MUSEO CIVICO ARCHEOLOGICO “Biagio Greco” di Mondragone (Caserta) Inaugurazione Sabato 22 maggio 2010, alle ore 18,30 - dal 22 maggio al 18 giugno 2010
a cura di Giorgio Malatesta
Agnieszka Kiersztan - Angelo Riviello - Antonio Di Grazia - Bernardo Pagliaro - DiVa - Massimiliano Mirabella - Mimmo Di Dio - Rocco Sciaudone - Salvatore Vargas - Stefano Piancastelli - Giuseppe Di Guida & Raffaele Vargas
Pittura, photo, video, installations.
range from several different languages \u200b\u200band techniques the artists' works in the exhibition "DOMITIAFRICA" that queries a piece of the Campania region: the Domitian coast, a symbolic place for the concentration of such phenomena as the Camorra, drug, environmental and social degradation. An area where often the political management has been intertwined with the business center, allowing the costs of a reckless enviable from the point of view of landscape and tourism. In some cases, the culprit lack of control made it easy implementation of serious environmental crimes with the construction of landfills for dangerous poisons to public health. Finally, the lack of a plan to properly manage migration has fueled the rise of illegal hiring, prostitution and delinquency, completely leaving only the local community to suffer the weight of all these problems. E 'adversarial open the borders to allow free movement of goods and at the same time, build walls to stop that of humans. But, when you need them, the same men are reduced to merchandise the goods. Poor men, women, children thirsty and hungry, are exploited without any restraint, as cheap labor, sex slaves, or even the inhuman trade in human parts. And when all this is still not enough, they are used as targets bullets for gangsters and demonstration of occult powers.
The works on show, not surprisingly, relate-collision with a different context, of excellence, that of the local archaeological museum, which contains precious evidence of the ancient history of this land, now devastated. Wrapped dall'abolla wool museum, the works, so full of tension, pathos, do not remain anchored in the emotional effect, private, but to produce an amplification effect in the living matter of the social body. Widen the horizon of the reflections in the collective sphere and politics. The local context, as well as having special character, is taken as a tragic icon of a system of strong contradictions e si carica di significati più ampi, caratterizzandosi come il frammento di uno specchio globale che, tra le sue molteplici crepe, riflette con nitidezza la deriva del mondo contemporaneo. Le opere si offrono al museo non per essere cinte dall’aura, ma come reperti dissacrati e dissacranti, come testimonianze di saccheggi ai danni di una terra scomparsa, di una terra che non è più “madre”, da rispettare, preservare, non è più il fondo di un progetto di futuro umano e civile ma solo risorsa da sfruttare, adesso, subito.
Con tecniche differenti, con linguaggi diretti o metafore visive, in tutte le opere trapela la volontà di sottolineare queste contraddizioni: Rocco Sciaudone , spoke on the great tower of the dilapidated former factory Italfood, emblem of the failure of a dream industry of the south, and all the southern hemisphere, "Domitiana public art", a video work and photography, outdoors, or in the folds wounds of reality. A reality without the characteristic features of human aggregation, a place is not what emerges from the picture Salvador Vargas, a landscape attacked, corroded, compromised to the point of losing all urban connotation. Bernardo Pagliaro, collected artifacts, bags, and pieces of container, from a state that no longer exists, "Zaire", which is now part of the Republic of Congo. On a canvas depicts the head of an African leopard between brands and advertising simply, essential. These findings bear signs of who knows what adventures and dangers, come down to us in one of the many journeys of hope, on a cart or in a suffocating sea containers. The redemption from a condition of slavery and the recognition of human dignity of a prostitute is synthesized in the picture Agnieszka Kiersztan , crowned with white pearls like a princess in Africa. Angelo Riviello, with a gesture of irony, in a work of photographic decollage, unmasks the redundant political rhetoric, propaganda phrases contained in an election manifesto, and relating them with the face of a young black man that appears below the tear. Antonio Di Grazia, instead, spoke with an installation titled explanatory "the skeletons are no longer in the closet." A horizontal to Mimmo Di Dio, the road gray silk and shiny as the red-hot asphalt, and full episodes of paintings, humans or animals, until the edges, corners, in a now familiar ritual that is repeated at 'dawn and dusk. Men from the invisible body made only by hand labor, the only ones that have remained attached to their chests full of tomatoes in the installation of Giuseppe Di Help & Raffaele Vargas. The work is the missing part, these ghosts are just hands for the rest of the paper is ready for expulsion.
nb The exhibition will run until June 18, 2010 and will be open during the opening hours of the museum. Free admission
Morning Hours: Tuesday to Friday 8:30 to 13:30, Saturday 10:30 to 12:30.
from April 1 to September 30: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 18:00 to 20:00;
from October 1 to March 31: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 16:30 to 18:30.
Sunday and Monday closed.
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