BY JULY 10 and 14, 2010
BEFORE 10 and July 14, 2010
aperto agli artisti Invito per le sezioni di Mail Art e Video Art
Open call to artists for sections of Mail Art and Video Art
Convocatoria abierta a artistas de las Secciones de Arte Correo y Arte Video
Open call to artists for sections of the Mail Art and Video Art
Convite aos artistas para as secco Mail Art Art e Vídeo
Offene Aufforderung year Abschnitt der Künstler für die Art und Mail Videokunst
Открытый призыв к художникам для участков Mail искусства и видеоискусства
دعوة مفتوحة للفنانين لأقسام الفن والفن بريد فيديو
International Review of Water. The "Chien" - XXVIII edition
The Doors Art - The Gates of Water
July 15 / 16 August 2010
intergenerational, interdisciplinary and multimedia
Art Direction: Cataldo Colella
Coordination: Angelo Riviello
Organization: Utopia Contemporary Art and Future Visions.
MBAC - Ministry of Heritage and Culture, City of Countryside
By "water everywhere", as in other years, in this year, the theme of ' Water should be addressed in full creative freedom to 360 °, providing urban facilities in the city, and Performances in the water with the water of the river Tenza Chien, a workshop and exhibition site specific and the two sections: Mail Art (Mail Art ) and Video Art ..
For the first time you plan an exhibition dedicated to a discipline of so-called "minor art": ceramic ... "when water enters the furnace ... "
The project" Water "2010, states:
1) urban facilities in the city - Performances - Exhibition / Workshop ( site specific) - invitation
2) Mail Art (Mail Art) mixed media (collage, painting, photography, digital computer) - open to all - Dimensions minimum canonical 10x15 cm. / Maximum 24x30 cm.
3) Video Arte - aperta a tutti – durata massima 5 minuti
Data scadenza per l’invio dei lavori: Mail Art 10
Luoghi espositivi: Spazio Utopia Contemporary Art e altri Spazi pubblici e/o privati della città di Campagna – Salerno - Italy
Le Installazioni dureranno dal 15 luglio fino a tutto settembre
Le Performances, saranno legate all’ Acqua, sia del fiume Tenza che della Chiena durante le deviazioni programmate del fiume (ogni sabato e domenica - dalle ore 15 alle 16,30)
Invio dei lavori al seguente indirizzo:
Spazio Utopia
Via Arc. Carmine Cesarano, 17
84022 Campagna (SA) ITALY
N.B. Come avete avuto modo di leggere, la Rassegna, per motivi logistici, come già preannunciato il 23 aprile, nella XII settimana della Cultura, non andrà in programma dal 22 luglio al
Lo scopo principale della rassegna, è di contribuire a rendere visibile il mondo della creatività contemporanea, interpreting the element of water, already universal, even with the most unimaginable forms of expression. During the year, followed by other shows, also related to a specific stage in the relationship with the public and private institutions, such as the Italian Culture Week and other initiatives in Italy and abroad.
In this regard, after an initial exposure to all the artists taking part in the exhibition, a special committee will select the most significant works to be exhibited during these occasions, with other possible opportunities that may follow, both for mail art (mail art), which for Video Art.
International Review of Water. The "Chiena" – XXVIII Edition
The Doors Art - The Water Gate
July 15 /
Intergenerational, interdisciplinary and multimedia
Art Direction: Cataldo Colella
Art Coordination: Angelo Riviello
Organization: Utopia Contemporary Art and Future Visions.
Patronage MBAC - Ministry of Cultural Heritage, City of Campagna
As in other years, in this year, the theme of Water, to be addressed in full creative freedom to 360 °, providing urban Installations in the city, and Performances in the water with the water of the river Tenza Chiena , an exhibition-workshop site specific and the two sections: Mail Art (Mail Art); Video Art ..
For the first time you plan an exhibition dedicated to a discipline of so-called "minor art" ceramics ... "when the water enters the furnace ..."
The project "Water" 2010, provides:
1) urban Installations in the city - Performances - Show / Laboratory (site specific) - by invitation
2) Mail Art (Mail Art) mixed media (Collage, painting, photography, digital processing computer) - open to all - size minimum 10x15 cm. / maximum 24x30 cm.
3) Video Art - open to all - duration maximum 5 minutes
Due date for submission of work: Mail Art
Exhibition spaces: The Utopia Contemporary Art and other public spaces and / or private City Campaign - Salerno - Italy
The equipment will last from July 7 until the end of September
The performances will be linked to 'Water, is that the river Tenza Chiena during the planned river diversions (every Saturday and Sunday - from 15 to 16.30)
Submitting work to the following address:
Spazio Utopia
(Street) Via Arc. Carmine Cesarano, 17
84022 Campagna (SA) ITALY
NB As you have read the review, for logistical reasons, as already announced on April
The main purpose of the review is to help make visible the contemporary world of creativity, interpretation of the water element itself universal, even with the most unimaginable forms of expression. During the year, followed by other shows, also related to a specific stage in the relationship with the public and private institutions, such as the Italian Culture Week and other initiatives.
In this regard, after an initial exposure to all the artists who participate in the review, a committee will select the most significant works to be exhibited during these occasions, with other possible opportunities that may follow, both for the Mail Art that for the Video Art.
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La Revista Internacional Water. The "chien" - XXVIII Edition
La Puerta de las Artes - The Water Gate
Intergenerational and interdisciplinary and multimedia
Art Direction: Cataldo Colella
Artistic coordination: Angelo Riviello
Organization: Contemporary Art and Future Visions Utopia.
Ministry Board MBAC - Cultural Heritage of the City of Countryside
By "water everywhere" , as in other years, this year, the theme of Water, which will be discussed in full creative freedom to 360 °, providing urban facilities in the city, and performance in the water with the river Tenza Chiena , a place of exposure-specific workshop and two sections: Arte Correo (Mail Art) Art & Video ..
For the first time you are planning an exhibition devoted to a discipline called "low art" ceramics ... "When the water enters the oven ..."
The "Water", 2010, states:
1) urban facilities in the city - Performance - Show / Laboratory (site specific) - by invitation
2) Mail Art ( Mail Art) mixed media (collage, painting, photography, digital computer processing) - open to all - minimum size of 10x15 cm. / 24x30 cm maximum.
3) Video Art - abierto a todos - duración máximo 5 minutos
Fecha de vencimiento para la presentación de los trabajos: Mail Art 10
Espacios expositivos: La utopía de Arte Contemporáneo y otros espacios públicos y / o privados de la campaña de la ciudad - Salerno - Italia
El equipo tendrá una duración de 15 de julio hasta finales de septiembre
Las actuaciones estarán vinculados a "El agua, es que el río Tenza Chiena durante el desvío de ríos previsto (todos los Saturdays and Sundays -
Sending Jobs to the following address:
Spazio Utopia Via Arc .. Carmine Cesarano, 17 84 022
Campagna (SA) ITALY
NB As you have read the magazine, for logistical reasons, as previously announced on April 23, at the twelfth weeks of culture, will not be scheduled in July
El objetivo principal de la revisión es ayudar a hacer visible el mundo de la creatividad contemporánea, interpretando el elemento agua en sí universal, incluso con las formas más inimaginables de expresión. Durante el año, seguido de otros espectáculos, también se relaciona con una etapa específica en la relación with public and private institutions, such as Italian Culture Week and other initiatives.
Thus, after an initial exposure to all the artists participating in the review, a committee will select the most significant works to be exhibited during these occasions, with other potential opportunities that may follow, both Mail Art (mail art) for Video Art.
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