The woman is still there, sitting opposite me in the same position
"Everything okay?"
asks me "Yeah, okay. I did. How much time elapsed? "
" Almost five minutes. It was a real nightmare? "
" Well, in fact. But do not worry, it is quite normal for me. " It seems not
listen to me anymore. Is fumbling in a bag and, magically, pulled out a thermos and two cups. The full, it gives me one. Maybe it's tea, perhaps a herbal tea or something, the smell is still very good. We stay a few minutes, maybe hours, in silence, sipping our hot drinks.
And 'she who speaks first:
"The goes to tell me?"
"Yes" answer "... sure. I'm not sure if it was just a dream or something that really happened to me, anyway ... "
When I finish my story, the church comes the sound of bells chiming twelve.
"It 's already noon.
"Yeah, e io devo andare a casa. Peccato, mi sarebbe piaciuto trattenermi almeno per un altro sogno”.
“Che problema c’è, prenda ciò che vuole, lo porti a casa e ci vediamo domenica prossima.
“Dice sul serio, posso? “
“Certo che può”
Affondo le mani nella cassapanca e tiro fuori alcuni oggetti, a caso. La donna li sistema in una scatolina di cartone: “Ecco fatto”.
Ci salutiamo, ripercorro velocemente la piazza.
Il ragazzo dei cestini e il suo amico stanno chiacchierando con due ragazze. Mi vede, mi fa un cenno con la testa e gli scappa anche un occhiolino. Sorrido a mezze labbra, abbasso la testa e allungo il passo.
Quando rientro at home I wonder why I was not out. I tell you a little 'bales, the truth is that I wanted to burrow. Reversal
the little box on the kitchen table, looking at the scattered objects, I take a hand. It 'a dry leaf ...
"Everything okay?"
asks me "Yeah, okay. I did. How much time elapsed? "
" Almost five minutes. It was a real nightmare? "
" Well, in fact. But do not worry, it is quite normal for me. " It seems not
listen to me anymore. Is fumbling in a bag and, magically, pulled out a thermos and two cups. The full, it gives me one. Maybe it's tea, perhaps a herbal tea or something, the smell is still very good. We stay a few minutes, maybe hours, in silence, sipping our hot drinks.
And 'she who speaks first:
"The goes to tell me?"
"Yes" answer "... sure. I'm not sure if it was just a dream or something that really happened to me, anyway ... "
When I finish my story, the church comes the sound of bells chiming twelve.
"It 's already noon.
"Yeah, e io devo andare a casa. Peccato, mi sarebbe piaciuto trattenermi almeno per un altro sogno”.
“Che problema c’è, prenda ciò che vuole, lo porti a casa e ci vediamo domenica prossima.
“Dice sul serio, posso? “
“Certo che può”
Affondo le mani nella cassapanca e tiro fuori alcuni oggetti, a caso. La donna li sistema in una scatolina di cartone: “Ecco fatto”.
Ci salutiamo, ripercorro velocemente la piazza.
Il ragazzo dei cestini e il suo amico stanno chiacchierando con due ragazze. Mi vede, mi fa un cenno con la testa e gli scappa anche un occhiolino. Sorrido a mezze labbra, abbasso la testa e allungo il passo.
Quando rientro at home I wonder why I was not out. I tell you a little 'bales, the truth is that I wanted to burrow. Reversal
the little box on the kitchen table, looking at the scattered objects, I take a hand. It 'a dry leaf ...
"Where, as I arrived in this place.
I've been here ... but when? "
A driveway lined with trees, fallen leaves form a soft carpet, the light of heaven seems to be painted in the churches.
I'm walking with my eyes closed but still I can see my surroundings, I feel il profumo degli alberi, percepisco la loro voce, il calore del sole scalda la pelle del viso
Procedo a passo lentissimo. O forse sono ferma... Mi siedo, anzi, vedo il mio corpo che si siede su una pietra ai bordi della strada. Da quella posizione scorgo ciò che prima mi era sfuggito: nascosta dai rovi, l’ingresso di una grotta scavata nella parete della collinetta
Non l’ ho mai vista ma è come se la conoscessi bene. Forse sono passata di qui in sogno. Oppure… un dejà vu ma certo! Ecco, tra venti secondi mi alzerò, toglierò una foglia dalla punta della scarpa, riprenderò a camminare, arriverò fino all’ingresso della grotta e...
“... Adesso basta! Non vi vedo ma I feel your presence very well. Who are you? Why follow me? You can not, this is my dream, go!
No. Wait, I did not want to be rude. Follow me, if you want, but know that you'll never go back: you will, like me, a prisoner of the memory of this spell has been here every day, every day, for eternity ... "
Simultaneously ...
The movement of the sea announces a storm. The wind that is now gently sweeping away the leaves from the streets of the village will soon become a rage ... An old man is always so
smokes his cigar, sat at a table in the most hidden bar
head straight, his left hand tight on the knob of the stick, staring into space, beyond the line which separates the sea from the sky before his eyes
slide images that come from far away:
A driveway
the smell of wet grass,
the voice of the trees, the sun on your face.
A young woman is sitting on a stone
the roadside.
E 'intent, who knows what he is thinking. Watch
in front of him, gets up, takes a leaf from
shoe moves towards the entrance to a cave.
suddenly turns around, tells him something, then resumed walking.
He follows ...
The storm has arrived but the old man is still there, still. He does not feel and do not see anything except the images that go through your mind and have filled his life every day, every day: The memory of the smell of spring and a tree lined drive that has traveled a long time ago. And the cave, where she disappeared to never return.
The storm has arrived but the old man is still there, still. He does not feel and do not see anything except the images that go through your mind and have filled his life every day, every day: The memory of the smell of spring and a tree lined drive that has traveled a long time ago. And the cave, where she disappeared to never return.
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