Daniel Bloom
parked a block away. I circled the house. I looked out from the fence: the Cadillac was parked. The woman was still at home.
I rang the doorbell and I opened the butler usually embalmed. Those guys made them in series.
Mrs. Roscoe was out, and did not know when she would return. I imagined him.
waited, lurking in the corner, the rear exit was coming out of the parked car.
If he was melting.
courses like crazy with a bandaged arm and the wound was reopened, to my car.
The woman was heading towards Santa Barbara, there surely would have got some way to go.
Two kilometers from Santa Barbara I saw that it was slowing down, turning from a junction on a hill. I kept my distance without losing sight of.
The car was sent into a kind of bush, I could not see anymore. I could not make me, run away. There was a track sidecar
fenced with barbed wire.
got out and started looking. A shabby hut was hidden among the trees. Besides the Cadillac.
I took the gun, put it in my pocket and I approached with caution. Here it comes back.
"Miss Roscoe how are you? He said a firm voice
whirled surprise.
"Boreinstainn good to see that, I learned that trick has been done under the nose my diary, maybe it was better if I turn to a pro ... but are generous and want to give two hundred dollars for his efforts. Get out of the way "
" It 's incredibly generous, but first I want to talk to you about a few things "
" Boreinstain I'm sorry, I'm a bit' busy .. "
Took off his pistol from his pocket and I pointed it to him. He did not seem surprised. It was harder than I thought.
"has good arguments mr.Boreinstain knows. Well let's say $ 200 can get those 1000 "
" Give me your purse, do not pray and the spirit "
He turned and tried to set out
I fired a shot into the air
He stopped and turned back at me threateningly.
"Let me go, she does not know what is in danger"
"Few stories give me the purse if he does not want to spoil the trick .." I went
pointing the gun right between the eyes
The ripped her purse and I tried to open his hand shabby
Inside was a book exactly like what I saw at Michael's house Cronny ..
"I was able to restore it by itself, failed ..."
He was gasping and I felt a shiver of satisfaction.
"Stop doing comedy. This diary was never released from his house, is not it?
E 'is all a stunt to distract Llloyd Anderson. She did kill her husband by Peter Landley bodyguard shot him and then staging the robbery. He then gave money to Michael Cronny to keep a diary a fake, journal exactly like this.
Then I came that a fool as I did as bait for Lloyd's henchmen who were trying to book con le formule. Lei sapeva dove abitava Cronny e l’aveva freddato prima che entrassi. Gli scagnozzi di Lloyd mi hanno sottratto il falso diario dalla tasca pensando di recuperare quello vero e lei fuori da ogni sospetto stava cercando la fuga con il ricettario magico.
Quelle formule servono per qualche progetto industriale vero?”
“Lei è molto intelligente Boreinstain, si merita un premio molto più alto, se non altro per il disturbo arrecato. Direi potremmo trovare un giusto compromesso. Cinquanta e cinquanta. Sto andando ritirare un milione di dollari”
Mentre mi diceva queste cose si accomodava il cappello e mi accorsi che stava tirando fuori come un prestigiatore una rivoltella tascabile”
“stia stop or I'll shoot ... "
showed no signs of stopping. I aimed and shot between the eyes. He fell suddenly
The shoulder pain was throbbing like a locomotive suddenly felt faint.
gathered all my strength and I approached the body. I had
center. Taken the book off the ground.
These hieroglyphs could have a perverse fascination.
Those scrawls of ink worth over a hundred my life put together.
was stuff for the industry, chemical formulas for whatever use: an explosive mixture, beauty creams, perhaps for some other crap food components that have poisoned the world.
lit a cigarette and the match appiccai fire to the notebook.
Era finita un’altra dannata giornata. La polizia sarebbe giunta a breve, una volta trovato il corpo avrebbero imboscato tutto. Routine.
Per un po’ sarebbe stato meglio prendermi una vacanza.
Era stata un’altra sporca storia, un’altra carneficina.
Mi incamminai verso la macchina, guardai il cielo, stavano arrivando le nuvole, un po’ di sollievo a quel caldo infernale. Mi apparve il volto Marion, il suo dolce sorriso mi bruciava ancor più che la ferita.
Avevo bisogno solo di un buon bourbon.
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