Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Symptoms Of Liver Toxicity
manifestation of December 14, 2010 our friend
cronaca diretta e senza montaggi di alcuni minuti tumultuosi a Roma, in Via Flaminia ...
What Kind Of Duck Is Black And White
those who ...
cronaca diretta e senza montaggi di alcuni minuti tumultuosi a Roma, in Via Flaminia ...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Moncler Factory Outlet
Rupextre: i sensi del vuoto
activities from 16.00 to 21.00 hours are open to the public Friday
December 3
afternoon arrival participants and hotel accommodation
21.00 dinner group at the site of artery
10:00 am Saturday, Dec. 4 meeting participants at the headquarters of artery
11.00 walking /
hours talking to the city from 13.30 to 16.00 hours 16.00
pause presentation of "RUPEXTRE senses of emptiness"
18.00, 19.30 hours
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists
21.30 dinner group at the site of artery
Sunday, December 5
ore 09,00 visita al Parco della Murgia Materana
cava della Palomba, chiesa rupestre della Madonna delle Vergini, belvedere di Murgia Timone, villaggio neolitico, chiese rupestri di Madonna delle Croci, Madonna delle Tre Porte, San Falcione e Sant’Agnese, Jazzo Gattini
ore 13,30 – 16,00 pausa
ore 16,00 costituzione gruppi di lavoro
ore 18,00 interventi
ore 19,30 autopresentazione di tre artisti partecipanti
ore 21,30 cena collettiva nella sede di ARTErìa
Lunedì 6 dicembre
ore 09,00 visita agli insediamenti rupestri del villaggio Saraceno: agro-pastoral settlement entirely in the cave, down the river, Villaggio Saraceno
hours from 13.30 to 16.00 break
hour workweek
16.00 hours 18.00 hours 19.30
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists collective
21.30 Dinner at the site of artery
10:00 am Tuesday, Dec. 7 visit to the Sassi and the Archaeological Museum Ridola
hours from 13.30 to 16.00 break
16 hours , 00
time working hours 18.00 hours 19.30
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists
ore 21,30 cena collettiva nella sede di ARTErìa
Mercoledì 8 dicembre
ore 10,00 tempo di lavoro
ore 13,30 – 16,00 pausa
ore 16,00 presentazione dei lavori di gruppo
ore 18,30 tavola rotonda Rupextre: I Sensi del vuoto
ore 21,30 festa di chiusura residenza nella sede di ARTErìa con performances di vario genere e proiezioni
Giovedì 9 dicembre
partenza dei partecipanti verso i luoghi di provenienza
Con il patrocinio di
Regione Basilicata, Comune di Matera, APT Basilicata In collaboration with
Artezeta, Matera - FaticArt, Perugia - Amnesiac Arts, Power - Space Utopia, Country (SA) - Association Cinefabbrica, Matera - Ethnodoc, Matera - Bari Tank Regiment - Geologika collective
Contributions by
Residence San Giorgio, Matera - The Small Hotel, Matera - Hostel tent, Matera
vico XX Settembre, Matera 2
from 4/12/2010 to 8/12/2010
Rupextre: the meaning of the void
Una residenza aperta ad artisti provenienti dalla Basilicata, dall'Italia e dall'estero che con i linguaggi dell'arte contemporanea dialogheranno con il territorio della Murgia Materana e dei Sassi di Matera. Videomakers, fotografi, artisti visivi, soundperformers, operatori culturali, studiosi del territorio, sfideranno i confini dei propri ambiti di intervento per mettere in tensione le proprie poetiche e aprirle alle suggestioni del territorio
By ARTER Association of Art and Culture - Matera
Multimedia Festival of the Arts VIVAVERDI XIV in the 2010 edition residence for artists, video makers, soundperformers, cultural workers and scholars . Investigate the artistic characteristics of the habitat rock (morphology, flora, fauna, climate, raw materials, natural resources) and communities who lived there to understand the culture and history, searching for traces left by man, and taking in the material aspects, technological as well as spiritual rituals and art. To discover the culture of the excavation, its history, the signs of its existence, textures, shapes, paints, empty the full, light, dark, man-cave, the gestures, the slow, spirituality, impermanence, thrift. Migrating from suburban urbanity towards rediscovering the rock architecture, the culture of the excavation, the paths of transhumance following the star, using units of measure forgotten. From photography to short films, video art to soundart, theater, documentary, from performance to installation, to interpret the VOID, the emblem of the culture of the excavation sites of the Murgia and the Sassi of Matera. |
Rupextre event is a cultural / social links with the various languages \u200b\u200bof contemporary art and provides the area of \u200b\u200bthe Murgia of Matera and the Sassi of Matera as a place of residence and interdisciplinary exchanges for artists , filmmakers, documentary filmmakers, cultural workers and scholars. Sponsored by the Art Association artery e Cultura di Matera, con il patrocinio della Regione Basilicata, del Comune di Matera, Parco della Murgia Materana, APT e la collaborazione di altre associazioni culturali. “i sensi del vuoto”, il tema della prima edizione, sarà dedicato alla indagine del vuoto, emblema della cultura dello scavo distintiva dell’architettura rupestre. RUPEXTRE è un progetto artistico che intende coinvolgere direttamente i partecipanti, facendoli incontrare e vivere l’ambiente rupestre del territorio extraurbano del materano, in tutta la sua dimensione ancestrale, ambientale, archeologica, paesaggistica, storica-architettonica e antropologica. |
Determine possibility of interdisciplinary work and developing joint projects between filmmakers, visual artists, soundperformers, authors and actors in theater, cultural workers, scholars of the region, students of anthropology, ethnology and the environment, by overcoming disciplinary boundaries , that would lead to investigate unexplored creative opportunities and new levels of communication and interaction media. 1. Cultural production (visual arts, cinema, theater, music, anthropology, studies environmentalist, etc..) Rather than just aim at the realization and enjoyment of a spectacular pre-event or exhibition, is expected to focus on the experience Community of residence as a place to exchange ideas, information and projects and development of individual or collective work that will be documented and made available, in transit, the place of production, for local audiences and through a web site for an audience International. Involve local public, in places familiar to them but never used for such purposes, in ways and times are more flexible than the opening hours of a museum or at the time of a concert or a performance, offers a chance to "incoming" in search of artists and their ways of working which certainly could, at least in many cases, be more intense learning experience and important visit to an exhibition or of listening to a concert. 2. Relate the artistic characteristics of the territory in which it is being developed by analyzing the features of historical, cultural, environmental and social re-engineering through artistic means of expression for contemporary and experimental. 3. Organize moments of cultural communication (meetings, performances, exhibitions, screenings, publications, conferences, concerts, shows, etc..) Around the results of such comparisons. The project involves the participation of artists, from Basilicata Italy and abroad. Each participant will experience specific methods of approach and analysis the territory and its social dimension achieving results that will vary throughout a detailed picture of the rocky areas examined. Each participant will identify within the macro-theme: The sense of emptiness of the sub-themes: impermanence, wandering and migration, as well as specific investigations and differentiated. |
RUPEXTRE, will be as well as a cultural event of contemporary art, including the link between the Lucania, residence stable / unstable, and its inhabitants, therefore, is aimed at a wide audience not only Luke's, but also national and international, which in Basilicata Matera territory and, above all, find a suitable place to experiment with new relationships between the individual and the environment and beyond. The project will take place in the Municipality of Matera through the construction of a residence for a period of 6 days of experiences, reflections and comparisons, after which the participants - from Italy and abroad - will produce a creative project to be finalized and implemented over the next three months. The work produced will be involved in a public exhibition to be held in the spring of 2011. In the days of residency participants will receive appropriate cultural incentives aimed at broadening il loro abituale campo di intervento, a sollecitare confronti interdisciplinari e a perlustrare diverse teorie e pratiche di intervento culturale. Pertanto sono previsti interventi di studiosi ed esperti provenienti soprattutto dal campo dell’arte contemporanea e dall’antropologia. Gli artisti unitamente ad altri operatori organizzeranno vari gruppi di lavoro e produrranno progetti creativi, possibilmente di carattere sperimentale, collocabili nell’ambito delle arti contemporanee, della soundart, del cortometraggio, della performance, della fotografia, della multimedialità, della videoarte, della installazione, dell’arte pubblica. La formula della residenza, del confronto diretto, della progettazione congiunta e della produzione di audiovisivi ed altre forme espressive scandirà tutte le giornate del progetto Rupextre; Le ore mattutine verranno utilizzate per le fasi di indagine e ricerca mentre nel pomeriggio, nella sede organizzativa verranno organizzati incontri, dibattiti, presentazione dei lavori, proiezioni, spettacoli, performance e confronti, con la partecipazione del pubblico. I lavori si svolgeranno nel corso della mattinata dalle ore 10,00 alle ore 13,30 e nel pomeriggio dalle 16.00, si interromperanno verso le 22,00 per la cena che sarà consumata collettivamente. Sono previsti 20 partecipanti, di cui 10 residenti in Basilicata, che saranno suddivisi in quattro gruppi di lavoro pluridisciplinari. Ciascun gruppo si comporrà spontaneously and decide the theme of inquiry, always refer to the 2010 title, "the meaning of emptiness." Scientific Francesco Careri (Rome), Francesco Marano (Matera), Eleonora Farina (Berlin), Michael Gulia (Roma) Experts territory Franco Caputo ( Matera), Gianfranco Lionetti (Matera), Michelangelo Camardo (Matera), Marco Pelosi (Matera), Luca Petruzzellis (Matera) speeches Bargna Ivan (Milan), Francesco Faeta (Messina) Ferdinand Mirizzi (Matera), Vincenzo Padiglione (Roma), Giuseppe Checola (Lecce), Viviana Checchia (Birmingham UK), Anna Santomauro Bologna) Guest artists Fatigoni Carlo (Perugia), Bruno Di Lecce ( Berlin), Dino Viani (Chieti), Federico Faeta (Roma), Anna Rosa Di Lella (Roma), Andrea Facco (Castelguelfo of Bologna), Angelo Sinigallia (Cisternino BR), Robert Conrad (Bari), Paola Tripoli (Lecce) Angelo Riviello (SA Country) Dragan Culic (Sarajevo, Bosnia) local artists Dario Carmentano (Matera), Morena Tamborrino (Laterza TA), Massimo Lovisco and Carmen Laurino (Potenza), Luca Acito & Cinefabrica (Matera), Carlo Molinari (Santeramo, BA), Pino Lauria (Matera), Dario Carmentano (Matera), Pino Basile (Altamura BA), Eufemia Mascolo (Altamura BA) , Gerardo Fornataro (Matera), Paolo De Santoli (Terlizzi BA |
activities from 16.00 to 21.00 hours are open to the public Friday
December 3
afternoon arrival participants and hotel accommodation
21.00 dinner group at the site of artery
10:00 am Saturday, Dec. 4 meeting participants at the headquarters of artery
11.00 walking /
hours talking to the city from 13.30 to 16.00 hours 16.00
pause presentation of "RUPEXTRE senses of emptiness"
18.00, 19.30 hours
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists
21.30 dinner group at the site of artery
Sunday, December 5
ore 09,00 visita al Parco della Murgia Materana
cava della Palomba, chiesa rupestre della Madonna delle Vergini, belvedere di Murgia Timone, villaggio neolitico, chiese rupestri di Madonna delle Croci, Madonna delle Tre Porte, San Falcione e Sant’Agnese, Jazzo Gattini
ore 13,30 – 16,00 pausa
ore 16,00 costituzione gruppi di lavoro
ore 18,00 interventi
ore 19,30 autopresentazione di tre artisti partecipanti
ore 21,30 cena collettiva nella sede di ARTErìa
Lunedì 6 dicembre
ore 09,00 visita agli insediamenti rupestri del villaggio Saraceno: agro-pastoral settlement entirely in the cave, down the river, Villaggio Saraceno
hours from 13.30 to 16.00 break
hour workweek
16.00 hours 18.00 hours 19.30
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists collective
21.30 Dinner at the site of artery
10:00 am Tuesday, Dec. 7 visit to the Sassi and the Archaeological Museum Ridola
hours from 13.30 to 16.00 break
16 hours , 00
time working hours 18.00 hours 19.30
interventions self-presentation of three participating artists
ore 21,30 cena collettiva nella sede di ARTErìa
Mercoledì 8 dicembre
ore 10,00 tempo di lavoro
ore 13,30 – 16,00 pausa
ore 16,00 presentazione dei lavori di gruppo
ore 18,30 tavola rotonda Rupextre: I Sensi del vuoto
ore 21,30 festa di chiusura residenza nella sede di ARTErìa con performances di vario genere e proiezioni
Giovedì 9 dicembre
partenza dei partecipanti verso i luoghi di provenienza
Con il patrocinio di
Regione Basilicata, Comune di Matera, APT Basilicata In collaboration with
Artezeta, Matera - FaticArt, Perugia - Amnesiac Arts, Power - Space Utopia, Country (SA) - Association Cinefabbrica, Matera - Ethnodoc, Matera - Bari Tank Regiment - Geologika collective
Contributions by
Residence San Giorgio, Matera - The Small Hotel, Matera - Hostel tent, Matera
vico XX Settembre, Matera 2
Carlo Fatigoni
Bruno Di Lecce
Dino Viani
Federico Faeta
Anna Rosa Di Lella
Andrea Facchi
Angelo Sinigallia
Roberto Corradino
Paola Tripoli
Angelo Riviello
Dragan Culic
Dario Carmentano
Morena Tamborrino
Massimo Lovisco
Carmen Laurino
Luca Acito
Carlo Molinari
Pino Dario Lauria
Pino Basile
Eufemia Mascolo
Gerardo Fornataro
Paolo De Santoli
Francesco Careri
Francesco Marano
Eleonora Farina
Michael Gulia
Franco Caputo
Gianfranco Lionetti
Michelangelo Camardo
Marco Pelosi
Luca Petruzzellis
Ivan Bargna
Francis Ferdinand Faeta
Vince Hall
Giusy Checola
Viviana Checchia
Anna Santomauro
Bruno Di Lecce
Dino Viani
Federico Faeta
Anna Rosa Di Lella
Andrea Facchi
Angelo Sinigallia
Roberto Corradino
Paola Tripoli
Angelo Riviello
Dragan Culic
Dario Carmentano
Morena Tamborrino
Massimo Lovisco
Carmen Laurino
Luca Acito
Carlo Molinari
Pino Dario Lauria
Pino Basile
Eufemia Mascolo
Gerardo Fornataro
Paolo De Santoli
Francesco Careri
Francesco Marano
Eleonora Farina
Michael Gulia
Franco Caputo
Gianfranco Lionetti
Michelangelo Camardo
Marco Pelosi
Luca Petruzzellis
Ivan Bargna
Francis Ferdinand Faeta
Vince Hall
Giusy Checola
Viviana Checchia
Anna Santomauro
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Nhl Fleece Fabricpittsburghpenguin
Abbiamo letto di recente che è morto Mario Monicelli..un regista che ha saputo cogliere molti aspetti..virtù dell'italietta con temporanea..sempre with an irony sometimes a little bitter and evil sound .. a director who has brought many different kinds ... but mention the movie or say something about it makes me feel really ridiculous .. especially if you have to stand as all non-socinematografo .. we enjoy a scene from a reasonably well known title, "my friends" ... there is the famous scene that has become a cult .. but above all the time upon which we are part in the poetry of their friendship ..
Friday, November 26, 2010
Marinol In Your System
A hot summer night in a single sentence in Milan in the seventies, a boy.
If there is a luxury not to have brothers and a room all to himself, then that was the adventure world beyond the four walls ready to receive it soon came to the door painted white on which hung the bear piece, such as hanging, but vigilant guardian of his stuff, too confident, sometimes shiny plastic-looking supervisor who is also discernible in the dark of the night lit by the lights of the little road that looked hot in that summer that forced him to leave open the windows to let in a little 'fresh accompanied by strange noises that brought the streets around with impetuous or discrete items to stop and follow your dreams, turning the steering course, shaking, providing arguments for scenes of disarming simplicity and surreal stories, such as rapid filmeschi clashes Indian on horseback along bright expanses of dry powder in the mountains of red rock and sunset handful of wooden houses crossed by dirt roads , a few cows, the saloon with its doors still creak as they move through outside, inside the room are perceived many people dancing to the music of the corner bar, a pianist, a number of maidens from clothes rustling and swollen, tables poker players, patrons at the bar drinking the amber liquid that forms a dirty red sun in the raw glass and opaque, with the usual rapidly clean rag that the man behind the counter keeps leaning on the forearm and also used to swat flies and to wipe the sweat from his neck because it is a hot summer, however hot it is or not, but no decision nor fear, with a leap at the foot of land the stranger on the stairs between the street and consumed wood and flying hours still and laying his hands upon them and encourage them to come accompanied by the horizontal light of the sun that dies more and more, once inside, hesitates to show herself, advancing slowly and decided two steps after two rhythmic steps from the heavy-heeled boots along the boards a little creaky board and leading the counter at the bottom of the tables where the gunmen are sitting silent and watch him, even quelli di spalle girano la testa per vedere chi è colui che da quelle parti forse non ha messo mai piede, ma la cui faccia tutti hanno vista appesa nell’ufficio dello sceriffo con sotto una cifra dai tanti zeri, ed i passi da due si fanno quattro per diventare cinque e poi fermarsi perché il banco è a portata di gomiti, si toglie dalla testa il cappello dalla larga tesa, lo appoggia rovescio per fargli prendere aria ed asciugarne i bordi scuri intrisi di sudore, il tutto sempre in un silenzio irreale interrotto dal solo cigolio dei battenti che continuano ad oscillare ogni tanto al suono del nuovo tram che viene da fuori attraverso la finestra aperta: “il solito”, come il solito se mai era stato lì dentro? Ma è la frase giusta da dire in un posto come questo ed il barista, che deve averne viste lui, non si scompiglia e piglia scegliendolo con cura un bicchiere ancora bagnato con la testa all’ingiù fra gli altri bicchieri tutti uguali, lo asciuga col solito straccio formando più aloni che altro e lo pone sotto lo sguardo di lui che punta verso il basso perché si può permettere di badare a se stesso senza paura di chiunque possa mai stare lì dentro, dalla bottiglia ambrata, quasi vuota, tutto il liquido si ritrova in quel bicchiere: “non è giornata per bere quest’alcol dal sapore di piscio, aprine una nuova, questo ti può convincere” e tiene fra l’indice ed il medio una moneta comparsa dal nulla, magico prestigiatore, with a flick of the fingers and the metal disc jumps, falls and rolls on the counter, the first strong and then lost the gait of a drunk, to stop standing like a miracle, and the silence, it seems impossible, it becomes even stronger because the money seems to have blocked so still time too, but only for a moment and it disappears in the hands of the bartender who has already taken to open a new bottle with a familiar trained and pouring another glass spreads the smell of that strong liquid, use a sit closed and free time to go riding on the heavy air and kidnapped a little from the nostrils of the stranger who takes the glass with both hands and throws down all in one go like a bowl of milk in the morning when mom cooked breakfast, biscuits and jam, then turns back and rests his elbows on the counter to look straight in the face the man who came to find later on that afternoon, but the sun has finally gone into hiding behind the hill and everything becomes dark lit by a few simple light already on the walls and on the table without any method, on the other side of the room is called up as a man who only now comes into the picture, he slides his chair back with the sound of a door that closes some buildings away, keeps his hands resting on two pistols shimmering with calcium in pearl along the belt surrounded by thick and heavy bullets which are hung a wreath to indicate that he is the king of the wasteland and sanzadio, a move by the stranger: "Versan other two, but the bartender, magician too, there's no trace and are all but gone those two, including dancers, however, that a piece is not dancing anymore, so the piano does not make more music because the corner bar closed, then the foreigner takes the bottle and two glasses and other slow moving close to the king, these approaches him well, only a table between them, both sit down, the bottle is placed in the middle and the two glasses in hand and filled to the brim and beyond with no grace with a single movement from one to another, forming between them a trail of alcohol dark across the table he used to drink well, there is a deck of cards, the stranger takes it and mixes, King loosens its grip on guns, and took her glass careful not to drip dirty that if he does not want to be clean because it cleans those dirty, my mother always says, and the stranger divides the deck exactly in half and one of them offers the other because the most important game of the early rubamazzo that the west has never even seen the movies, a game that lasts an eternity, with ups and downs, moved by the fate of the unknown cards, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and neck of both and also on the pillow, but the focus does not stop because the game is never exciting, the stranger, the king and the bear stuffed it difficult to react quickly to the cards you turn in the middle and are made by either to be put below, the stranger, his deck is numbered as the last shots Indians meet again in the valley or the soldiers still intact under the bed, the king's mind that recalls the buffalo herds that migrate as many fans that go to stage on the Sunday this year, maybe we win the championship, but unexpectedly the luck turns and paper after paper check to the stranger's smile to win because who knows his days at the end of the league are few and many i punti di distacco, così la partita si chiude, il re si alza sconfitto, prende bicchieri e bottiglia andando al banco per riporli, qui trova lo straccio, ripercorre i suoi passi, pulisce il tavolo così mamma non si arrabbia, poi s’avvia fuori: “anche questa volta non ti metto dentro, ma chissà , forse fra un anno vinco io” cigolano di nuovo i battenti, è l’ultimo tram della notte ormai giorno, come il giorno è arrivato nella valle, il re si ritrova il solito straccio con cui lustra la stella al petto luccicante al nuovo sole di quell’estate calda.

If there is a luxury not to have brothers and a room all to himself, then that was the adventure world beyond the four walls ready to receive it soon came to the door painted white on which hung the bear piece, such as hanging, but vigilant guardian of his stuff, too confident, sometimes shiny plastic-looking supervisor who is also discernible in the dark of the night lit by the lights of the little road that looked hot in that summer that forced him to leave open the windows to let in a little 'fresh accompanied by strange noises that brought the streets around with impetuous or discrete items to stop and follow your dreams, turning the steering course, shaking, providing arguments for scenes of disarming simplicity and surreal stories, such as rapid filmeschi clashes Indian on horseback along bright expanses of dry powder in the mountains of red rock and sunset handful of wooden houses crossed by dirt roads , a few cows, the saloon with its doors still creak as they move through outside, inside the room are perceived many people dancing to the music of the corner bar, a pianist, a number of maidens from clothes rustling and swollen, tables poker players, patrons at the bar drinking the amber liquid that forms a dirty red sun in the raw glass and opaque, with the usual rapidly clean rag that the man behind the counter keeps leaning on the forearm and also used to swat flies and to wipe the sweat from his neck because it is a hot summer, however hot it is or not, but no decision nor fear, with a leap at the foot of land the stranger on the stairs between the street and consumed wood and flying hours still and laying his hands upon them and encourage them to come accompanied by the horizontal light of the sun that dies more and more, once inside, hesitates to show herself, advancing slowly and decided two steps after two rhythmic steps from the heavy-heeled boots along the boards a little creaky board and leading the counter at the bottom of the tables where the gunmen are sitting silent and watch him, even quelli di spalle girano la testa per vedere chi è colui che da quelle parti forse non ha messo mai piede, ma la cui faccia tutti hanno vista appesa nell’ufficio dello sceriffo con sotto una cifra dai tanti zeri, ed i passi da due si fanno quattro per diventare cinque e poi fermarsi perché il banco è a portata di gomiti, si toglie dalla testa il cappello dalla larga tesa, lo appoggia rovescio per fargli prendere aria ed asciugarne i bordi scuri intrisi di sudore, il tutto sempre in un silenzio irreale interrotto dal solo cigolio dei battenti che continuano ad oscillare ogni tanto al suono del nuovo tram che viene da fuori attraverso la finestra aperta: “il solito”, come il solito se mai era stato lì dentro? Ma è la frase giusta da dire in un posto come questo ed il barista, che deve averne viste lui, non si scompiglia e piglia scegliendolo con cura un bicchiere ancora bagnato con la testa all’ingiù fra gli altri bicchieri tutti uguali, lo asciuga col solito straccio formando più aloni che altro e lo pone sotto lo sguardo di lui che punta verso il basso perché si può permettere di badare a se stesso senza paura di chiunque possa mai stare lì dentro, dalla bottiglia ambrata, quasi vuota, tutto il liquido si ritrova in quel bicchiere: “non è giornata per bere quest’alcol dal sapore di piscio, aprine una nuova, questo ti può convincere” e tiene fra l’indice ed il medio una moneta comparsa dal nulla, magico prestigiatore, with a flick of the fingers and the metal disc jumps, falls and rolls on the counter, the first strong and then lost the gait of a drunk, to stop standing like a miracle, and the silence, it seems impossible, it becomes even stronger because the money seems to have blocked so still time too, but only for a moment and it disappears in the hands of the bartender who has already taken to open a new bottle with a familiar trained and pouring another glass spreads the smell of that strong liquid, use a sit closed and free time to go riding on the heavy air and kidnapped a little from the nostrils of the stranger who takes the glass with both hands and throws down all in one go like a bowl of milk in the morning when mom cooked breakfast, biscuits and jam, then turns back and rests his elbows on the counter to look straight in the face the man who came to find later on that afternoon, but the sun has finally gone into hiding behind the hill and everything becomes dark lit by a few simple light already on the walls and on the table without any method, on the other side of the room is called up as a man who only now comes into the picture, he slides his chair back with the sound of a door that closes some buildings away, keeps his hands resting on two pistols shimmering with calcium in pearl along the belt surrounded by thick and heavy bullets which are hung a wreath to indicate that he is the king of the wasteland and sanzadio, a move by the stranger: "Versan other two, but the bartender, magician too, there's no trace and are all but gone those two, including dancers, however, that a piece is not dancing anymore, so the piano does not make more music because the corner bar closed, then the foreigner takes the bottle and two glasses and other slow moving close to the king, these approaches him well, only a table between them, both sit down, the bottle is placed in the middle and the two glasses in hand and filled to the brim and beyond with no grace with a single movement from one to another, forming between them a trail of alcohol dark across the table he used to drink well, there is a deck of cards, the stranger takes it and mixes, King loosens its grip on guns, and took her glass careful not to drip dirty that if he does not want to be clean because it cleans those dirty, my mother always says, and the stranger divides the deck exactly in half and one of them offers the other because the most important game of the early rubamazzo that the west has never even seen the movies, a game that lasts an eternity, with ups and downs, moved by the fate of the unknown cards, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and neck of both and also on the pillow, but the focus does not stop because the game is never exciting, the stranger, the king and the bear stuffed it difficult to react quickly to the cards you turn in the middle and are made by either to be put below, the stranger, his deck is numbered as the last shots Indians meet again in the valley or the soldiers still intact under the bed, the king's mind that recalls the buffalo herds that migrate as many fans that go to stage on the Sunday this year, maybe we win the championship, but unexpectedly the luck turns and paper after paper check to the stranger's smile to win because who knows his days at the end of the league are few and many i punti di distacco, così la partita si chiude, il re si alza sconfitto, prende bicchieri e bottiglia andando al banco per riporli, qui trova lo straccio, ripercorre i suoi passi, pulisce il tavolo così mamma non si arrabbia, poi s’avvia fuori: “anche questa volta non ti metto dentro, ma chissà , forse fra un anno vinco io” cigolano di nuovo i battenti, è l’ultimo tram della notte ormai giorno, come il giorno è arrivato nella valle, il re si ritrova il solito straccio con cui lustra la stella al petto luccicante al nuovo sole di quell’estate calda.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Examples Of Letter For Community Services Hours
the ITA (I) nei
We have seen this week at the Pope's visit to the Temple de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona ... the usual tram tram meters on the streets, dress ... .. the waving flags .. .. gays kissing ideas misleading .... the Pope Mobile roam the streets .. the millions spent lying ... .. the faithful and the whole circus of the Vatican with great fanfare but really .. what intrigues me is the Litany of qlc time, there is always a time when voices indefinite appoint defined names ... looking for a way to sense the meaning of this ... repeatedly has something exciting ... not by chance many groups ... & sotto_generi musical genres have been inspired by this kind of Complaint in ecstasy ..
We have seen this week at the Pope's visit to the Temple de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona ... the usual tram tram meters on the streets, dress ... .. the waving flags .. .. gays kissing ideas misleading .... the Pope Mobile roam the streets .. the millions spent lying ... .. the faithful and the whole circus of the Vatican with great fanfare but really .. what intrigues me is the Litany of qlc time, there is always a time when voices indefinite appoint defined names ... looking for a way to sense the meaning of this ... repeatedly has something exciting ... not by chance many groups ... & sotto_generi musical genres have been inspired by this kind of Complaint in ecstasy ..
Sunday, October 24, 2010
South Park Lets Fighting Love Original Song
Hello Gaetano
This is my last goodbye to my college classmate and Gaetano.
Years unforgettable, between 80 and 90, with Vasco in the background and the mathematical analysis in the foreground.
You have been my youth, hello Gary rest in peace.
This is my last goodbye to my college classmate and Gaetano.
Years unforgettable, between 80 and 90, with Vasco in the background and the mathematical analysis in the foreground.
You have been my youth, hello Gary rest in peace.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol 3
La social card o carta acquisti per over65
La social card o Carta acquisti è una carta prepagata ricaricata dallo Stato ogni mese con 40 euro, che permette di effettuare acquisti in esercizi commerciali convenzionati e abilitati, pagare le bollette, e ricevere sconti del 5% nei negozi che aderiscono a questa iniziativa: l’elenco di queste attività commerciali è disponibile sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle finanze, indicato sotto.
L'Inps, con il messaggio numero 2634 del 27 gennaio 2010, comunica che per tutti i bambini nati nel 2009 e per le nuove domande presentate entro il 31 marzo 2010, sarà erogata una ulteriore somma di denaro, pari a 25 euro una tantum, cioè solo una volta, per l'acquisto di pannolini e latte artificiale.
provided from December 2008, the purchasing card is intended for those who have low incomes among the elderly aged 65 years and older and children under 3 years: in this case the owner paper appears to be the parent.
to request and fill out a form, also available online on the website of the Ministry or at post offices and submit the return Isee. Applications must be submitted to post offices. I eligible to apply, for 2010
- for the elderly aged between 65 and 69 years, the income must not exceed the limit of € 6235.35 and € 6235.35 to have a Isee - for seniors over the age of 70 years : the income must not exceed € 8,313.80 and € 6,235.35 for a Isee The limit for the ISEE is the same for all subjects, regardless of age. The application of the purchase card does not expire, as the cards do not expire in total. For existing cardholders, however, there is a deadline: every two months it is necessary to make the declaration Isee. INPS, to stem any inconvenience, involves sending a letter to all seniors over 65 to remind them to submit the statement. For any other information is available toll-free number 800666888 and the site of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
to request and fill out a form, also available online on the website of the Ministry or at post offices and submit the return Isee. Applications must be submitted to post offices.
- for the elderly aged between 65 and 69 years, the income must not exceed the limit of € 6235.35 and € 6235.35 to have a Isee
How do you get (in the case of less than 3 years)
1. Download and print the form (forms are also available at post offices).
2. and fill it out as follow:
- Al a framework , enter your Tax ID, you are, your home address and contact details of your identity document valid, complete all the blank. Remember that:
- residency means the registered residence (resulting in the state of the family) and not the home;
- the tax code should be that given by the Revenue
- Al box 2 , enter the particulars of the child (first apply the information on residence and tax).
By signing the application form asks you to benefit from the contributions provided by the Purchase Card referred to in Article 81, paragraph 29 and following of Decree-Law No 112/2008, converted with amendments by Law No 133/2008. Remember that:
- marked with a cross "the granting of a new card ..", calls for the release of a new electronic paper will be paid every two months where the contributions provided if and until the beneficiary will be in meeting requirements;
- marked with a cross "the granting of the amounts payable by credit card on purchases already made out .." requests that contributions provided, if and until the beneficiary will be held the requirements, are paid every two months on a paper of which you already hold.
- Al box 3 , indicate whether her parent or guardian, custodian or guardian is, by itself or together with another person (in this case should complete the ; Framework 4 with the data of the other subject: the power operator, custodian or guardian). It should also ensure that they meet the child and the family must be taking into account that the child:
- must hold Italian citizenship;
- per citizen resident means an Italian citizen duly registered to the resident population (the registry office) ;
- the ISEE is a coefficient used to measure the overall economic situation of your household. To obtain a certificate ISEE (which must accompany the application) can go to the municipality of residence, Social Security or Tax Assistance Center (CAF). If you already have a certificate valid ISEE (certificates are valid for 12 months since they were signed) is good that you already have and must not procure another, remember that at the expiry of the attestation ISEE, if not renewed, the contribution Purchase Card will be suspended;
- in the calculation of property, all owned by an aggregate of less than presented in the form will not be counted. In the calculation of allowances must be added to all shares held by spouses. If the form is printed individually on two separate sheets, it also signed the first sheet in the space below.
- Al quadro 4 , inserisca le generalità dell’altro soggetto esercente la potestà genitoriale, affidatario o tutore (valgono le stesse indicazioni del quadro 1 su residenza e codice fiscale).
- Al quadro 5 , potrà eventualmente dichiarare che un componente della famiglia (anagrafica) del minore beneficiario, ove lo fosse, è utilizzatore di gas naturale o GPL per ottenere il contributo aggiuntivo riservato ai beneficiari della Carta Acquisti utilizzatori di gas. Inoltre, potrà indicare ulteriori dati (numero di componenti of the household, number and power used POD) necessary to access the preferential electricity tariff on users active at the residence of the family (personal), and the child identified by POD indicated. The number of POD and power draw data are available in the electricity bill. The telephone number will indicate that may be used by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, INPS and the Italian Post Office, only for communications services for the Purchase Card. If it is not a user of natural gas, LPG or in the absence of further data, you can still get, if they satisfy the requirements, contributi connessi alla Carta Acquisti.
- Al quadro 6 , sono indicati i documenti che devono essere allegati alla domanda.
- Al quadro 7 prima di firmare, si ricordi di leggere l’“Informativa (disponibile anche presso gli Uffici Postali o sui siti internet indicati sotto) contenente le modalità e le informazioni per l’utilizzo della Carta Acquisti” e l’esercizio dei Suoi diritti. L’autocertificazione dei requisiti è un atto molto importante che espone il dichiarante a responsabilità penali in caso di misrepresentation.
- The square 8 to be left blank (it will be completed dall'addetto of the Italian Post Office when submitting the application).
The Post Office, after verification of the completeness and conformity of the documentation submitted, issue a copy of the request. Where the application of the Purchase Card is accepted, you will be delivered at the residence address indicated, a communication with an invitation to visit a post office authorized to withdraw the electronic card purchases. On paper, it will already be available, and immediately usable, the total amount due in two months on the date of application. To make the withdrawal will be necessary to provide such notice in the original, the copy of the request and an identity document in your passport or the person delegated by you as the cardholder. Remember that, after first presented the application for the Purchase Card at a Post Office, where it is necessary to change the owner, the tax code, additional statements or other information or data carried on the forms, must go to the local offices of 'Social Security, where you can request the change by completing and submitting the form available on the websites below. The Administration may decide to verify the ownership and maintenance of the necessary requirements, even after the delivery of the Purchase Card reserving the right to immediately suspend the disbursement of fees provided for the eventual transfer of sums unduly paid, in case of loss or in the presence of certificates bearing false statements on meeting the requirements.
Patronage online: Answer every question
Thursday, October 7, 2010
How To Clean A Dpms A-15
Risky BUSI .. ness ..
.. I have never read Aldo Busi and I think I did not even know the titles of his books .. I found this contribution peering / S pro interview that site has some interesting moments ... just for the sake of provocation for its own sake of saying things unpolitically Correctly ...
.. I have never read Aldo Busi and I think I did not even know the titles of his books .. I found this contribution peering / S pro interview that site has some interesting moments ... just for the sake of provocation for its own sake of saying things unpolitically Correctly ...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Funny Birthday Invitation Wording
.. A Panaro of ideas .. Trash Apocalypse
.. improvvvisa stand out like the appearance of a UFO ... A flying saucer in red unexpected He is courting the balconies .. ... .. The Cash Pot o 'Panaro .. what if we seek him there .. Panaro as a basket or impersonating various characters .. "a set of goods and services households throughout the year ".. Panaro which is a river of Emilia Romagna in the basket ... but here is more of a ferryman .. .. everyday objects of ideas that wander from one balcony to another .. but also a certain indirect affection that is transmitted between the sender and recipient would be better .. see more baskets from the balconies and less antennas ..
.. improvvvisa stand out like the appearance of a UFO ... A flying saucer in red unexpected He is courting the balconies .. ... .. The Cash Pot o 'Panaro .. what if we seek him there .. Panaro as a basket or impersonating various characters .. "a set of goods and services households throughout the year ".. Panaro which is a river of Emilia Romagna in the basket ... but here is more of a ferryman .. .. everyday objects of ideas that wander from one balcony to another .. but also a certain indirect affection that is transmitted between the sender and recipient would be better .. see more baskets from the balconies and less antennas ..
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