The mountain of discarded clothes have already been tested and increased at his feet. After an hour and a half of tests was sweating like a truck driver traveling from Rome to Milan, in the middle of August, age late 70s when the air conditioning was still a luxury reserved for a select few and the only tool on the market able to create the illusion of some 'of breezy ventilatorino was attached to the glass with ventosina and directed in the face of the poor devil.
short, we drove out of the shower, then fished out of the pile on the floor the black pants, white blouse and black jacket, and, satisfied, went out.
When he entered office in her legs were James James. His first day at work, after so many years, how exciting! The
were presented all the ladies and gentlemen. He tried to impress upon at least some good names associated with each face, but I do not remember any of them. Was captured by the head of sales that gave a list of telephone, two pens and other implements of labor, two or three kilos of lists and a kilometric list of names to contact. Thus began
and from that day his life took another turn. Di Marco, apart from the mail addressed to him, no more news.
Until the day when ...
He was coming out of the office and if a customer found him in the face: "But quard see who it is ... and that beautiful shape!
Lara was limited to a hasty: Hello Mark, are you okay?
"Great. You too, I see. Let's take a coffee together? like two old friends ... "
" No excuse, but I can not wait, a business appointment in twenty minutes across town "
" A job? Congratulations. But not at this'll never make it by bus, come give you a ride "
"No thanks, do not worry, I'll make it. Hello "
" Ok. Maybe I'll see one of these days ... when I come to fetch mail "
Lara did not answer, went to a pea-green Volkswagen, antiquated but still in good condition and ... decent in its own way. He entered, to the astonishment of Mark, the driver's seat, started up with two maneuvers, precise to the millimeter, left the parking lot.
When it passed in front of a semi-paralyzed by surprise Marco, Lara opened the window and said, "By the way, do not you think it's time to notify the post office your new address?" And walked away. Rearview mirror he saw that Marco was still building, where he had left there. It seemed a lot less tall and big: the more she moved away as he was small. Then the car turned the corner and Mark disappeared.
He reflected on his words: "... like two old friends."
"Yes, friends, shit!" Thought " a friend would have at least taught me to drive"
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