his wallet in front of people like us.
I began to assemble the rage. That just blind, but for real. What we did not need gimmicks to be pseudo paranormal to kill someone. He had escaped the eyes of my lady and they were still free to play with mirrors. I did not know if they had been or herself to imagine and put into practice what dirty that I was touched to find down on the floor of the room.
With a grin I turned to the old woman who seemed very distraught by my behavior. He looked at me like watching a child who does not want to play the game that the adults want to impose. "Oh, do not you see I know the old 'I Do you remember the' Richard? But I am not drunk the mica cooked as you know Denise!"
They had all joined forces against me and I could not understand me or get out of this situation. One of the angels deficient handed me a glass and I took it as I always do and threw it down. I lost consciousness and woke up with the usual pungent smell of the filth of the garbage bin behind the bar. "Here I find myself now" satisfied and I thought to get up. With groping hand found the edge of the box and lifted his head out. It was pitch dark. So dark as to appear even more dark of night, a dark compact. I was frightened and began to scream.
rear entrance of the bar came murdered in person to pull me out. "Feel good Riccardino, if not the finish I call the one hundred and eighteen mobile psychiatric unit! You can not go on like this you understand?! And take off those fucking white contact lenses that you wear when you're completely drunk and you forget the terrors ! You seem to really Marilyn Manson! "
"But you've seen you? What spilungo with the 'hat and' coat? There were also dresses with the old with frills ... "but the Truce is already back in the bar to work. When you know that for a few days so I do not see why I have to put on my nerves. So, after staying some time with his back resting comfortably against the wall , I walk away and go home. Then I realize I have something in their pockets. It's usually old and tattered book.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sango Nova Black Replacement
Considerations on the current # 1 # 17
Italy, in 2007 near the end.
Log Book of the Hunt Qapitano Tolla, formerly known as Antolla.
Tonight will air the last episode of the TV series "The boss of bosses" about the life and works (!) Of Toto Riina.
I did not follow, because I do not care and I already know the story well. And I'll see some tonight.
But there is joy and expectation among insiders as the last episode will talk about (also) of the attacks on the judges Falcone and Borsellino and the arrest of Mafia boss.
Strong emphasis is also given to the news that the demonstration on Tuesday against the Mafia in Corleone, the crowd cheered Daniele Liotti (in fiction that plays the role of a policeman). "I openly take sides against the Sicilian Mafia," they told the news.
Good. Would not call it really a step forward in the fight against the Mafia (perhaps only Liotti has been acclaimed for its physical qualities and acting, who knows!), But it would certainly have been worse (especially for him) if they had accepted or stone throwing "pummarori.
The problem (if any) is another, though.
The strange thing, in fact, is that so far no one (newspapers, TV, newspapers, radio or media organs, if you prefer) has never spoken of the sum that the production of fiction must have paid to Toto Riina for the acquisition of rights to use his image. Why is natural that something has to be paid: he says the law!
Besides, I never allow my "business" went on air in prime time TV if I do not pay the right price. And no one would. Nor could any studio to stage anything without buying the rights holder, ça va sans dire .
Probably no one talked about it because there is some act or measure, unknown to most people (including myself), in which the "protagonist" of fiction waives any right. And in this case the problem does not exist then. Or
(And think evil is a sin, but it always guesses), the thing was hushed up to avoid national-popular uprisings. Because they know that a murderess gets money to go on TV, I do not know who'd love to.
Meditate, folks.
Who knows better tell her.
Italy, in 2007 near the end.
Log Book of the Hunt Qapitano Tolla, formerly known as Antolla.
Tonight will air the last episode of the TV series "The boss of bosses" about the life and works (!) Of Toto Riina.
I did not follow, because I do not care and I already know the story well. And I'll see some tonight.
But there is joy and expectation among insiders as the last episode will talk about (also) of the attacks on the judges Falcone and Borsellino and the arrest of Mafia boss.
Strong emphasis is also given to the news that the demonstration on Tuesday against the Mafia in Corleone, the crowd cheered Daniele Liotti (in fiction that plays the role of a policeman). "I openly take sides against the Sicilian Mafia," they told the news.
Good. Would not call it really a step forward in the fight against the Mafia (perhaps only Liotti has been acclaimed for its physical qualities and acting, who knows!), But it would certainly have been worse (especially for him) if they had accepted or stone throwing "pummarori.
The problem (if any) is another, though.
The strange thing, in fact, is that so far no one (newspapers, TV, newspapers, radio or media organs, if you prefer) has never spoken of the sum that the production of fiction must have paid to Toto Riina for the acquisition of rights to use his image. Why is natural that something has to be paid: he says the law!
Besides, I never allow my "business" went on air in prime time TV if I do not pay the right price. And no one would. Nor could any studio to stage anything without buying the rights holder, ça va sans dire .
Probably no one talked about it because there is some act or measure, unknown to most people (including myself), in which the "protagonist" of fiction waives any right. And in this case the problem does not exist then. Or
(And think evil is a sin, but it always guesses), the thing was hushed up to avoid national-popular uprisings. Because they know that a murderess gets money to go on TV, I do not know who'd love to.
Meditate, folks.
Who knows better tell her.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
How To Build A Wooden 2 Seater Go Kart Frame
"Back here."
Di New? I've never seen this place.
I looked around. I had followed the two boys in the ball without giving them much thought. But now that I was in. I had the feeling of having done something unwise. I was in a huge room with high ceiling. Marble columns holding up the ceiling painted. I looked up to see the fresco: a crystal light between tongues of fire.
"Finally, here again," repeated the woman who stood before me. He was in his sixties and I knew immediately that it was her. I chased the men were on the side, one right and one left. Behind there were dozens of people were standing in silence staring at me.
"I was waiting for HIM. It 'time to find the light, "said Fabienne," you bring the book? "
I touched the pocket of his jeans to verify their presence in a trance. Then a door opened and he entered. It was like I had seen him in a dream. He approached me with sure-footed as if we could see perfectly. He removed his glasses to reveal her blindness and smiling said:
"It was time for me to return to us."
I finally found the strength to speak
"Who are you? What do you want from me? "
Fabienne exchanged a fleeting glance with the two boys. The man approached even closer to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. I wished I remove it, but in some modo mi trasferiva calma e serenità.
“Non ti ricordi di noi?”
Scossi la testa. La sua voce aveva un suono ipnotico, come il tocco della sua mano.
Fabienne si avvicinò a sua volta, mi prese per mano e mi disse:
“Davvero non ricordi?”
La voce di Fabienne ruppe l’incantesimo del cieco, mi scossi e mi scansai da entrambi ponendo una distanza tra me e loro.
“Ricordare cosa? Io so solo che mi state perseguitando. Nei sogni, di notte, di giorno. Non riesco più a dormire, non distinguo più il sonno dalla veglia. Cosa mi avete fatto?”
Fabienne tentò di avvicinarsi, ma l’uomo la fermò con la mano e disse:
“Ricordi when we met for the first time? "
I tried a case to answer:
" edge of the bar of the Truce. "
The man seemed surprised
" No, the bar at the marina. "
" I do not know What are you talking about, do not know any of the marina bar! "
" You're wrong, "the man continued," I fixed with Fabienne. Have you talked to her. And when she's gone, I have spoken. Do you remember? "
I remained silent. I thought the dream with Denise and I ventured back a response:
"Denise went to that bar. Not me. She spoke with Fabienne drop everything to tell you who did not want Read more of you ... "I noticed that
Fabienne stared at me with a strange expression on his face. The man pulled back his dark glasses and said
"Do not waste any more time. Proceed! "
The two boys approached me and grabbed me by the arms.
"Let me ... let me ..." I screamed to the top of his body. Fabienne
Then I looked at him and threw up all the charges that came to mind:
"It was you! It 's all your fault. "
And with that look of contempt he could not see the man said:
" You killed Denise, you have killed my son. "
I felt the tears that were peep.
"Honey," said Fabienne, coming next, "the child we talked several times. Or he or you ... "
" What the hell do I come. You murdered Denise! "
Fabienne I took her arm firmly and brought me in front of a mirror.
I saw my reflection in the long curly hair that blacks and I fell over his eyes. Then I heard the voice of Fabienne:
"Honey, you're alive."
He paused and added:
"Are you Denise."
[ Author: boulders ]
"Back here."
Di New? I've never seen this place.
I looked around. I had followed the two boys in the ball without giving them much thought. But now that I was in. I had the feeling of having done something unwise. I was in a huge room with high ceiling. Marble columns holding up the ceiling painted. I looked up to see the fresco: a crystal light between tongues of fire.
"Finally, here again," repeated the woman who stood before me. He was in his sixties and I knew immediately that it was her. I chased the men were on the side, one right and one left. Behind there were dozens of people were standing in silence staring at me.
"I was waiting for HIM. It 'time to find the light, "said Fabienne," you bring the book? "
I touched the pocket of his jeans to verify their presence in a trance. Then a door opened and he entered. It was like I had seen him in a dream. He approached me with sure-footed as if we could see perfectly. He removed his glasses to reveal her blindness and smiling said:
"It was time for me to return to us."
I finally found the strength to speak
"Who are you? What do you want from me? "
Fabienne exchanged a fleeting glance with the two boys. The man approached even closer to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. I wished I remove it, but in some modo mi trasferiva calma e serenità.
“Non ti ricordi di noi?”
Scossi la testa. La sua voce aveva un suono ipnotico, come il tocco della sua mano.
Fabienne si avvicinò a sua volta, mi prese per mano e mi disse:
“Davvero non ricordi?”
La voce di Fabienne ruppe l’incantesimo del cieco, mi scossi e mi scansai da entrambi ponendo una distanza tra me e loro.
“Ricordare cosa? Io so solo che mi state perseguitando. Nei sogni, di notte, di giorno. Non riesco più a dormire, non distinguo più il sonno dalla veglia. Cosa mi avete fatto?”
Fabienne tentò di avvicinarsi, ma l’uomo la fermò con la mano e disse:
“Ricordi when we met for the first time? "
I tried a case to answer:
" edge of the bar of the Truce. "
The man seemed surprised
" No, the bar at the marina. "
" I do not know What are you talking about, do not know any of the marina bar! "
" You're wrong, "the man continued," I fixed with Fabienne. Have you talked to her. And when she's gone, I have spoken. Do you remember? "
I remained silent. I thought the dream with Denise and I ventured back a response:
"Denise went to that bar. Not me. She spoke with Fabienne drop everything to tell you who did not want Read more of you ... "I noticed that
Fabienne stared at me with a strange expression on his face. The man pulled back his dark glasses and said
"Do not waste any more time. Proceed! "
The two boys approached me and grabbed me by the arms.
"Let me ... let me ..." I screamed to the top of his body. Fabienne
Then I looked at him and threw up all the charges that came to mind:
"It was you! It 's all your fault. "
And with that look of contempt he could not see the man said:
" You killed Denise, you have killed my son. "
I felt the tears that were peep.
"Honey," said Fabienne, coming next, "the child we talked several times. Or he or you ... "
" What the hell do I come. You murdered Denise! "
Fabienne I took her arm firmly and brought me in front of a mirror.
I saw my reflection in the long curly hair that blacks and I fell over his eyes. Then I heard the voice of Fabienne:
"Honey, you're alive."
He paused and added:
"Are you Denise."
Monday, November 12, 2007
Iosol And Weight Loss
If a woman has curly hair and want them, go to the hairdresser and makes permanent.
However, just a small gust of wind or water spray unwanted hair because it drafts.
But then, should not be called "temporary"? Other than standing!
Qose strange ...
If a woman has curly hair and want them, go to the hairdresser and makes permanent.
However, just a small gust of wind or water spray unwanted hair because it drafts.
But then, should not be called "temporary"? Other than standing!
Qose strange ...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Lost Bet Lost Clothes
The Blind - V
The Truce greeted me with the usual nod over the bar.
Few people in the room.
I had made the journey on foot this time.
Along the way, I could not stop looking around, scrutinizing each individual; groped to catch every movement alien to the old road that separated our home from the bar.
Nothing else.
The sun was visible through the clouds at times thick, were to be four o'clock or so.
I was confused.
I realized that my movements followed each other only by inertia. I took the glass
già pronto per me sul bancone e mi appoggiai di schiena e con tutti e due i gomiti.
Ero indeciso se ripetere i gesti fino a ricostruire l’ultima immagine del bar che mi tornava alla mente, e allo stesso tempo incerto se ritenerla sogno o realtà.
Giravo la testa in ogni direzione da cui provenisse un minimo rumore, per poi tornare a fissare la porta dell’ingresso.
Raccapricciante quanto tutto mi sembrava normale: come se il tempo fosse tornato ad un anno prima. Aspettavo che Denise entrasse da un momento all’altro nel bar, i capelli sciolti a incorniciarle il visto e la sua solita allegria contagiante, il consueto bacio di saluto al Truce con un balzo sul bancone e poi di corsa da me, a riempirmi la testa con il racconto throughout his day.
I realized he had moved his eyes on the picture on the wall, this time I could not see it very clear. They were not the tears that kept me from putting sharp focus: I had promised myself not to cry anymore, I had to first be able to understand. My eyes were still covered by the thin film that made me look at everything with strangeness.
scolai grabbed the glass and in one breath, I took another and then another. I found them next to the elbow without even prompting, I took them to his mouth and swallowed the contents with jerky movements such as uncontrolled.
Suddenly, blue.
ridestai me as a long hibernation of thoughts crossed.
out in the club, on the way a guy with a shirt family had just crossed the road.
precipitate impulse toward the exit, I began to run behind my goal, which is now a little spot of heaven on down the street.
ran so excited not to realize the enormous effort they were making my legs. I jumped
sidewalk, dodging pedestrians and cars, straight to the goal.
Everything around me seemed to slow down, I thought Denise now as an obsession: she was staring at me like that damn picture, and I called it, continued to be the hero of my dreams distressing, perhaps trying to drag her into the light? I
stopped. The Blues were now two points and seemed ever more distant but still. Behind them is a magnificent monument, a huge, shaped like a sphere. When the sun peeped out of a cloud illuminating noticed he was entirely of glass and gave off a glow strong.
Yet I had never noticed his presence in this part of town.
The two figures of men stopped in front of the apparition of light, they turned to me and both, with a minimum movement of the arms waved her to follow them. I walked
uncertain, including agitation, confusion, fear and excitement almost hysterical, feeling completely helpless. I took the book
yellowed from the pocket of trousers, stared keep it sealed.
In my head, recalling the words spoken by a man with white eyes and written in the book, incomprehensible, but engraved in me like a poem learned by heart.
The Truce greeted me with the usual nod over the bar.
Few people in the room.
I had made the journey on foot this time.
Along the way, I could not stop looking around, scrutinizing each individual; groped to catch every movement alien to the old road that separated our home from the bar.
Nothing else.
The sun was visible through the clouds at times thick, were to be four o'clock or so.
I was confused.
I realized that my movements followed each other only by inertia. I took the glass
già pronto per me sul bancone e mi appoggiai di schiena e con tutti e due i gomiti.
Ero indeciso se ripetere i gesti fino a ricostruire l’ultima immagine del bar che mi tornava alla mente, e allo stesso tempo incerto se ritenerla sogno o realtà.
Giravo la testa in ogni direzione da cui provenisse un minimo rumore, per poi tornare a fissare la porta dell’ingresso.
Raccapricciante quanto tutto mi sembrava normale: come se il tempo fosse tornato ad un anno prima. Aspettavo che Denise entrasse da un momento all’altro nel bar, i capelli sciolti a incorniciarle il visto e la sua solita allegria contagiante, il consueto bacio di saluto al Truce con un balzo sul bancone e poi di corsa da me, a riempirmi la testa con il racconto throughout his day.
I realized he had moved his eyes on the picture on the wall, this time I could not see it very clear. They were not the tears that kept me from putting sharp focus: I had promised myself not to cry anymore, I had to first be able to understand. My eyes were still covered by the thin film that made me look at everything with strangeness.
scolai grabbed the glass and in one breath, I took another and then another. I found them next to the elbow without even prompting, I took them to his mouth and swallowed the contents with jerky movements such as uncontrolled.
Suddenly, blue.
ridestai me as a long hibernation of thoughts crossed.
out in the club, on the way a guy with a shirt family had just crossed the road.
precipitate impulse toward the exit, I began to run behind my goal, which is now a little spot of heaven on down the street.
ran so excited not to realize the enormous effort they were making my legs. I jumped
sidewalk, dodging pedestrians and cars, straight to the goal.
Everything around me seemed to slow down, I thought Denise now as an obsession: she was staring at me like that damn picture, and I called it, continued to be the hero of my dreams distressing, perhaps trying to drag her into the light? I
stopped. The Blues were now two points and seemed ever more distant but still. Behind them is a magnificent monument, a huge, shaped like a sphere. When the sun peeped out of a cloud illuminating noticed he was entirely of glass and gave off a glow strong.
Yet I had never noticed his presence in this part of town.
The two figures of men stopped in front of the apparition of light, they turned to me and both, with a minimum movement of the arms waved her to follow them. I walked
uncertain, including agitation, confusion, fear and excitement almost hysterical, feeling completely helpless. I took the book
yellowed from the pocket of trousers, stared keep it sealed.
In my head, recalling the words spoken by a man with white eyes and written in the book, incomprehensible, but engraved in me like a poem learned by heart.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
What To Write To Congratulate A New Born In Acard
The Blind - Blind
Slipping in pain was the first thing I did. But it was not just the memories to haunt me. Continued to appear scenes, situations, in which Denise had to do with people who could not see in the face ... my eyes when trying to focus, remained almost blanched. But at the same time, their faces ... I could have an incredible awareness. As if a different sense of sight I did see them. As if I could know them through the touch of his hand, caressing cheekbones, nose and chin, pausing beardless cheeks, almost as if they belonged to a boy, but to stumble along and find the net lines, which crossed the skin soft, smooth and soft as that of an old man. Different faces, but equal in their diversity. Denise
but I saw very well, often looked at me with her so that I have never forgotten, so that I was convinced he was trying to communicate with me, che mi stesse chiedendo di far qualcosa. Sarebbe stato troppo facile credere di essere diventato pazzo. Quasi l’ho sperato. Ma queste visioni che si materializzavano all’improvviso, questi strani sogni che continuo a fare, questi personaggi che non vedo eppure vedo… tutto è troppo strano eppure tutto sembra come retto da un unico filo, bianco, di seta.
Quando i medici mi dissero che Denise era incinta, quasi non mi stupii. Non so spiegare il perché, ma non mi meravigliai affatto, come se mi fosse stata rivelata la più banale delle verità. La sera stessa feci il primo sogno in cui lei ne parlava con Fabienne, parlava del bambino… in realtà credo che ne stesse parlando a me. Subito dopo sognai il child called me, as if he wanted to play with me ... but when I went to pick it up ... I saw that her eyes were white. Like two big balls of alabaster tiles. Among other things, it's strange, but these days I can hardly see the green of my eyes when I mirror. In short, when the doctors told me that Denise was pregnant, I asked them to see the baby. I said it was better not. They asked me if I was the father. Who can ever be sure?, Replied with a sarcastic joke that certainly was not suitable at the moment.
When Denise told me about it, in different dreams, I had the distinct feeling that she was sure. She was sure that I was the father. I still want to delude myself that he had not niente di più, con quei maledetti ciechi… ma qualcosa mi dice che quello non era mio figlio. Non solo per gli occhi bianchi (sono certo che se i dottori me lo avessero fatto vedere, la realtà avrebbe confermato il mio sogno); qualcosa mi fa credere che quel bambino l’abbia uccisa dall’interno… nei sogni in cui Denise diceva a Fabienne di volerlo tenere, lei le rispondeva di no, che non era possibile. Ma ora lo so, era solo un modo in più per metterle confusione in testa, per indebolirla, per privarla delle energie… per toglierle la gioia di vivere. E assicurarsi che, con una tale imposizione, Denise non avrebbe abortito. Se fosse stata libera di scegliere… beh, non so se l’avrebbe tenuto. Ne avevamo spoke a few months before: we both wanted to wait a bit '. She was very frightened by the idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood. But the words were served by Fabienne get what they seemed to want to prevent: the child had grown up in the belly of Denise, and evil had grown in every part, every cubic inch of her body.
Who was the son, what? What had really happened?
This book will probably tell me more ... I have to find a way, I have to figure out where to tie this thread ... these ends, these people with white eyes that see everywhere, which does not leave me alone at night and even during the day find their way be alive, what they really say to me? But
prima di tutto voglio andare al bar del Truce. C’è qualcosa che mi rimanda continuamente lì, nei miei sogni e nelle mie allucinazioni. Non riesco più a capire se davvero ci sono tornato, da quando Denise è stata uccisa. Mi sembra di non aver fatto altro che andare e uscire da quel posto, in questi giorni, ma in realtà non so se sia vero… non so se ero io in carne ed ossa, se era solo la mia mente o se era Denise che ha creato tutta questa recita per me… come non riesco quasi a capire se sono sveglio, adesso, o se sto ancora dormendo… se i miei occhi vedono le cose con chiarezza e mi dicono la verità, o se invece mi stanno ingannando e mi mostrano il mondo dall’interno di un concavo schermo bianco.
[ Author: ChiaraG ]
Slipping in pain was the first thing I did. But it was not just the memories to haunt me. Continued to appear scenes, situations, in which Denise had to do with people who could not see in the face ... my eyes when trying to focus, remained almost blanched. But at the same time, their faces ... I could have an incredible awareness. As if a different sense of sight I did see them. As if I could know them through the touch of his hand, caressing cheekbones, nose and chin, pausing beardless cheeks, almost as if they belonged to a boy, but to stumble along and find the net lines, which crossed the skin soft, smooth and soft as that of an old man. Different faces, but equal in their diversity. Denise
but I saw very well, often looked at me with her so that I have never forgotten, so that I was convinced he was trying to communicate with me, che mi stesse chiedendo di far qualcosa. Sarebbe stato troppo facile credere di essere diventato pazzo. Quasi l’ho sperato. Ma queste visioni che si materializzavano all’improvviso, questi strani sogni che continuo a fare, questi personaggi che non vedo eppure vedo… tutto è troppo strano eppure tutto sembra come retto da un unico filo, bianco, di seta.
Quando i medici mi dissero che Denise era incinta, quasi non mi stupii. Non so spiegare il perché, ma non mi meravigliai affatto, come se mi fosse stata rivelata la più banale delle verità. La sera stessa feci il primo sogno in cui lei ne parlava con Fabienne, parlava del bambino… in realtà credo che ne stesse parlando a me. Subito dopo sognai il child called me, as if he wanted to play with me ... but when I went to pick it up ... I saw that her eyes were white. Like two big balls of alabaster tiles. Among other things, it's strange, but these days I can hardly see the green of my eyes when I mirror. In short, when the doctors told me that Denise was pregnant, I asked them to see the baby. I said it was better not. They asked me if I was the father. Who can ever be sure?, Replied with a sarcastic joke that certainly was not suitable at the moment.
When Denise told me about it, in different dreams, I had the distinct feeling that she was sure. She was sure that I was the father. I still want to delude myself that he had not niente di più, con quei maledetti ciechi… ma qualcosa mi dice che quello non era mio figlio. Non solo per gli occhi bianchi (sono certo che se i dottori me lo avessero fatto vedere, la realtà avrebbe confermato il mio sogno); qualcosa mi fa credere che quel bambino l’abbia uccisa dall’interno… nei sogni in cui Denise diceva a Fabienne di volerlo tenere, lei le rispondeva di no, che non era possibile. Ma ora lo so, era solo un modo in più per metterle confusione in testa, per indebolirla, per privarla delle energie… per toglierle la gioia di vivere. E assicurarsi che, con una tale imposizione, Denise non avrebbe abortito. Se fosse stata libera di scegliere… beh, non so se l’avrebbe tenuto. Ne avevamo spoke a few months before: we both wanted to wait a bit '. She was very frightened by the idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood. But the words were served by Fabienne get what they seemed to want to prevent: the child had grown up in the belly of Denise, and evil had grown in every part, every cubic inch of her body.
Who was the son, what? What had really happened?
This book will probably tell me more ... I have to find a way, I have to figure out where to tie this thread ... these ends, these people with white eyes that see everywhere, which does not leave me alone at night and even during the day find their way be alive, what they really say to me? But
prima di tutto voglio andare al bar del Truce. C’è qualcosa che mi rimanda continuamente lì, nei miei sogni e nelle mie allucinazioni. Non riesco più a capire se davvero ci sono tornato, da quando Denise è stata uccisa. Mi sembra di non aver fatto altro che andare e uscire da quel posto, in questi giorni, ma in realtà non so se sia vero… non so se ero io in carne ed ossa, se era solo la mia mente o se era Denise che ha creato tutta questa recita per me… come non riesco quasi a capire se sono sveglio, adesso, o se sto ancora dormendo… se i miei occhi vedono le cose con chiarezza e mi dicono la verità, o se invece mi stanno ingannando e mi mostrano il mondo dall’interno di un concavo schermo bianco.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Baltimore Ravens Sweat Suits
Fabienne I had thrown out of bed at seven o'clock to tell me I had to see me in every way by today. Set for six, at the bar of the harbor. I was ahead a few minutes.
He was sitting on one of the wicker chairs arranged around tables outside the bar, summer had just begun. He had a ragged hat with a wide brim. I figured he had a beautiful body, he was a handsome man. I say imagined because he had a long trench to below the knee, although the cotton, I found a bit 'exaggerated view of the season. I noticed that her hands, beautiful and slender, was slightly tanned, she kept her legs crossed and I could see that his ankles, which could be seen under the white pants, had been kissed by the sun. He was motionless with his face towards the sea, beyond the horizon. Dark glasses reflected the sails of boats that sailed in front of the lens and read port. I passed him, I said "Hello." I said, "Have we met?". "Maybe ..." he said "the scent is not new."
I I do not use perfume, said. "Exactly," he said, "That 's why I recognized it immediately." He spoke to me without looking. Do not look at me but I was also observed. Fabienne came, we sat at the next table, I ordered a juice and she used the U.S., probably the fifth or sixth day.
"What's so urgent?"
"You're away, I had to talk order to understand why ..."
"The order of speaking? Look Fabienne, I want to leave. "
" You can not leave now, I remind you that you have sworn. "
" I know, but I am confused, please help me, not me la sento più di andare avanti. Non so più quale vita è la mia veramente. Il sogno e la veglia si incrociano di continuo, e io non so più chi sono… Doveva essere quasi un gioco e invece mi sta consumando.”
Il cameriere arrivò con le bibite, l’occhio gli cadde nella mia scollatura che, da una prima scarsa, in un mese era già una terza abbondante. Imbarazzante, non ci ero abituata: il “davanzale” non è mai stato il mio pezzo forte, gli uomini hanno sempre preferito il mio lato B. Mi aggiustai la camicetta – ormai troppo stretta - sul davanti e incrociai le braccia ma, invece di celare l’insolito gonfiore, ottenni un risultato tipo push up. Il cameriere fece un sorrisino di traverso, drinks and left the receipt and, finally, he rose from the feet.
"Did you talk with your nice, eh?"
"No, I swear. But it is increasingly difficult to hide. She is suffering for me. Lately, when I open my eyes to orient night, he is there looking at me. Is watching me ... This morning I said that I want to know what's going on, is very worried. And I am ... especially now that ... "I glared
Fabienne with her violet eyes
" Now that ... Finish, come on! "
" expecting a baby. "
" Ah ah ah. "
" Why are you laughing, stop, you're making me scared. "
"Well done my child. And he knows it? "
" Forget it. "
" You told or not? "
" No. .. not yet. "
" Do not tell him anything, it's useless. You know what to do. True? "
man at the next table asked us to turn on. Fabienne handed him the lighter. Cigarette smoke tickled my nose and gave me trouble ... to me, that I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day! When the man returned the lighter, she said something quietly, and still did not understand what I did there too if I had other things to think about. Fabienne came back at me, "So?" He asked. I leaned
with the upper body forward, arms resting on the table and his hands clasped.
"Then nothing! Fabienne Listen to me ... I keep it, "shouting the words well spoke and looked straight at me with a firm voice and a courage that I no longer believed to have.
"You know you can not."
"Of course I can, as long as you help me."
"I do not think I can do. It will be good that they'll talk about ... "He began to fumble in your bag. "Here, this is for you," he said "... now I must go."
He handed me a book, old and yellowed. I turned it in his hands, seemed to burn. I looked at the title and began to tremble. "What do you mean?! "I yelled to Fabienne who was already far away. He did not answer. I watched her leave and I felt a deep sense of loss. I had to get up and leave, but decided to stop for a moment to calm down and catch your breath. The warm late afternoon sun caressed my cheeks, roar of the boat just steps from the slight movement of the sea rocked me like a sensual rhythm of the music. I gave up on the chair, let go of his head with his face to the sun, eyes closed and his hands went alone to rest on his stomach still invisible
"You have no choice." My voice came as a whisper, directly ear. I was scared, I had forgotten the presence of man with the hat. I turned abruptly and with a gasp, said: "Please?" I could have sworn that was an inch from my face, but it was still at his table. He turned to me and took off his glasses. As I stood paralyzed at the sight of his eyes empty, lifeless. Oh God! He was blind! The glass in my hand fell to my feet I bent down to pick up the glass and when I raised my head, he was gone. It could not have gone. I looked around and saw him: he was walking towards the end of the marina, between two guys who followed him, head down, one step away.
[ Author: Night ]
Fabienne I had thrown out of bed at seven o'clock to tell me I had to see me in every way by today. Set for six, at the bar of the harbor. I was ahead a few minutes.
He was sitting on one of the wicker chairs arranged around tables outside the bar, summer had just begun. He had a ragged hat with a wide brim. I figured he had a beautiful body, he was a handsome man. I say imagined because he had a long trench to below the knee, although the cotton, I found a bit 'exaggerated view of the season. I noticed that her hands, beautiful and slender, was slightly tanned, she kept her legs crossed and I could see that his ankles, which could be seen under the white pants, had been kissed by the sun. He was motionless with his face towards the sea, beyond the horizon. Dark glasses reflected the sails of boats that sailed in front of the lens and read port. I passed him, I said "Hello." I said, "Have we met?". "Maybe ..." he said "the scent is not new."
I I do not use perfume, said. "Exactly," he said, "That 's why I recognized it immediately." He spoke to me without looking. Do not look at me but I was also observed. Fabienne came, we sat at the next table, I ordered a juice and she used the U.S., probably the fifth or sixth day.
"What's so urgent?"
"You're away, I had to talk order to understand why ..."
"The order of speaking? Look Fabienne, I want to leave. "
" You can not leave now, I remind you that you have sworn. "
" I know, but I am confused, please help me, not me la sento più di andare avanti. Non so più quale vita è la mia veramente. Il sogno e la veglia si incrociano di continuo, e io non so più chi sono… Doveva essere quasi un gioco e invece mi sta consumando.”
Il cameriere arrivò con le bibite, l’occhio gli cadde nella mia scollatura che, da una prima scarsa, in un mese era già una terza abbondante. Imbarazzante, non ci ero abituata: il “davanzale” non è mai stato il mio pezzo forte, gli uomini hanno sempre preferito il mio lato B. Mi aggiustai la camicetta – ormai troppo stretta - sul davanti e incrociai le braccia ma, invece di celare l’insolito gonfiore, ottenni un risultato tipo push up. Il cameriere fece un sorrisino di traverso, drinks and left the receipt and, finally, he rose from the feet.
"Did you talk with your nice, eh?"
"No, I swear. But it is increasingly difficult to hide. She is suffering for me. Lately, when I open my eyes to orient night, he is there looking at me. Is watching me ... This morning I said that I want to know what's going on, is very worried. And I am ... especially now that ... "I glared
Fabienne with her violet eyes
" Now that ... Finish, come on! "
" expecting a baby. "
" Ah ah ah. "
" Why are you laughing, stop, you're making me scared. "
"Well done my child. And he knows it? "
" Forget it. "
" You told or not? "
" No. .. not yet. "
" Do not tell him anything, it's useless. You know what to do. True? "
man at the next table asked us to turn on. Fabienne handed him the lighter. Cigarette smoke tickled my nose and gave me trouble ... to me, that I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day! When the man returned the lighter, she said something quietly, and still did not understand what I did there too if I had other things to think about. Fabienne came back at me, "So?" He asked. I leaned
with the upper body forward, arms resting on the table and his hands clasped.
"Then nothing! Fabienne Listen to me ... I keep it, "shouting the words well spoke and looked straight at me with a firm voice and a courage that I no longer believed to have.
"You know you can not."
"Of course I can, as long as you help me."
"I do not think I can do. It will be good that they'll talk about ... "He began to fumble in your bag. "Here, this is for you," he said "... now I must go."
He handed me a book, old and yellowed. I turned it in his hands, seemed to burn. I looked at the title and began to tremble. "What do you mean?! "I yelled to Fabienne who was already far away. He did not answer. I watched her leave and I felt a deep sense of loss. I had to get up and leave, but decided to stop for a moment to calm down and catch your breath. The warm late afternoon sun caressed my cheeks, roar of the boat just steps from the slight movement of the sea rocked me like a sensual rhythm of the music. I gave up on the chair, let go of his head with his face to the sun, eyes closed and his hands went alone to rest on his stomach still invisible
"You have no choice." My voice came as a whisper, directly ear. I was scared, I had forgotten the presence of man with the hat. I turned abruptly and with a gasp, said: "Please?" I could have sworn that was an inch from my face, but it was still at his table. He turned to me and took off his glasses. As I stood paralyzed at the sight of his eyes empty, lifeless. Oh God! He was blind! The glass in my hand fell to my feet I bent down to pick up the glass and when I raised my head, he was gone. It could not have gone. I looked around and saw him: he was walking towards the end of the marina, between two guys who followed him, head down, one step away.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Chicken Leg Domino Rules
The Blind - Blind
[ Author: Daniel Bloom ]
I woke in my bed in a sweat bath fully clothed, with a severe headache. I had done the worst nightmare of my life. The bar of the Truce, the photo of Denise, those guys with the ties and the kind with white eyes. It was not just a hallucinatory dream, this time I had the feeling of having experienced a macabre and surreal.
glanced at the stopwatch: was 24. Christ, I stayed almost two days.
I toured the room and looked in the mirror on the wall. I was unshaven, his hair uncombed. The headache I broke my temples. I entered the room Denise. It was still a mess after the police had come to do the inspections. I still could not figure out who it was reduced in that state. His death was one of the most gruesome things that the human mind could ever conceive. Found in that pool of blood with no eyes. Who could ever reduce it.
Denise. We met three years ago, we were in the library the first time I saw her. Those deep eyes, her soft curly hair and blacks. I had always been so shy to approach girls ... However, his air so smart and sweet he gave me the courage to talk to her.
So different and so similar. The film, literature, la passione per la musica. Fu un amore immediato. Tutti e due tanto insicuri e curiosi. Le prime uscite e poi la convivenza.
Anni bellissimi, passati insieme prima che quella maledetta idea fissa le prendesse anima e corpo.
Denise era stata sempre attratta dal paranormale, io ci avevo sempre scherzato su, però quella sua mania era diventata via via un’ossessione.
Da circa un anno Denise era diversa, quei suoi occhi così dolci avevano acquistato una fissità inquietante.
Non riusciva più che a parlare di ricevere “la luce”. Tutto era iniziato da quel corso di astrologia dove aveva conosciuto Fabienne. Da quello che mi diceva doveva essere una tipa un po’ stramba. Una signora sulla sessantina. Inizialmente I spoke with irony like an old crazy, Denise then began to speak of her as a superior spirit. Those speeches worried me and she stopped talking.
For a while I thought I was cheating. Her delays were more frequent. And then the strange meeting on Tuesday evening which sometimes came back upset.
I thought it was just one of those periods of crisis that sometimes crossed it.
I looked around the house was reduced to a garbage dump. I had to do some 'order, but did not know how to make out.
In a corner of a picture hanging on the wall: the same nightmare. I lost my breath. I noticed that there were at least two days ate nothing. I was trying to reorganize ideas. It was too late to call a few friends. The next day I would not go to the office. It was a week that I did not see. I was thinking of running away.
I could not stay in those conditions. I had to help me move. Do with a reason.
to sleep not even mentioned. I tried a few books on the shelf. There were still books Denise well ordered. My hand were the bulk of the books along with those of economics and psychology a few texts of literature. Denise was the library of books for the most esoteric and parapsychology. Foreign editions publishers overlooked.
I thought of that dream: the bar of the Truce, those strange people looking at me with that unreal. More and more that I thought I had the feeling of having truly lived.
kept almost mesmerized watching the ribs of those volumes. At some point I realized that a book had been put in reverse. It was an old book with the cover yellowed and faded. You could see an enigmatic title: The Blind. A shiver ran through the back.
As in a fever and I opened the first page was written with a shaky and oblique dedication: The crystal of salvation is in the heart of the flame that burns forever, you'll see it in the enclosed sphere of light.
All the dream as a film in slow motion, precise and clear dense, reappeared in my mind.
[ Author: Daniel Bloom ]
I woke in my bed in a sweat bath fully clothed, with a severe headache. I had done the worst nightmare of my life. The bar of the Truce, the photo of Denise, those guys with the ties and the kind with white eyes. It was not just a hallucinatory dream, this time I had the feeling of having experienced a macabre and surreal.
glanced at the stopwatch: was 24. Christ, I stayed almost two days.
I toured the room and looked in the mirror on the wall. I was unshaven, his hair uncombed. The headache I broke my temples. I entered the room Denise. It was still a mess after the police had come to do the inspections. I still could not figure out who it was reduced in that state. His death was one of the most gruesome things that the human mind could ever conceive. Found in that pool of blood with no eyes. Who could ever reduce it.
Denise. We met three years ago, we were in the library the first time I saw her. Those deep eyes, her soft curly hair and blacks. I had always been so shy to approach girls ... However, his air so smart and sweet he gave me the courage to talk to her.
So different and so similar. The film, literature, la passione per la musica. Fu un amore immediato. Tutti e due tanto insicuri e curiosi. Le prime uscite e poi la convivenza.
Anni bellissimi, passati insieme prima che quella maledetta idea fissa le prendesse anima e corpo.
Denise era stata sempre attratta dal paranormale, io ci avevo sempre scherzato su, però quella sua mania era diventata via via un’ossessione.
Da circa un anno Denise era diversa, quei suoi occhi così dolci avevano acquistato una fissità inquietante.
Non riusciva più che a parlare di ricevere “la luce”. Tutto era iniziato da quel corso di astrologia dove aveva conosciuto Fabienne. Da quello che mi diceva doveva essere una tipa un po’ stramba. Una signora sulla sessantina. Inizialmente I spoke with irony like an old crazy, Denise then began to speak of her as a superior spirit. Those speeches worried me and she stopped talking.
For a while I thought I was cheating. Her delays were more frequent. And then the strange meeting on Tuesday evening which sometimes came back upset.
I thought it was just one of those periods of crisis that sometimes crossed it.
I looked around the house was reduced to a garbage dump. I had to do some 'order, but did not know how to make out.
In a corner of a picture hanging on the wall: the same nightmare. I lost my breath. I noticed that there were at least two days ate nothing. I was trying to reorganize ideas. It was too late to call a few friends. The next day I would not go to the office. It was a week that I did not see. I was thinking of running away.
I could not stay in those conditions. I had to help me move. Do with a reason.
to sleep not even mentioned. I tried a few books on the shelf. There were still books Denise well ordered. My hand were the bulk of the books along with those of economics and psychology a few texts of literature. Denise was the library of books for the most esoteric and parapsychology. Foreign editions publishers overlooked.
I thought of that dream: the bar of the Truce, those strange people looking at me with that unreal. More and more that I thought I had the feeling of having truly lived.
kept almost mesmerized watching the ribs of those volumes. At some point I realized that a book had been put in reverse. It was an old book with the cover yellowed and faded. You could see an enigmatic title: The Blind. A shiver ran through the back.
As in a fever and I opened the first page was written with a shaky and oblique dedication: The crystal of salvation is in the heart of the flame that burns forever, you'll see it in the enclosed sphere of light.
All the dream as a film in slow motion, precise and clear dense, reappeared in my mind.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Diy Spray On Liner For Boats
II - The Blood
I've never been convinced that the first meeting took place in a totally random. No, I was not chosen at random. Was something they must know, or perhaps they had guessed. Maybe I already noticed the entrance to the bar or not ...
No. I was already marked by the first, since he got off the bus. Maybe even since I left the house. Yes, maybe that was when they saw my swollen face in despair. And I followed.
I drank alone, standing up, without looking around. I looked at the photos stuck to the wall, covered her entirely as a huge poster. In those pictures the life of the premises had been caught, had lost something of himself, before spending. Something still alive, today.
The photo of Denise was at the center of the collage, I stared at the blood circle of memories. All other revolved around the images, faces mingled and vanished like wisps of smoke. It was clear, firm, with the laughter and the gaze directed at me.
I felt a presence behind me, I turned around. They were two boys, dressed in a too serious for the bars of the Truce: perfectly ironed blue shirt, two pens in his pocket, so shiny blue tie to look like plastic. I smiled, a smile inexplicable. They could not know that I had collapsed on him in the last two months, but if they had known, for example if they were two friends, two old friends, I would have thought that their was a smile of compassion.
But how could they know.
One of them was holding a lock for the notes, often and hard. I started to open my mouth, I do not know what to say. I guess something aggressive was not the right time to socialize. But before the wind, the boy with the block lightly touched my arm with his hand and whispered in my ear a phrase that I could not understand, but his tone surprised me, was so sweet and reassuring, like a melody created on purpose to dissolve the pain. With my eyes and nodded as I followed them to the exit still felt the hand press on my arm as if to guide me gently. As if it was a gesture of all-natural, the other guy took my glass and placed it on a table, just before leaving.
Immediately, normally I would have reacted badly, I would have gone, that the Truce was sweating behind the counter shouted that I had two queens in its establishment, to prepare immediately two kick ass. But no, I was too drunk, too shocked by the death of Denise.
And those two guys looked so serene and safe. Then there was that voice. Why so sweet? What I said? Outside
leaned against the wall, the boy who had spoken took a pen from his pocket and began to write on the block, while the other began a dark monologue. Compared to what I was enchanted, his voice was harder, but even this very reassuring. At first I did not understand anything of his speeches, then slowly I realized that I spoke of the pain of what I had suffered, how I could break free from the cage that oppressed me, I only find the light. Light.
How do you know how I feel? What light? I asked. It was not appropriate to my questions, maybe even uttered, perhaps I would just think, I do not remember. However, soon no longer asked. Just listen to me, and I seemed to get better. Drunkenness left me without fear, without panic. Every time you move the eye to the guy who wrote, he had eyes to me and smiled at me with the same compassion as before. But now it seemed to me entirely understandable.
Between the two boys saw another person approaching. Opened on the same blue shirt and blue tie on the same, wore a strange coat long, wool rough, too heavy, and a wide-brimmed hat which hid part of his face and limp. Although it was already night, he wore a pair of sunglasses. He stopped a step away from us and he remained there long, motionless, while the boy continued to talk to me. His speeches became more and more difficult, full of allusions, symbolism incomprehensible. But I feel better, thanks to those words.
The crystal is in the heart of salvation the flame that burns eternally, you will see enclosed in the sphere of light.
The man with glasses shook the shoulder of the boy, who immediately stopped talking. He and his partner grew slightly to one side and the man went among them, getting closer to me so that I could feel the moist heat of his breath. I seemed to smell. Sniffed greedily the blood of prey. Then he took off his sunglasses, slowly, slowly. I never thought I had lost all thoughts. I watched amazed eyes. They were completely white. Without iris, without pupils. Perfectly white. Yet it seemed I could see, which also saw what I could not think. Come with us, "murmured the man. And I did.
I've never been convinced that the first meeting took place in a totally random. No, I was not chosen at random. Was something they must know, or perhaps they had guessed. Maybe I already noticed the entrance to the bar or not ...
No. I was already marked by the first, since he got off the bus. Maybe even since I left the house. Yes, maybe that was when they saw my swollen face in despair. And I followed.
I drank alone, standing up, without looking around. I looked at the photos stuck to the wall, covered her entirely as a huge poster. In those pictures the life of the premises had been caught, had lost something of himself, before spending. Something still alive, today.
The photo of Denise was at the center of the collage, I stared at the blood circle of memories. All other revolved around the images, faces mingled and vanished like wisps of smoke. It was clear, firm, with the laughter and the gaze directed at me.
I felt a presence behind me, I turned around. They were two boys, dressed in a too serious for the bars of the Truce: perfectly ironed blue shirt, two pens in his pocket, so shiny blue tie to look like plastic. I smiled, a smile inexplicable. They could not know that I had collapsed on him in the last two months, but if they had known, for example if they were two friends, two old friends, I would have thought that their was a smile of compassion.
But how could they know.
One of them was holding a lock for the notes, often and hard. I started to open my mouth, I do not know what to say. I guess something aggressive was not the right time to socialize. But before the wind, the boy with the block lightly touched my arm with his hand and whispered in my ear a phrase that I could not understand, but his tone surprised me, was so sweet and reassuring, like a melody created on purpose to dissolve the pain. With my eyes and nodded as I followed them to the exit still felt the hand press on my arm as if to guide me gently. As if it was a gesture of all-natural, the other guy took my glass and placed it on a table, just before leaving.
Immediately, normally I would have reacted badly, I would have gone, that the Truce was sweating behind the counter shouted that I had two queens in its establishment, to prepare immediately two kick ass. But no, I was too drunk, too shocked by the death of Denise.
And those two guys looked so serene and safe. Then there was that voice. Why so sweet? What I said? Outside
leaned against the wall, the boy who had spoken took a pen from his pocket and began to write on the block, while the other began a dark monologue. Compared to what I was enchanted, his voice was harder, but even this very reassuring. At first I did not understand anything of his speeches, then slowly I realized that I spoke of the pain of what I had suffered, how I could break free from the cage that oppressed me, I only find the light. Light.
How do you know how I feel? What light? I asked. It was not appropriate to my questions, maybe even uttered, perhaps I would just think, I do not remember. However, soon no longer asked. Just listen to me, and I seemed to get better. Drunkenness left me without fear, without panic. Every time you move the eye to the guy who wrote, he had eyes to me and smiled at me with the same compassion as before. But now it seemed to me entirely understandable.
Between the two boys saw another person approaching. Opened on the same blue shirt and blue tie on the same, wore a strange coat long, wool rough, too heavy, and a wide-brimmed hat which hid part of his face and limp. Although it was already night, he wore a pair of sunglasses. He stopped a step away from us and he remained there long, motionless, while the boy continued to talk to me. His speeches became more and more difficult, full of allusions, symbolism incomprehensible. But I feel better, thanks to those words.
The crystal is in the heart of salvation the flame that burns eternally, you will see enclosed in the sphere of light.
The man with glasses shook the shoulder of the boy, who immediately stopped talking. He and his partner grew slightly to one side and the man went among them, getting closer to me so that I could feel the moist heat of his breath. I seemed to smell. Sniffed greedily the blood of prey. Then he took off his sunglasses, slowly, slowly. I never thought I had lost all thoughts. I watched amazed eyes. They were completely white. Without iris, without pupils. Perfectly white. Yet it seemed I could see, which also saw what I could not think. Come with us, "murmured the man. And I did.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Expedition Cup Holder
in West Hollywood - VI
The house was a villa on two floors with a swimming pool.
parked a block away. I circled the house. I looked out from the fence: the Cadillac was parked. The woman was still at home.
I rang the doorbell and I opened the butler usually embalmed. Those guys made them in series.
Mrs. Roscoe was out, and did not know when she would return. I imagined him.
waited, lurking in the corner, the rear exit was coming out of the parked car.
If he was melting.
courses like crazy with a bandaged arm and the wound was reopened, to my car.
The woman was heading towards Santa Barbara, there surely would have got some way to go.
Two kilometers from Santa Barbara I saw that it was slowing down, turning from a junction on a hill. I kept my distance without losing sight of.
The car was sent into a kind of bush, I could not see anymore. I could not make me, run away. There was a track sidecar
fenced with barbed wire.
got out and started looking. A shabby hut was hidden among the trees. Besides the Cadillac.
I took the gun, put it in my pocket and I approached with caution. Here it comes back.
"Miss Roscoe how are you? He said a firm voice
whirled surprise.
"Boreinstainn good to see that, I learned that trick has been done under the nose my diary, maybe it was better if I turn to a pro ... but are generous and want to give two hundred dollars for his efforts. Get out of the way "
" It 's incredibly generous, but first I want to talk to you about a few things "
" Boreinstain I'm sorry, I'm a bit' busy .. "
Took off his pistol from his pocket and I pointed it to him. He did not seem surprised. It was harder than I thought.
"has good arguments mr.Boreinstain knows. Well let's say $ 200 can get those 1000 "
" Give me your purse, do not pray and the spirit "
He turned and tried to set out
I fired a shot into the air
He stopped and turned back at me threateningly.
"Let me go, she does not know what is in danger"
"Few stories give me the purse if he does not want to spoil the trick .." I went
pointing the gun right between the eyes
The ripped her purse and I tried to open his hand shabby
Inside was a book exactly like what I saw at Michael's house Cronny ..
"I was able to restore it by itself, failed ..."
He was gasping and I felt a shiver of satisfaction.
"Stop doing comedy. This diary was never released from his house, is not it?
E 'is all a stunt to distract Llloyd Anderson. She did kill her husband by Peter Landley bodyguard shot him and then staging the robbery. He then gave money to Michael Cronny to keep a diary a fake, journal exactly like this.
Then I came that a fool as I did as bait for Lloyd's henchmen who were trying to book con le formule. Lei sapeva dove abitava Cronny e l’aveva freddato prima che entrassi. Gli scagnozzi di Lloyd mi hanno sottratto il falso diario dalla tasca pensando di recuperare quello vero e lei fuori da ogni sospetto stava cercando la fuga con il ricettario magico.
Quelle formule servono per qualche progetto industriale vero?”
“Lei è molto intelligente Boreinstain, si merita un premio molto più alto, se non altro per il disturbo arrecato. Direi potremmo trovare un giusto compromesso. Cinquanta e cinquanta. Sto andando ritirare un milione di dollari”
Mentre mi diceva queste cose si accomodava il cappello e mi accorsi che stava tirando fuori come un prestigiatore una rivoltella tascabile”
“stia stop or I'll shoot ... "
showed no signs of stopping. I aimed and shot between the eyes. He fell suddenly
The shoulder pain was throbbing like a locomotive suddenly felt faint.
gathered all my strength and I approached the body. I had
center. Taken the book off the ground.
These hieroglyphs could have a perverse fascination.
Those scrawls of ink worth over a hundred my life put together.
was stuff for the industry, chemical formulas for whatever use: an explosive mixture, beauty creams, perhaps for some other crap food components that have poisoned the world.
lit a cigarette and the match appiccai fire to the notebook.
Era finita un’altra dannata giornata. La polizia sarebbe giunta a breve, una volta trovato il corpo avrebbero imboscato tutto. Routine.
Per un po’ sarebbe stato meglio prendermi una vacanza.
Era stata un’altra sporca storia, un’altra carneficina.
Mi incamminai verso la macchina, guardai il cielo, stavano arrivando le nuvole, un po’ di sollievo a quel caldo infernale. Mi apparve il volto Marion, il suo dolce sorriso mi bruciava ancor più che la ferita.
Avevo bisogno solo di un buon bourbon.
Daniel Bloom
The house was a villa on two floors with a swimming pool.
parked a block away. I circled the house. I looked out from the fence: the Cadillac was parked. The woman was still at home.
I rang the doorbell and I opened the butler usually embalmed. Those guys made them in series.
Mrs. Roscoe was out, and did not know when she would return. I imagined him.
waited, lurking in the corner, the rear exit was coming out of the parked car.
If he was melting.
courses like crazy with a bandaged arm and the wound was reopened, to my car.
The woman was heading towards Santa Barbara, there surely would have got some way to go.
Two kilometers from Santa Barbara I saw that it was slowing down, turning from a junction on a hill. I kept my distance without losing sight of.
The car was sent into a kind of bush, I could not see anymore. I could not make me, run away. There was a track sidecar
fenced with barbed wire.
got out and started looking. A shabby hut was hidden among the trees. Besides the Cadillac.
I took the gun, put it in my pocket and I approached with caution. Here it comes back.
"Miss Roscoe how are you? He said a firm voice
whirled surprise.
"Boreinstainn good to see that, I learned that trick has been done under the nose my diary, maybe it was better if I turn to a pro ... but are generous and want to give two hundred dollars for his efforts. Get out of the way "
" It 's incredibly generous, but first I want to talk to you about a few things "
" Boreinstain I'm sorry, I'm a bit' busy .. "
Took off his pistol from his pocket and I pointed it to him. He did not seem surprised. It was harder than I thought.
"has good arguments mr.Boreinstain knows. Well let's say $ 200 can get those 1000 "
" Give me your purse, do not pray and the spirit "
He turned and tried to set out
I fired a shot into the air
He stopped and turned back at me threateningly.
"Let me go, she does not know what is in danger"
"Few stories give me the purse if he does not want to spoil the trick .." I went
pointing the gun right between the eyes
The ripped her purse and I tried to open his hand shabby
Inside was a book exactly like what I saw at Michael's house Cronny ..
"I was able to restore it by itself, failed ..."
He was gasping and I felt a shiver of satisfaction.
"Stop doing comedy. This diary was never released from his house, is not it?
E 'is all a stunt to distract Llloyd Anderson. She did kill her husband by Peter Landley bodyguard shot him and then staging the robbery. He then gave money to Michael Cronny to keep a diary a fake, journal exactly like this.
Then I came that a fool as I did as bait for Lloyd's henchmen who were trying to book con le formule. Lei sapeva dove abitava Cronny e l’aveva freddato prima che entrassi. Gli scagnozzi di Lloyd mi hanno sottratto il falso diario dalla tasca pensando di recuperare quello vero e lei fuori da ogni sospetto stava cercando la fuga con il ricettario magico.
Quelle formule servono per qualche progetto industriale vero?”
“Lei è molto intelligente Boreinstain, si merita un premio molto più alto, se non altro per il disturbo arrecato. Direi potremmo trovare un giusto compromesso. Cinquanta e cinquanta. Sto andando ritirare un milione di dollari”
Mentre mi diceva queste cose si accomodava il cappello e mi accorsi che stava tirando fuori come un prestigiatore una rivoltella tascabile”
“stia stop or I'll shoot ... "
showed no signs of stopping. I aimed and shot between the eyes. He fell suddenly
The shoulder pain was throbbing like a locomotive suddenly felt faint.
gathered all my strength and I approached the body. I had
center. Taken the book off the ground.
These hieroglyphs could have a perverse fascination.
Those scrawls of ink worth over a hundred my life put together.
was stuff for the industry, chemical formulas for whatever use: an explosive mixture, beauty creams, perhaps for some other crap food components that have poisoned the world.
lit a cigarette and the match appiccai fire to the notebook.
Era finita un’altra dannata giornata. La polizia sarebbe giunta a breve, una volta trovato il corpo avrebbero imboscato tutto. Routine.
Per un po’ sarebbe stato meglio prendermi una vacanza.
Era stata un’altra sporca storia, un’altra carneficina.
Mi incamminai verso la macchina, guardai il cielo, stavano arrivando le nuvole, un po’ di sollievo a quel caldo infernale. Mi apparve il volto Marion, il suo dolce sorriso mi bruciava ancor più che la ferita.
Avevo bisogno solo di un buon bourbon.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Can A Prolapsed Uterus Affect Your Period
in Blood West Hollywood - V
All in all it was a lucky night, I only had the bullet penetrated the shoulder without hitting any vital organs.
Thank God that bum who had given me half a dollar was found among the garbage cans and called rescue. Someone had followed me trying to get me the skin and subtracting the book with the formulas. Luckily for me, the shooter was not the best.
I woke up completely in a state of confusion at Saint Mary's Hospital LA. He approached a nurse with a sedative. I said I'd visit. The police certainly. It was that
O'Nell pig with a henchman just released by the academy that still smelled of milk. O'Nell was a corrupt cop, if Lloyd had done for years with Anderson, everyone knew, but he was an untouchable.
"Look, look who it is, Boreinstain hey, you know that a little bird told me you were passed at Saint Mary dying with shoulder pierced by a bullet. And here I am. "
" I'm touched by your concern "
" You are the usual hot-headed Daniel, sooner or later if you're not careful something bad will happen "
grin and laughed with his pig.
"You're usually the son of a bitch, O'Nell "
"Be careful Boreinstain, this time you got on luxury, you have entered a ride bigger than you could get really bad. Let's Patrick today we did our good deed, "he said turning to rookie O'Nell.
"Goodbye Boreinstain, and stay tuned ...
That visit was a warning to Lloyd Anderson, was involved too, and that shot had been fired by one of his men. That's disgusting pig
O'Nell had put me in a bad mood and do not already have a guy with the easy smile. Bel
case. A shoulder discarded blacklisted by Lloyd Anderson, robbed even of the gun, and most good-bye to 10000 bucks evaporated with the diary. Maybe it was better to make the rabbi.
After a week I was discharged, I returned to office the heat continues unabated because of the injury and I was constantly exhausted. Mrs Sturton had disappeared into thin air like that damned her diary. I could do was wait a father who had lost track of her son drugged or something betrayed husband in search of his missing wife. Above the cabinet, well hidden I took my gun stock.
The room was left as I had left. At the corner of the desk that always yellowed newspaper of months before. He remained open to the news of the murder of Peter Landley, the small fish, I looked at the picture carefully, this time the reporter had done a great job: the dead and took over the small crowd huddled nearby, as happens in these cases.
Suddenly I seemed to recognize someone in the crowd began to focus his eyes narrowed, she was Mrs. Janet Roscou, with his sunglasses.
Something told me that I was stuck. And great.
ran out of the office. I climbed into the car. I must have some information. He pushed me in LA south and went looking for some old information in the boulevard. Franky
dollar was always there with his bottle of vodka was now out of use but some information could still give me.
"Hey Franky"
"I do not know you and I know nothing friend, go out of the way that I'm working"
The old Franky was not a easy but his weakness for alcohol tamed him as a lamb.
"Hey Frank, by not doing the hard, passed by and I thought why not have a drink with an old friend ..."
"If you go with friends to drink but do not know anything because I know nothing friend
"I know I know you're out ... Franky"
I accompanied him to the bar and we drank four gin. He began to turn around his head, but in the end spat the bullet and as I imagined before I die Landley Peter had entered the service of Roscoe as his bodyguard.
Tutto cominciava a quadrarmi.
Mi avevano incastrato e io c’ero caduto come un fesso. Presi la macchina e andai di corsa verso West Hollywoood.
Dovevo trovare Mrs Jennifer Surton-Roscoe.
di Daniel Bloom
All in all it was a lucky night, I only had the bullet penetrated the shoulder without hitting any vital organs.
Thank God that bum who had given me half a dollar was found among the garbage cans and called rescue. Someone had followed me trying to get me the skin and subtracting the book with the formulas. Luckily for me, the shooter was not the best.
I woke up completely in a state of confusion at Saint Mary's Hospital LA. He approached a nurse with a sedative. I said I'd visit. The police certainly. It was that
O'Nell pig with a henchman just released by the academy that still smelled of milk. O'Nell was a corrupt cop, if Lloyd had done for years with Anderson, everyone knew, but he was an untouchable.
"Look, look who it is, Boreinstain hey, you know that a little bird told me you were passed at Saint Mary dying with shoulder pierced by a bullet. And here I am. "
" I'm touched by your concern "
" You are the usual hot-headed Daniel, sooner or later if you're not careful something bad will happen "
grin and laughed with his pig.
"You're usually the son of a bitch, O'Nell "
"Be careful Boreinstain, this time you got on luxury, you have entered a ride bigger than you could get really bad. Let's Patrick today we did our good deed, "he said turning to rookie O'Nell.
"Goodbye Boreinstain, and stay tuned ...
That visit was a warning to Lloyd Anderson, was involved too, and that shot had been fired by one of his men. That's disgusting pig
O'Nell had put me in a bad mood and do not already have a guy with the easy smile. Bel
case. A shoulder discarded blacklisted by Lloyd Anderson, robbed even of the gun, and most good-bye to 10000 bucks evaporated with the diary. Maybe it was better to make the rabbi.
After a week I was discharged, I returned to office the heat continues unabated because of the injury and I was constantly exhausted. Mrs Sturton had disappeared into thin air like that damned her diary. I could do was wait a father who had lost track of her son drugged or something betrayed husband in search of his missing wife. Above the cabinet, well hidden I took my gun stock.
The room was left as I had left. At the corner of the desk that always yellowed newspaper of months before. He remained open to the news of the murder of Peter Landley, the small fish, I looked at the picture carefully, this time the reporter had done a great job: the dead and took over the small crowd huddled nearby, as happens in these cases.
Suddenly I seemed to recognize someone in the crowd began to focus his eyes narrowed, she was Mrs. Janet Roscou, with his sunglasses.
Something told me that I was stuck. And great.
ran out of the office. I climbed into the car. I must have some information. He pushed me in LA south and went looking for some old information in the boulevard. Franky
dollar was always there with his bottle of vodka was now out of use but some information could still give me.
"Hey Franky"
"I do not know you and I know nothing friend, go out of the way that I'm working"
The old Franky was not a easy but his weakness for alcohol tamed him as a lamb.
"Hey Frank, by not doing the hard, passed by and I thought why not have a drink with an old friend ..."
"If you go with friends to drink but do not know anything because I know nothing friend
"I know I know you're out ... Franky"
I accompanied him to the bar and we drank four gin. He began to turn around his head, but in the end spat the bullet and as I imagined before I die Landley Peter had entered the service of Roscoe as his bodyguard.
Tutto cominciava a quadrarmi.
Mi avevano incastrato e io c’ero caduto come un fesso. Presi la macchina e andai di corsa verso West Hollywoood.
Dovevo trovare Mrs Jennifer Surton-Roscoe.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Play Pokemon Gold Online With Permanent Files
S. ('A Bitch)
Il prossimo che mi dice che, quando conosci una persona e senti squillare fanfare e trombe e vedi cuoricini negli occhi di tutti, significa che è scoccato il colpo di fulmine, lo metto su una pira e gli do fuoco.
Sabato scorso ho conosciuto un ragazzo che nemmeno nella migliore tradizione dei serial televisivi adolescenziali poteva essere più bello. Ci vado a cena, passiamo una notte infuocata di sesso insieme e dopo una settimana di telefonate, sms, messanger su internet con toni simili a quelli di due sweethearts of the medium, I rattles off the following beads:
- one does not live in Rome as I was just visiting a friend
- two, the girl has already fixed. She does the traffic warden in Florence, where both live,
- three, the father of his girlfriend is in hospital right now and he is confused and can not do this to her and has to be near her because she has a commitment to it.
'A turd, but the guilt does not come while you are fucking me last Saturday? He attacked
anguish that not even the turkey before Thanksgiving.
Then I said to myself, but who the fuck thinks he has something to do?
So this morning I went to the station, I bought a ticket per Firenze e mi sono presentata nella sua città senza anticipargli minimamente niente. Quando gli ho mandato un messaggio per comunicargli la lieta novella, pensavo che si sarebbe incazzato. Invece corre a prendermi alla stazione e con quel suo sorriso del cazzo stampato in volto mi dice che posso fermarmi lì e dormire da lui. Tanto la vigilessa è a dirigire il traffico a casa di sua mamma per aiutarla con il padre moribondo.
E io penso, ok...stanotte almeno scoperemo di nuovo.
Invece arriviamo a casa sua e inizia a fare discorsi senza nè capo nè coda.
Prima mi dice che io sono un gradino sopra tutte le altre, ma in questo momento di crisi con la sua lei, lo destabilizzo. E questo posso accettarlo.
Poi mi dice che ha bisogno time to level with himself. And this I can accept it. Then I sighed
back together that he was wrong to have sex with me last weekend. And, with great effort, I accept that too.
But then utters the phrase that every child with a minimum of salt knows that you should never ask a girl says she wants to try to start as friends. And this, I do not accept that.
At that point I called a cab back faster than light in Rome, but when I found myself on the street I thought better. Usually do not do reckless actions, but this morning I have not really seen more anger.
really gave it to him so defeated?
I asked the taxi to wait a quarter of an hour. I
went to the dealer next to his house and asked the attendant a can of green that I had been stopped. I went back to his house and started to water the walls. You wanted the house to the ground floor? your cock! When I
intercom and he opened the door, without batting an eyelid I have spilled on the fuel remaining.
E 'was great to see those fucking blue eyes staring at me in fear.
I took a cigarette and I are stuck in the mouth. Then I lit a match and waited. He mumbled something. I blew on the flame to turn it off and it was then that he issued the bowels.
And then I thought, Florence, Rome roundtrip ticket, 60 € with mastercard. Full-free petrol piombo in tanica, 40 euro con mastercard. Taxi che ti aspetta per quasi venti minuti e poi ti porta alla stazione, 30 euro con mastercard. Vedere il ragazzo che ti ha preso per il culo cagarsi addosso, non ha prezzo.
Il prossimo che mi dice che, quando conosci una persona e senti squillare fanfare e trombe e vedi cuoricini negli occhi di tutti, significa che è scoccato il colpo di fulmine, lo metto su una pira e gli do fuoco.
Sabato scorso ho conosciuto un ragazzo che nemmeno nella migliore tradizione dei serial televisivi adolescenziali poteva essere più bello. Ci vado a cena, passiamo una notte infuocata di sesso insieme e dopo una settimana di telefonate, sms, messanger su internet con toni simili a quelli di due sweethearts of the medium, I rattles off the following beads:
- one does not live in Rome as I was just visiting a friend
- two, the girl has already fixed. She does the traffic warden in Florence, where both live,
- three, the father of his girlfriend is in hospital right now and he is confused and can not do this to her and has to be near her because she has a commitment to it.
'A turd, but the guilt does not come while you are fucking me last Saturday? He attacked
anguish that not even the turkey before Thanksgiving.
Then I said to myself, but who the fuck thinks he has something to do?
So this morning I went to the station, I bought a ticket per Firenze e mi sono presentata nella sua città senza anticipargli minimamente niente. Quando gli ho mandato un messaggio per comunicargli la lieta novella, pensavo che si sarebbe incazzato. Invece corre a prendermi alla stazione e con quel suo sorriso del cazzo stampato in volto mi dice che posso fermarmi lì e dormire da lui. Tanto la vigilessa è a dirigire il traffico a casa di sua mamma per aiutarla con il padre moribondo.
E io penso, ok...stanotte almeno scoperemo di nuovo.
Invece arriviamo a casa sua e inizia a fare discorsi senza nè capo nè coda.
Prima mi dice che io sono un gradino sopra tutte le altre, ma in questo momento di crisi con la sua lei, lo destabilizzo. E questo posso accettarlo.
Poi mi dice che ha bisogno time to level with himself. And this I can accept it. Then I sighed
back together that he was wrong to have sex with me last weekend. And, with great effort, I accept that too.
But then utters the phrase that every child with a minimum of salt knows that you should never ask a girl says she wants to try to start as friends. And this, I do not accept that.
At that point I called a cab back faster than light in Rome, but when I found myself on the street I thought better. Usually do not do reckless actions, but this morning I have not really seen more anger.
really gave it to him so defeated?
I asked the taxi to wait a quarter of an hour. I
went to the dealer next to his house and asked the attendant a can of green that I had been stopped. I went back to his house and started to water the walls. You wanted the house to the ground floor? your cock! When I
intercom and he opened the door, without batting an eyelid I have spilled on the fuel remaining.
E 'was great to see those fucking blue eyes staring at me in fear.
I took a cigarette and I are stuck in the mouth. Then I lit a match and waited. He mumbled something. I blew on the flame to turn it off and it was then that he issued the bowels.
And then I thought, Florence, Rome roundtrip ticket, 60 € with mastercard. Full-free petrol piombo in tanica, 40 euro con mastercard. Taxi che ti aspetta per quasi venti minuti e poi ti porta alla stazione, 30 euro con mastercard. Vedere il ragazzo che ti ha preso per il culo cagarsi addosso, non ha prezzo.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How To Put A Motorcycle Motor On A Go Cart
Corriera Woman - III
E rano le 5 del mattino di lunedì quando Lara si buttò giù dal letto. Alle sei si presentò battagliera al duello all’ultimo vestito con l’armadio. Indossò un pantalone nero, camicetta bianca e giacca nera. Si specchiò davanti, di profilo, di dietro. “... No! non va bene, sono sempre dressed like that. " He undressed and began again: gray suit and black shirt under jacket. "No, we have not." Red trousers, white shirt and blue jacket. "Nope, I look like the French flag." And so for six, seven, ten, twelve times ...
The mountain of discarded clothes have already been tested and increased at his feet. After an hour and a half of tests was sweating like a truck driver traveling from Rome to Milan, in the middle of August, age late 70s when the air conditioning was still a luxury reserved for a select few and the only tool on the market able to create the illusion of some 'of breezy ventilatorino was attached to the glass with ventosina and directed in the face of the poor devil.
short, we drove out of the shower, then fished out of the pile on the floor the black pants, white blouse and black jacket, and, satisfied, went out.
When he entered office in her legs were James James. His first day at work, after so many years, how exciting! The
were presented all the ladies and gentlemen. He tried to impress upon at least some good names associated with each face, but I do not remember any of them. Was captured by the head of sales that gave a list of telephone, two pens and other implements of labor, two or three kilos of lists and a kilometric list of names to contact. Thus began
and from that day his life took another turn. Di Marco, apart from the mail addressed to him, no more news.
Until the day when ...
He was coming out of the office and if a customer found him in the face: "But quard see who it is ... and that beautiful shape!
Lara was limited to a hasty: Hello Mark, are you okay?
"Great. You too, I see. Let's take a coffee together? like two old friends ... "
" No excuse, but I can not wait, a business appointment in twenty minutes across town "
" A job? Congratulations. But not at this'll never make it by bus, come give you a ride "
"No thanks, do not worry, I'll make it. Hello "
" Ok. Maybe I'll see one of these days ... when I come to fetch mail "
Lara did not answer, went to a pea-green Volkswagen, antiquated but still in good condition and ... decent in its own way. He entered, to the astonishment of Mark, the driver's seat, started up with two maneuvers, precise to the millimeter, left the parking lot.
When it passed in front of a semi-paralyzed by surprise Marco, Lara opened the window and said, "By the way, do not you think it's time to notify the post office your new address?" And walked away. Rearview mirror he saw that Marco was still building, where he had left there. It seemed a lot less tall and big: the more she moved away as he was small. Then the car turned the corner and Mark disappeared.
He reflected on his words: "... like two old friends."
"Yes, friends, shit!" Thought " a friend would have at least taught me to drive"
The mountain of discarded clothes have already been tested and increased at his feet. After an hour and a half of tests was sweating like a truck driver traveling from Rome to Milan, in the middle of August, age late 70s when the air conditioning was still a luxury reserved for a select few and the only tool on the market able to create the illusion of some 'of breezy ventilatorino was attached to the glass with ventosina and directed in the face of the poor devil.
short, we drove out of the shower, then fished out of the pile on the floor the black pants, white blouse and black jacket, and, satisfied, went out.
When he entered office in her legs were James James. His first day at work, after so many years, how exciting! The
were presented all the ladies and gentlemen. He tried to impress upon at least some good names associated with each face, but I do not remember any of them. Was captured by the head of sales that gave a list of telephone, two pens and other implements of labor, two or three kilos of lists and a kilometric list of names to contact. Thus began
and from that day his life took another turn. Di Marco, apart from the mail addressed to him, no more news.
Until the day when ...
He was coming out of the office and if a customer found him in the face: "But quard see who it is ... and that beautiful shape!
Lara was limited to a hasty: Hello Mark, are you okay?
"Great. You too, I see. Let's take a coffee together? like two old friends ... "
" No excuse, but I can not wait, a business appointment in twenty minutes across town "
" A job? Congratulations. But not at this'll never make it by bus, come give you a ride "
"No thanks, do not worry, I'll make it. Hello "
" Ok. Maybe I'll see one of these days ... when I come to fetch mail "
Lara did not answer, went to a pea-green Volkswagen, antiquated but still in good condition and ... decent in its own way. He entered, to the astonishment of Mark, the driver's seat, started up with two maneuvers, precise to the millimeter, left the parking lot.
When it passed in front of a semi-paralyzed by surprise Marco, Lara opened the window and said, "By the way, do not you think it's time to notify the post office your new address?" And walked away. Rearview mirror he saw that Marco was still building, where he had left there. It seemed a lot less tall and big: the more she moved away as he was small. Then the car turned the corner and Mark disappeared.
He reflected on his words: "... like two old friends."
"Yes, friends, shit!" Thought " a friend would have at least taught me to drive"
Friday, June 15, 2007
Anyone Tried Bamboo Sheets?
Women in couriers - II
Mark ... who knows what he said about his new job. Undoubtedly he would try to take it apart "Want to make the career woman? ah ah ah ... career ... with the bus ... ahahaha "Al
suo fianco si era sempre sentita una nullità, anche soltanto per la stazza: Marco era alto e grosso e importante. Lui era perfetto, lei era tutta sbagliata.
Ogni volta che esprimeva il desiderio di iniziare a lavorare, lui le diceva: “Ma lascia perdere, io guadagno abbastanza per tutti e due. E poi la casa ha bisogno di una regina… ”.
Regina ? la schiava, semmai. Ogni scusa era buona per farla sentire una incapace; come quando discutevano della sua paura di guidare: lui la prendeva in giro la stuzzicava, ma quando Lara gli chiedeva di farla provare a guidare e di aiutarla a superare il timore, Marco trovava sempre qualche pretesto per non farlo.
Adesso capiva che era così che lui la voleva : totalmente dipendente.
He put the key in the lock and closed his eyes as a ritual. In the hall he opened them and despair took hold of her, the fairy with a magic wand had not appeared even today. The apartment is presented with the same mess as always. Artistic perhaps, but still chaos. The Cat in the
greeted with one of his traps but there was very bad. Leo, tan cat, nice but pain in the ass, so he always did: waited for Lara came home and stuck with a leap suddenly from the kitchen door, the bit into his legs and then ran away . That day
Lara had his boots.
He spent the weekend doing the spring cleaning ... that dell'95 ! e anche fuori stagione visto che era quasi natale. Fu una sorta di mission impossible ma ne uscì vittoriosa. Erano le dieci di sera di domenica quando finalmente si fermò. Si guardava intorno soddisfatta, non le sembrava più nemmeno la stessa casa, tutto quell’ordine ricordava la casa di Barbie, mancava solo Ken! Lara respirava beata quel profumino di pulito. Ahhh, da quanto tempo non si sentiva così.
Si lasciò andare di schianto sulla poltrona e... mmmmmiiiaaaaooooooo ! vide il gatto schizzare verso l’alto, fare un triplo salto mortale e subito dopo, scivolando sul pavimento lucidissimo, dirigersi come un razzo verso il terrazzino. Povero Leo… Lara si sentì un pochino in colpa ma le venne da ridere per la scene and then, think about it, at least for that evening gattastro would carefully avoided.
He got no more than two steps that a shrill voice, and reached the mielosa "Buongioooorno lady, but the mail does not ever take it away?".
was the tenant of the ground floor, Ms. Bartolini. Certainly the lying in wait, crouched behind the door, with the squinting eye glued to the peephole. At first thought to put her in the ass for summary, then thought: "Ohhh, he's right, not me I was noticed, thanks." He went back on his feet, he opened the box and hit an avalanche of paper.
was the tenant of the ground floor, Ms. Bartolini. Certainly the lying in wait, crouched behind the door, with the squinting eye glued to the peephole. At first thought to put her in the ass for summary, then thought: "Ohhh, he's right, not me I was noticed, thanks." He went back on his feet, he opened the box and hit an avalanche of paper.
The Bartolini was still at the door and pretended to place and watering the plant that took up a contraption out of the porta di casa … in realtà osservava la scena con la coda dell’occhio, quello buono.
Lara raccolse tutta la posta e si avviò per le scale, quando le passò accanto disse: “Ma lei lo sa che le piante finte non hanno bisogno di acqua?”. La signora Bartolini ebbe un sussulto, drizzò la schiena e la testa con uno scatto stizzoso, strinse le labbra, girò sui tacchi (o meglio, sulle pantofole), rientrò in casa e chiuse la porta con tutte le dodici o tredici mandate.
Salendo le scale Lara diede una sbirciata alla posta che teneva tra le mani. Bollette, depliant pubblicitari, resoconti della banca, due cartoline e una paccata di posta per Marco. Ancora !!
Questa storia cominciava to seriously annoy: no longer lived there for eight months, or since he had left, and the young gentleman had not yet made the change of residence. It was as if all that did not want to cut the cord that had joined them for many years and this attitude brought to mind the story of Tom Thumb and his bread crumbs.
Maybe he should think about her, go to the post office and communicate the new address of Mark, but he had the courage to do so for fear of hurting him.
Salendo le scale Lara diede una sbirciata alla posta che teneva tra le mani. Bollette, depliant pubblicitari, resoconti della banca, due cartoline e una paccata di posta per Marco. Ancora !!
Questa storia cominciava to seriously annoy: no longer lived there for eight months, or since he had left, and the young gentleman had not yet made the change of residence. It was as if all that did not want to cut the cord that had joined them for many years and this attitude brought to mind the story of Tom Thumb and his bread crumbs.
Maybe he should think about her, go to the post office and communicate the new address of Mark, but he had the courage to do so for fear of hurting him.
Mark ... who knows what he said about his new job. Undoubtedly he would try to take it apart "Want to make the career woman? ah ah ah ... career ... with the bus ... ahahaha "Al
suo fianco si era sempre sentita una nullità, anche soltanto per la stazza: Marco era alto e grosso e importante. Lui era perfetto, lei era tutta sbagliata.
Ogni volta che esprimeva il desiderio di iniziare a lavorare, lui le diceva: “Ma lascia perdere, io guadagno abbastanza per tutti e due. E poi la casa ha bisogno di una regina… ”.
Regina ? la schiava, semmai. Ogni scusa era buona per farla sentire una incapace; come quando discutevano della sua paura di guidare: lui la prendeva in giro la stuzzicava, ma quando Lara gli chiedeva di farla provare a guidare e di aiutarla a superare il timore, Marco trovava sempre qualche pretesto per non farlo.
Adesso capiva che era così che lui la voleva : totalmente dipendente.
He put the key in the lock and closed his eyes as a ritual. In the hall he opened them and despair took hold of her, the fairy with a magic wand had not appeared even today. The apartment is presented with the same mess as always. Artistic perhaps, but still chaos. The Cat in the
greeted with one of his traps but there was very bad. Leo, tan cat, nice but pain in the ass, so he always did: waited for Lara came home and stuck with a leap suddenly from the kitchen door, the bit into his legs and then ran away . That day
Lara had his boots.
He spent the weekend doing the spring cleaning ... that dell'95 ! e anche fuori stagione visto che era quasi natale. Fu una sorta di mission impossible ma ne uscì vittoriosa. Erano le dieci di sera di domenica quando finalmente si fermò. Si guardava intorno soddisfatta, non le sembrava più nemmeno la stessa casa, tutto quell’ordine ricordava la casa di Barbie, mancava solo Ken! Lara respirava beata quel profumino di pulito. Ahhh, da quanto tempo non si sentiva così.
Si lasciò andare di schianto sulla poltrona e... mmmmmiiiaaaaooooooo ! vide il gatto schizzare verso l’alto, fare un triplo salto mortale e subito dopo, scivolando sul pavimento lucidissimo, dirigersi come un razzo verso il terrazzino. Povero Leo… Lara si sentì un pochino in colpa ma le venne da ridere per la scene and then, think about it, at least for that evening gattastro would carefully avoided.
It was 5 am on Monday when ...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
What Do These Colorful Bracelets Mean
Women By Bus - The
" Welcome to our big family: the waiting time Monday ...."
The sales manager took her hand, Lara came out with heart in throat, happy, was not the work he was looking for but for the moment could go.
We already saw career woman, self-confident, made, admired, independent and have known many people expanded their horizons.
brisk walk with my head full of ideas and projects. In front of a window he saw his reflection and saw the smile that had inadvertently printed on the lips.
He thought and thought the meeting, the interview, the board had completed ... Already, the card! The smile disappeared. He lied! But it was the only thing to do: the question "Car owner?" had ticked "Yes". Well! was really true: the car we had a driver's license also ... what was lacking was the courage to go al volante.
In tutta la sua vita aveva guidato si e no dieci volte, comprese le 9 lezioni e 1 esame di guida.... Stop! Il giorno che le arrivò la patente andò a comprare un’auto di seconda mano, di un colore impossibile - ma quello era ciò che passava il convento -. La ritirò dopo una settimana, la guidò dal concessionario fino a casa dei suoi e la parcheggiò nel cortile condominiale. Dove tutt’ora giace. Guidare, in realtà, non le era mai interessato veramente, aveva sempre avuto fidanzati e amiche automuniti, inoltre le piaceva camminare e quando le gambe non bastavano aveva sempre ovviato con il treno o la corriera...
Insomma, fino ad oggi l'aveva sempre sfangata ma si rese conto che era arrivato time to deal with their mental lock. The assignment required displacements not only in cities but also out of self, as he had said and stressed the head of the company, it was essential!
Porcaccia misery, the very thought made her a strizzone belly.
came running into the first bar he saw, he tripped in the doorway and, after a flight that seemed interminable swallow landed on a style of art nouveau tables laid for brunch.
When he opened his eyes he saw an angel. Oh God, she thought, I'm dead. I ended up under a truck, now I'm in heaven (who would have thought!) And this is the angel who will accompany me to my studio on the Milky Way, with panoramic views of Neptune.
"Miss, how are you?". "Oh, all right, thank you ... and you?". The type
chuckled: "I'm not passed out, she"
"Mom what a figure! I fell, right?"
"Well, yes ... but with style, I assure you."
Lara touched the bump protruding from the front and saw that she was going to head down like a meteor and not a metaphor. In return, the stimulus that had made her fall in the bar was gone.
"I want a glass of water?"
"Yes, thank you"
He realized that he was very very nice. He was already making his second film when a little angel with mental two shoulders so kindly gave her a glass of water. Lara looked very good. Found that, in terms of beauty, had nothing to envy to the first responder and images already fought over by two of her lost love. The two boys helped to his feet, asked if he still needs help, then saluted her, made her wishes and leave the room hand in hand.
Lara followed them with her eyes, the face of a stupid and a veil of disappointment in his eyes.
With his hand on the bump went to the bus stop going to think about those two: some that were just beautiful together, a perfect match ... as Laurel and Hardy, Fred and Ginger, and Sussi Biribisso, Chip and Dale, Kit and Kat and mozzarella on pizza. Perfect, yes! what a pity, though: with all the hunger that was around!
Maybe we took the bus arrived on foot or maybe the fact is that, without even realizing it, he found himself in front of the front door.
The mailbox was full, as usual, and Lara ...
" Welcome to our big family: the waiting time Monday ...."
The sales manager took her hand, Lara came out with heart in throat, happy, was not the work he was looking for but for the moment could go.
We already saw career woman, self-confident, made, admired, independent and have known many people expanded their horizons.
brisk walk with my head full of ideas and projects. In front of a window he saw his reflection and saw the smile that had inadvertently printed on the lips.
He thought and thought the meeting, the interview, the board had completed ... Already, the card! The smile disappeared. He lied! But it was the only thing to do: the question "Car owner?" had ticked "Yes". Well! was really true: the car we had a driver's license also ... what was lacking was the courage to go al volante.
In tutta la sua vita aveva guidato si e no dieci volte, comprese le 9 lezioni e 1 esame di guida.... Stop! Il giorno che le arrivò la patente andò a comprare un’auto di seconda mano, di un colore impossibile - ma quello era ciò che passava il convento -. La ritirò dopo una settimana, la guidò dal concessionario fino a casa dei suoi e la parcheggiò nel cortile condominiale. Dove tutt’ora giace. Guidare, in realtà, non le era mai interessato veramente, aveva sempre avuto fidanzati e amiche automuniti, inoltre le piaceva camminare e quando le gambe non bastavano aveva sempre ovviato con il treno o la corriera...
Insomma, fino ad oggi l'aveva sempre sfangata ma si rese conto che era arrivato time to deal with their mental lock. The assignment required displacements not only in cities but also out of self, as he had said and stressed the head of the company, it was essential!
Porcaccia misery, the very thought made her a strizzone belly.
came running into the first bar he saw, he tripped in the doorway and, after a flight that seemed interminable swallow landed on a style of art nouveau tables laid for brunch.
When he opened his eyes he saw an angel. Oh God, she thought, I'm dead. I ended up under a truck, now I'm in heaven (who would have thought!) And this is the angel who will accompany me to my studio on the Milky Way, with panoramic views of Neptune.
"Miss, how are you?". "Oh, all right, thank you ... and you?". The type
chuckled: "I'm not passed out, she"
"Mom what a figure! I fell, right?"
"Well, yes ... but with style, I assure you."
Lara touched the bump protruding from the front and saw that she was going to head down like a meteor and not a metaphor. In return, the stimulus that had made her fall in the bar was gone.
"I want a glass of water?"
"Yes, thank you"
He realized that he was very very nice. He was already making his second film when a little angel with mental two shoulders so kindly gave her a glass of water. Lara looked very good. Found that, in terms of beauty, had nothing to envy to the first responder and images already fought over by two of her lost love. The two boys helped to his feet, asked if he still needs help, then saluted her, made her wishes and leave the room hand in hand.
Lara followed them with her eyes, the face of a stupid and a veil of disappointment in his eyes.
With his hand on the bump went to the bus stop going to think about those two: some that were just beautiful together, a perfect match ... as Laurel and Hardy, Fred and Ginger, and Sussi Biribisso, Chip and Dale, Kit and Kat and mozzarella on pizza. Perfect, yes! what a pity, though: with all the hunger that was around!
Maybe we took the bus arrived on foot or maybe the fact is that, without even realizing it, he found himself in front of the front door.
The mailbox was full, as usual, and Lara ...
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