Few people in the room.
I had made the journey on foot this time.
Along the way, I could not stop looking around, scrutinizing each individual; groped to catch every movement alien to the old road that separated our home from the bar.
Nothing else.
The sun was visible through the clouds at times thick, were to be four o'clock or so.
I was confused.
I realized that my movements followed each other only by inertia. I took the glass
già pronto per me sul bancone e mi appoggiai di schiena e con tutti e due i gomiti.
Ero indeciso se ripetere i gesti fino a ricostruire l’ultima immagine del bar che mi tornava alla mente, e allo stesso tempo incerto se ritenerla sogno o realtà .
Giravo la testa in ogni direzione da cui provenisse un minimo rumore, per poi tornare a fissare la porta dell’ingresso.
Raccapricciante quanto tutto mi sembrava normale: come se il tempo fosse tornato ad un anno prima. Aspettavo che Denise entrasse da un momento all’altro nel bar, i capelli sciolti a incorniciarle il visto e la sua solita allegria contagiante, il consueto bacio di saluto al Truce con un balzo sul bancone e poi di corsa da me, a riempirmi la testa con il racconto throughout his day.
I realized he had moved his eyes on the picture on the wall, this time I could not see it very clear. They were not the tears that kept me from putting sharp focus: I had promised myself not to cry anymore, I had to first be able to understand. My eyes were still covered by the thin film that made me look at everything with strangeness.
scolai grabbed the glass and in one breath, I took another and then another. I found them next to the elbow without even prompting, I took them to his mouth and swallowed the contents with jerky movements such as uncontrolled.
Suddenly, blue.
ridestai me as a long hibernation of thoughts crossed.
out in the club, on the way a guy with a shirt family had just crossed the road.
precipitate impulse toward the exit, I began to run behind my goal, which is now a little spot of heaven on down the street.
ran so excited not to realize the enormous effort they were making my legs. I jumped
sidewalk, dodging pedestrians and cars, straight to the goal.
Everything around me seemed to slow down, I thought Denise now as an obsession: she was staring at me like that damn picture, and I called it, continued to be the hero of my dreams distressing, perhaps trying to drag her into the light? I
stopped. The Blues were now two points and seemed ever more distant but still. Behind them is a magnificent monument, a huge, shaped like a sphere. When the sun peeped out of a cloud illuminating noticed he was entirely of glass and gave off a glow strong.
Yet I had never noticed his presence in this part of town.
The two figures of men stopped in front of the apparition of light, they turned to me and both, with a minimum movement of the arms waved her to follow them. I walked
uncertain, including agitation, confusion, fear and excitement almost hysterical, feeling completely helpless. I took the book
yellowed from the pocket of trousers, stared keep it sealed.
In my head, recalling the words spoken by a man with white eyes and written in the book, incomprehensible, but engraved in me like a poem learned by heart.
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