Monday, January 24, 2011

How Long Is A Cobra Starship Concert

1861 – 2011 Testimone dell’Unità d’Italia

dear and beloved artist
who live and work in Italy or Italian and Italian live abroad

In occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy
we encourage you to participate in the exhibition of Mail-Art (Mail Art)

1861 to 2011 Witness
A reflection of the Unity of Italy, testimony, meditation, a possible neo-renaissance.

Together we will rise to a new identity, discovering that track that puts sentiment in play unit according to the "Art of Italians and Italian"

We therefore ask those who work in the field of art to send one or more two-dimensional works in any technique and / or a written
in A4 format (cm 21x29, 7)
on paper, cardboard, paper thinly, fabric, plywood or other ...
by February 28, 2011
no refund, no fee, no selling, no jury
works must be accompanied by name, title and address any
(if you want to put documentation email address).
will not be accepted works glorifying violence and racism.

Rosanna Veronesi at
Via Col di Lana 14-20136 Milano

The works follow a long Italian tour where they will be photographed and documented to give birth to a long performance. Back in the gallery and then be exposed and still migrate in other galleries and exhibition spaces of various Italian regions,

Design and art direction by Rosanna Veronesi
rosanna.veronesi @ virgilio. it
In collaboration with:
Gretel Fehr, Ornella Garbin, Angelo Riviello. Collaboration from New York Lulu Lolo

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* Post Press

ARTISTE We invite women to read, track, inquire about the role that had even the heroine of the Risorgimento.

Spread and disclosed the invitation to other artists and write me for more information
soon. Rosanna

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* NB The artists wishing to participate: to allow a vision of the organizers of the group, given the distance that separates us, please publish the work (or sketch design) on this page and send both the original (when ready) at the above address.

ps about the heroes of the Risorgimento, as the most famous Anita Garibaldi (from the history of winning, studied at school), but especially women in the south, as Michelina De Cesare, Maria Capitanio, Arcangela Cotugno, Elizabeth Blasucci and other famous in the history of resistance in the south, who fought alongside their men, to defend their land by soldiers of the north ... which were almost all raped, humiliated in the public square and killed (the other story, that of losers, that we were never taught in school) ...

A couple of links to start a search: The heroines
http://www. / 2 008/08/07/le-stragi-dei-so ldati-of-north-of-a-damage the-people-of-the-south Brigan- weaves

LE robber-the massacres committed by the Savoy: ch? V = bXpl4ZDmoKg

other inputs. ? P = 346

http://megliotardichemai.m 9/il-risorgimento-del-sud- 150-years-of-false-and dehydration- nformazion.html

http://roccobiondi.blogspo t. com/2010/11/quellamara-u nita-ditalia-di-dora.html group.php?gid=55654263794

Fenestrelle, il primo campo di sterminio in Europa: OLDSITE/Caduti.html

il massacro di Bronte: ch?v=YOESf8IbFWA

Li chiamarono briganti: ch?v=AwceIxoxi4g

Noi credevamo - “certamente non si può pensare di fare un film that tells the Italian Risorgimento .. if not in an elementary and thorough ... "(Mario Martone): ch? v = 0ZjKUaEFJzY ch? v = RDM7DoztkYo

1860-2010, THE TRAUMA OF NAPLES (and the falsity of the "resurgence") com / wat ch ? v = AwceIxoxi4g

It is time for "out of the closet skeletons come out," ... a story never told school books. Nothing

celebrations and / or commemorative banner of hypocrisy (if not with irony, as the best weapon), but remember the purpose of a truth that can complete a story in the middle: between truth, lies and manipulations groped for ... (at least) to restore justice and dignity to a very large slice of our country which is represented by the southern Italy ...

One of the springs must push to create work for this show should not be the celebration or commemoration of 150 years outright unification of Italy (there), but a critical spirit and truth, which must lead to a deep reflection by a historical re-interpretation of the Risorgimento, and an analysis personale (anche intuitiva), in base alle rivendicazioni che da molti anni (in modo preponderante oggi), stanno venendo fuori in alcuni ambiti culturali e in molti dibattiti, da ogni parte, soprattutto dal sud Italia (ex Regno delle Due Sicilie, ai tempi il terzo stato più ricco d’Europa, dopo la Francia e il Regno unito, con Napoli, la capitale del Sud, che ha vissuto prima dell'amara unità una splendida stagione culturale in tutti i campi del sapere: letteratura, filosofia, musica, scienze, archeologia, astronomia, medicina, architettura, pittura ed era uno dei centri più prestigiosi e progrediti del mondo).

Una re-interpretazione inusuale, atipica, che possa offrire nuovi spunti e contributi, according to their sensitivity, information and research on the case "Italy".
The search for truth, all in the interests of Italy, which can restore dignity and hope to the entire south, so that it can satisfy its demands and the strong thirst for justice, which for years has been screaming from the southern lands, denigrated, offended and deceived, vilified, robbed, denigrated, impoverished and abandoned for immigration ... ... if we want our country you can call ITALY, with the national anthem that praises the "brotherhood" (sic) ...
Spazio Utopia Contemporary Art

The claim, from the considerations of Dora Liguori, a woman in the south, a writer: .. while the American and German governments have recognized and compensated in some way, their errors and horrors against Native American and Jewish, Italian governments have hidden or even denied ( and continue to hide and deny) their monstrosities perpetrated against the southerners.

A mass of documents, about one hundred and fifty thousand, one hundred and fifty years later from that unit, are still secret. The truth remains hidden.
To glorify what was touted as a release, the winners Savoy hired writers of the time that they become incontrovertible historical truth that was the result of a reckless fantasy. In Actually it was a stark territorial conquest of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

the historical falsification have given a decisive contribution in the years following the southern philosopher Benedetto Croce and Antonio Gramsci in his book "The issue of the South" ...

NB With this exhibition, as artists and citizens free from any pre- concept and ideological conditioning, it is hoped to contribute to dig through the maze of our Republic, for an official recognition of the damage from southern Italy and an entire people who have been denied their historical and cultural identity, to ensure that our nation is integrated with that missing: the SOUTH!

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dynamics and strategies of the Italian shows in his long journey, not excluding other nations like the United States.
NB Please read carefully ... Thanks!

Witnesses Unification of Italy

The path of mail-art grows through the spirit WorkInProgress Space TufanoStudio25 that will have a role in the postal stamp and return the material received, evidence of this performance group that will join Italy in the designated 2011. The works received will follow

playfully below the sequences:

- The artist who wants to witness chooses a country, a city, a place where to take the parcel containing some works of mail art (10/15/20 seconds availability for work arrive).

- Upon arrival at the place chosen, if he wants to can go to a post office, freeing the protocol sheet issued from London, have it stamped and then sign for indicating the date and time.

- will select a place to showcase the works (a place suitable and typical operation:
a memorial to the Risorgimento, Garibaldi statues, plaques places with "Here slept Garibaldi," the tombs of the heroes and heroines or places where they lived and lived, but also taking over other places, such as a store of extra-and why not ... a good dump!)

- pictures - record - report

- The request to stamp packages, spreadsheets protocol and so on, also will be offered to the Museums of the Risorgimento, sites in several Italian cities. Anche questa operazione verrà fotografata.

- IL O LA TESTIMONE riporterà le opere di mail-art, complete di foto e di documentazione datata, allo spazio TufanoStudio25 di Milano.

- Nel caso che un o una TESTIMONE abiti in un luogo lontano da Milano, riceverà il pacco contenente il materiale per posta, seguirà la sequenza suddetta e poi rispedirà al mittente il pacco contenente le opere di mail-art da restituire, le fotografie della performance e la documentazione firmata e timbrata.

Si prevede che l’operazione terminerà intorno al mese di settembre 2011.
Dopo tale data le opere, i fogli di protocollo timbrati completi di fotografie e documentazione, potranno dar vita all’ultima phase exhibiting in galleries and public spaces that will share the meaning and value of this ITALIAN UNIT PERFORMANCE.

Rosanna Veronesi in collaboration with Ornella Garbin, Gretel Fehr, Angelo Riviello.


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