di Daniel Bloom
Thank God that bum who had given me half a dollar was found among the garbage cans and called rescue. Someone had followed me trying to get me the skin and subtracting the book with the formulas. Luckily for me, the shooter was not the best.
I woke up completely in a state of confusion at Saint Mary's Hospital LA. He approached a nurse with a sedative. I said I'd visit. The police certainly. It was that
O'Nell pig with a henchman just released by the academy that still smelled of milk. O'Nell was a corrupt cop, if Lloyd had done for years with Anderson, everyone knew, but he was an untouchable.
"Look, look who it is, Boreinstain hey, you know that a little bird told me you were passed at Saint Mary dying with shoulder pierced by a bullet. And here I am. "
" I'm touched by your concern "
" You are the usual hot-headed Daniel, sooner or later if you're not careful something bad will happen "
grin and laughed with his pig.
"You're usually the son of a bitch, O'Nell "
"Be careful Boreinstain, this time you got on luxury, you have entered a ride bigger than you could get really bad. Let's Patrick today we did our good deed, "he said turning to rookie O'Nell.
"Goodbye Boreinstain, and stay tuned ...
That visit was a warning to Lloyd Anderson, was involved too, and that shot had been fired by one of his men. That's disgusting pig
O'Nell had put me in a bad mood and do not already have a guy with the easy smile. Bel
case. A shoulder discarded blacklisted by Lloyd Anderson, robbed even of the gun, and most good-bye to 10000 bucks evaporated with the diary. Maybe it was better to make the rabbi.
After a week I was discharged, I returned to office the heat continues unabated because of the injury and I was constantly exhausted. Mrs Sturton had disappeared into thin air like that damned her diary. I could do was wait a father who had lost track of her son drugged or something betrayed husband in search of his missing wife. Above the cabinet, well hidden I took my gun stock.
The room was left as I had left. At the corner of the desk that always yellowed newspaper of months before. He remained open to the news of the murder of Peter Landley, the small fish, I looked at the picture carefully, this time the reporter had done a great job: the dead and took over the small crowd huddled nearby, as happens in these cases.
Suddenly I seemed to recognize someone in the crowd began to focus his eyes narrowed, she was Mrs. Janet Roscou, with his sunglasses.
Something told me that I was stuck. And great.
ran out of the office. I climbed into the car. I must have some information. He pushed me in LA south and went looking for some old information in the boulevard. Franky
dollar was always there with his bottle of vodka was now out of use but some information could still give me.
"Hey Franky"
"I do not know you and I know nothing friend, go out of the way that I'm working"
The old Franky was not a easy but his weakness for alcohol tamed him as a lamb.
"Hey Frank, by not doing the hard, passed by and I thought why not have a drink with an old friend ..."
"If you go with friends to drink but do not know anything because I know nothing friend
"I know I know you're out ... Franky"
I accompanied him to the bar and we drank four gin. He began to turn around his head, but in the end spat the bullet and as I imagined before I die Landley Peter had entered the service of Roscoe as his bodyguard.
Tutto cominciava a quadrarmi.
Mi avevano incastrato e io c’ero caduto come un fesso. Presi la macchina e andai di corsa verso West Hollywoood.
Dovevo trovare Mrs Jennifer Surton-Roscoe.
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