Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What Happens During Zinc Plating Molecular
may participate in those who meet the following requirements at the end of the call:
-1) have maintained residence in the apartment in the Municipality during the period for which assistance is sought;
-2) avere sottoscritto e registrato un contratto di locazione di immobile, con categoria catastale da A/2 ad A/7, ad uso abitazione principale relativamente alla locazione per il 2007, purché non stipulato tra parenti e affini entro il secondo grado o tra coniugi non separati legalmente;
-3) che l'intero nucleo familiare convivente abbia percepito nell'anno di imposta un reddito complessivo lordo: non superiore ad euro 11.339,64, rispetto al quale l'incidenza del canone di locazione non risulti inferiore al 14% (fascia A); non superiore ad euro 13.285,35, rispetto al quale l'incidenza del canone di locazione non risulti inferiore al 24% (fascia B), così determinato ai sensi art. 21 of L. 457/78: "The total income of the household fell by € 516.46 per child that is to be charged, should contribute to the formation of the predicted income compensation of employees, these, after the deduction for each child dell'aliquota that is to be charged shall be calculated at 60 percent;
-4) that no member of the household partner has the sole right of ownership or use or dwelling on a property site in the City meets the needs of their household or in any location of one or more properties that, after deducting the expenses to the extent of 25%, enabling an annual income of more than? 206.58;
-5) that no member of the household partner has been allocated in future to deal with ownership or sale of a dwelling built to be charged or with the consent or with the contribution or with concessionary financing, in whatever form granted, state or other public body;
-6) that no member of the household has benefited from other partner contributions accommodation.
-Regarding non-EU citizens, in addition to the specified requirements, they must be in possession of Certificate of residence history for at least 10 years on the national territory or that are registered for at least five years in the same region.
-Documents to be attached (on pain of exclusion): photocopy lease duly recorded. Photocopy of valid form of identification of who has the instance. Non-EU nationals must attach the certificate of the historic residence.
-The grant and the amount of the contribution shall be subject to the appropriation that the Regional Public Works Department will assign to the City. The funds will be distributed proportionately to those eligible. The contribution will be commensurate with the incidence of the fee income and can not, however, exceed the sum of € 3098.74 to € 2324.05 and band A to band B. Remains with a share of the fee at least 14% or 24% of income, according to the income bracket, but not less than the minimum fee set by law on housing's Housing (€ 25, 82 monthly).
-At the end of the investigation will be released list of allowed and excluded opposition may be filed within thirty days.
-The application for admission to the contribution, signed and accompanied by documentation, è da inviare esclusivamente a mezzo del servizio postale con raccomandata A.R. (farà fede la data di spedizione) al: "Comune - Settore Servizi Socio-Assistenziali - Servizio Assegnazioni e Sostegno all'Affitto . Nella busta dovrà essere indicato il cognome, nome e residenza del dichiarante con la dicitura "domanda integrazione affitto anno 20..". L'istanza può anche essere presentata tramite sindacati e C.A.F., e comunque, entro i limiti di scadenza dovrà essere recapitata presso il servizio Assegnazioni e Sostegno all'Affitto. Potrà essere presentata una sola domanda per nucleo familiare, eventuali integrazioni alla domanda saranno ammesse solo se spedite entro la data di scadenza del bando.
-The call is available on the website of the City
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