Tips for Christmas: I recommend: All dressed up.
This year's Christmas was able to get after it to the shopping centers and among the lights of downtown. Centers and center! Coincidence? This year
to bless all: "If we do not see you more I wish you and your family, then we continue to see and all the time" If we do not see .... "
The children speak instead of the gifts that Santa Claus brings surely, not to write a list of these mistakes in order of importance, provide a copy for mom, one dad, grandparents, uncles and anyone who may have something to do with them .
Me is've also shown with a price, as for wedding lists.
Finally, as every year, in the last few days I have moved myself to those gifts which is nice to do, which is right to do, almost necessary.
something nice, useful and a reasonable fee: facile vero?
Fra questi anche l’autoregalo, e come spesso capita: un libro. Quale?
Quelli da leggere che già possiedi, non valgono.
Quelli già letti e che sai essere belli, ancor meno.
Passi il tuo tempo in librerie zeppe di gente e libri, ma l’ispirazione non arriva e allora ascolti un vecchio consiglio che da mesi rimane pendente: Mi raccomando: Tutti vestiti bene: David Sedaris: Oscar Mondatori.
La vigilia è dedicata ad albero e presepe: finché non è mezzanotte si è sempre in tempo.
E’ Natale.
Fino a mezzogiorno si aiuta in cucina, poi a tavola con una quantità elevata di cibo, vino e parenti.
Il pomeriggio, invece, is devoted to reading, I follow the advice of the writer, teaches you to write and read tells you that: you can not ask for more.
The book has a fair number of pages and easily into your hand, so that you can meet each other at different text messages and greeting cards that arrive every year, playing upwards, are becoming longer and more articulated . Skip
Christmas, and also passes through this book ... this book ... disappointing.
autobiographical anecdotes fact that follow a certain logic to only half volume, then do what they want. I am the first to say that the plot is not important, indeed, but if you take away, you put the other, an invention, your style, something per bilanciare?
L’io narrante è un ragazzo gay nato in una famiglia strana nel mezzo di un paese strano: l’America. Se gli americani in sé non li si capisce bene, anche gli autori loro connazionali non è facile prendergli le misure, come per gli orientali, giapponesi in testa. Eppure per un verso o per l’altro ci affascinano, e molto. Io degli americani, gli autori intendo, mi piace come riescono spesso a descrivere misere vite di povertà e stenti con la leggerezza e il disilluso ottimismo che ad un europeo sono preclusi. Gli esempi sono tanti e famosi.
Queste storie deprimenti, basta un nulla e riescono a far sorridere, ma soprattutto insegnano a scrollare le spalle invece di piegarle. Sono storie che finiscono good or bad, or so-so, but this is not what matters, I have not yet identified very precisely what is important, but I understand that there must be something that it is. The same rambling
Sedaris (emule?) Ironic as it is not enough, the architect of his life anecdotes suggest you look for why things happen. If you understand this from the great American writers, why should not you also get to read this gay guy who, if he were straight, the story would not have won or lost?
The mechanism is the same, half above, and an effort to make it.
will, but for others this game I was almost spontaneous, while Sedaris ... I did not want!
Merry Christmas to all.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Cross Country Ski Bindings
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pinnacle Tv Center Pro Not Working
The Blind - Blind
The Book was the only rational thing and tangible in that context.
I am often confused themselves, lately I was going a bit 'too often. And then, in this parallel world that had not reached the city of dreams, now the noise of life had forced me into behaviors that are not uplifting ... all that crap with these desperate criminals like me who were talking nonsense nonsense. And the white lenses ... At one point I forgot to keep them in force, pinch my eyes, I saw opacified. I'm scared as a child.
course, very nearly was better to do with frosted glass filter rather than seeing the world on fire this corrosive, sticky, misshapen. Here, between alcohol and the rest, a rest too, the reality and the dream became confused, looked out the nightmares become dialogue partners, finding their own way, will assume the role of the ghosts of my past and disguises this. What a band of desperate delusional ... poor Denise, as if she had gone, all that trucidume, helpless, she was so fond of art, literature, cinema and music ...
walked with difficulty with the mind shot, view the spots, the rumble of the alley and the smell the box on him. Button continues the pocket, was there with me, that book. I had always followed, I had loved so little, but taught. Or maybe nothing as my state. It was faded and yellowed like my life. The title, alluding to that enigmatic ... not that logic would suggest. He spoke of nature, rocks and minerals, fauna and flora. The blinds were of particular types of translucent crystals similar to opal lens through which we could see the world as a dream. Fascinating contents tavole a colori che avevano fatto brillare i miei occhi di bambino. Ora erano stinte, le rocce frantumate, i petali graffiati, le scritte a metà.
E quella dedica, la grafia tremolante e obliqua della Nonna Amalia… cristallo, cuore che arde…sfera di luce…che illusione! Avrebbe voluto un nipote tutto perbenino e buono, soprattutto un bravo cristiano con le mani giunte, gli occhi al cielo e la riga da una parte. La fede, La luce, il cuore che arde….. Si era ritrovata con un somaro agitato e ribelle con le ginocchia sbucciate e i capelli a serpente che, ad una età indegna e non avendo combinato niente di sensato, beveva come una spugna e si faceva di tutto, si infilava le lenti a contatto accompagnandosi ad un consesso other brain-injured wretches such a scold him and then get slaughtered like an idiot from himself, not even had a tutor ... The only hope was that the grandmother Amalia could never see me from the afterlife and thus no afterlife, please .. Other than color plates! Here was all black and white, or rather of that dead-rat grigino even more disgusting. Poor Denise ..
In the library I was blind luck on the contrary, to always know where it was and put him in the illusion that the upside-down could straighten my life. Sometimes, when I crossed the line, lost the illusion of finding myself and understand how it went with Denise and her eyes lost forever I saw up there Grandmother Amalia I smiled, holding the glass of salvation, a heart that burned in his chest pierced with arrows like that all the saints, and a mesmerizing light all around. But
lasted little, Grandma was pissed off black and sent me to live in that country, all holding hands proudly in the heart, the crystal and the flame.
And then the whole thing, dream and reality, pursuits, mirrors, put black and white eyes seemed a trivial game, an escape from everyday life, without Denise and without meaning.
In that moment of temporary sanity, I might as well go home, put the blind in place, maybe the right way you never know in life .... maybe after having made a nice shot that clears for good ideas ... ... maybe.
[ Author: Sonia ]
The Book was the only rational thing and tangible in that context.
I am often confused themselves, lately I was going a bit 'too often. And then, in this parallel world that had not reached the city of dreams, now the noise of life had forced me into behaviors that are not uplifting ... all that crap with these desperate criminals like me who were talking nonsense nonsense. And the white lenses ... At one point I forgot to keep them in force, pinch my eyes, I saw opacified. I'm scared as a child.
course, very nearly was better to do with frosted glass filter rather than seeing the world on fire this corrosive, sticky, misshapen. Here, between alcohol and the rest, a rest too, the reality and the dream became confused, looked out the nightmares become dialogue partners, finding their own way, will assume the role of the ghosts of my past and disguises this. What a band of desperate delusional ... poor Denise, as if she had gone, all that trucidume, helpless, she was so fond of art, literature, cinema and music ...
walked with difficulty with the mind shot, view the spots, the rumble of the alley and the smell the box on him. Button continues the pocket, was there with me, that book. I had always followed, I had loved so little, but taught. Or maybe nothing as my state. It was faded and yellowed like my life. The title, alluding to that enigmatic ... not that logic would suggest. He spoke of nature, rocks and minerals, fauna and flora. The blinds were of particular types of translucent crystals similar to opal lens through which we could see the world as a dream. Fascinating contents tavole a colori che avevano fatto brillare i miei occhi di bambino. Ora erano stinte, le rocce frantumate, i petali graffiati, le scritte a metà.
E quella dedica, la grafia tremolante e obliqua della Nonna Amalia… cristallo, cuore che arde…sfera di luce…che illusione! Avrebbe voluto un nipote tutto perbenino e buono, soprattutto un bravo cristiano con le mani giunte, gli occhi al cielo e la riga da una parte. La fede, La luce, il cuore che arde….. Si era ritrovata con un somaro agitato e ribelle con le ginocchia sbucciate e i capelli a serpente che, ad una età indegna e non avendo combinato niente di sensato, beveva come una spugna e si faceva di tutto, si infilava le lenti a contatto accompagnandosi ad un consesso other brain-injured wretches such a scold him and then get slaughtered like an idiot from himself, not even had a tutor ... The only hope was that the grandmother Amalia could never see me from the afterlife and thus no afterlife, please .. Other than color plates! Here was all black and white, or rather of that dead-rat grigino even more disgusting. Poor Denise ..
In the library I was blind luck on the contrary, to always know where it was and put him in the illusion that the upside-down could straighten my life. Sometimes, when I crossed the line, lost the illusion of finding myself and understand how it went with Denise and her eyes lost forever I saw up there Grandmother Amalia I smiled, holding the glass of salvation, a heart that burned in his chest pierced with arrows like that all the saints, and a mesmerizing light all around. But
lasted little, Grandma was pissed off black and sent me to live in that country, all holding hands proudly in the heart, the crystal and the flame.
And then the whole thing, dream and reality, pursuits, mirrors, put black and white eyes seemed a trivial game, an escape from everyday life, without Denise and without meaning.
In that moment of temporary sanity, I might as well go home, put the blind in place, maybe the right way you never know in life .... maybe after having made a nice shot that clears for good ideas ... ... maybe.
How Much Do Truffles Sell For
VIII - The Blind
[ Author: Valeria ]
Instinct made me bring my hand to the genitals to make sure there were more. I had never weighed my balls with such pleasure!
These people were made worse for me and their fucking specchio era solo un'olografia della solita foto di Denise. I capelli, i vestiti e la posizione erano quelli della foto. Mi mossi alzando un braccio. L’immagine riflessa rimase immobile, poi con uno scarto di qualche secondo seguì il mio movimento.
Mi voltai verso i presenti con espressione trionfante, sicuro che avrebbero accolto la sconfitta con dignità. Ma eravamo rimasti in pochi.
I soliti due pesci lessi dall’aria finto angelica, la vecchia presa dal suo ruolo e l’uomo "non male" dalle caviglie fini e dal pastrano fuori moda. Avrei voluto assomigliargli un po’, almeno nell’aspetto, forse Denise si è lasciata affascinare da questo stronzo con le lenti bianche. Invece di stare con me and live happily, and I always drunk and she always cooked and maybe pregnant. This shit would have been nice to invite to dinner one night and throw up the soul on the table just arrived. Denise potutto would be a nice trip in front of him and maybe give her a dose. So people look for the emotion, widening his wallet in front of people like us.
I began to assemble the rage. That just blind, but for real. What we did not need gimmicks to be pseudo paranormal to kill someone. He had escaped the eyes of my lady and they were still free to play with mirrors. I did not know if they had been or herself to imagine and put into practice what dirty that I was touched to find down on the floor of the room.
With a grin I turned to the old woman who seemed very distraught by my behavior. He looked at me like watching a child who does not want to play the game that the adults want to impose. "Oh, do not you see I know the old 'I Do you remember the' Richard? But I am not drunk the mica cooked as you know Denise!"
They had all joined forces against me and I could not understand me or get out of this situation. One of the angels deficient handed me a glass and I took it as I always do and threw it down. I lost consciousness and woke up with the usual pungent smell of the filth of the garbage bin behind the bar. "Here I find myself now" satisfied and I thought to get up. With groping hand found the edge of the box and lifted his head out. It was pitch dark. So dark as to appear even more dark of night, a dark compact. I was frightened and began to scream.
rear entrance of the bar came murdered in person to pull me out. "Feel good Riccardino, if not the finish I call the one hundred and eighteen mobile psychiatric unit! You can not go on like this you understand?! And take off those fucking white contact lenses that you wear when you're completely drunk and you forget the terrors ! You seem to really Marilyn Manson! "
"But you've seen you? What spilungo with the 'hat and' coat? There were also dresses with the old with frills ... "but the Truce is already back in the bar to work. When you know that for a few days so I do not see why I have to put on my nerves. So, after staying some time with his back resting comfortably against the wall , I walk away and go home. Then I realize I have something in their pockets. It's usually old and tattered book.
[ Author: Valeria ]
Instinct made me bring my hand to the genitals to make sure there were more. I had never weighed my balls with such pleasure!
These people were made worse for me and their fucking specchio era solo un'olografia della solita foto di Denise. I capelli, i vestiti e la posizione erano quelli della foto. Mi mossi alzando un braccio. L’immagine riflessa rimase immobile, poi con uno scarto di qualche secondo seguì il mio movimento.
Mi voltai verso i presenti con espressione trionfante, sicuro che avrebbero accolto la sconfitta con dignità. Ma eravamo rimasti in pochi.
I soliti due pesci lessi dall’aria finto angelica, la vecchia presa dal suo ruolo e l’uomo "non male" dalle caviglie fini e dal pastrano fuori moda. Avrei voluto assomigliargli un po’, almeno nell’aspetto, forse Denise si è lasciata affascinare da questo stronzo con le lenti bianche. Invece di stare con me and live happily, and I always drunk and she always cooked and maybe pregnant. This shit would have been nice to invite to dinner one night and throw up the soul on the table just arrived. Denise potutto would be a nice trip in front of him and maybe give her a dose. So people look for the emotion, widening his wallet in front of people like us.
I began to assemble the rage. That just blind, but for real. What we did not need gimmicks to be pseudo paranormal to kill someone. He had escaped the eyes of my lady and they were still free to play with mirrors. I did not know if they had been or herself to imagine and put into practice what dirty that I was touched to find down on the floor of the room.
With a grin I turned to the old woman who seemed very distraught by my behavior. He looked at me like watching a child who does not want to play the game that the adults want to impose. "Oh, do not you see I know the old 'I Do you remember the' Richard? But I am not drunk the mica cooked as you know Denise!"
They had all joined forces against me and I could not understand me or get out of this situation. One of the angels deficient handed me a glass and I took it as I always do and threw it down. I lost consciousness and woke up with the usual pungent smell of the filth of the garbage bin behind the bar. "Here I find myself now" satisfied and I thought to get up. With groping hand found the edge of the box and lifted his head out. It was pitch dark. So dark as to appear even more dark of night, a dark compact. I was frightened and began to scream.
rear entrance of the bar came murdered in person to pull me out. "Feel good Riccardino, if not the finish I call the one hundred and eighteen mobile psychiatric unit! You can not go on like this you understand?! And take off those fucking white contact lenses that you wear when you're completely drunk and you forget the terrors ! You seem to really Marilyn Manson! "
"But you've seen you? What spilungo with the 'hat and' coat? There were also dresses with the old with frills ... "but the Truce is already back in the bar to work. When you know that for a few days so I do not see why I have to put on my nerves. So, after staying some time with his back resting comfortably against the wall , I walk away and go home. Then I realize I have something in their pockets. It's usually old and tattered book.
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