Saturday, May 30, 2009
What Do U Think About Pointy Flats Yahoo
Ordinaria O Requisiti Ridotti
La 1° spetta ai lavoratori che hanno 52 contributi settimanali nel biennio precedente la data di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro. Spetta x 8 mesi. L’importo è calcolato in base alla retribuzione percepita nei tre mesi precedenti la cessazione del rapporto di lavoro, la percentuale è pari al 60% per i primi 6 mesi, al 50% per il settimo e l’ottavo mese, Si può presentare la domanda di indennità di disoccupazione ordinaria gli uffici Inps più vicini al luogo di abitazione, entro 68 giorni dalla cessazione del rapporto di lavoro oppure rivolgersi agli Enti di patronato, dopo aver rilasciato presso i Centri per l’impiego dichiarazione di immediata disponibilità al lavoro.
La 2° spetta ai lavoratori che non hanno 52 contributi settimanali comprensivi di quota di disoccupazione negli ultimi due anni, ma che nell'anno precedente worked at least 78 days, including holidays and days of compensated absence (illness, maternity etc..) been insured for at least two years and have at least a weekly contribution of the first two years preceding the application. It is, in principle, for a number of days equal to those actually worked in the previous year and a maximum of 180 days.
The amount is equal to 35% of the average daily wage for the first 120 days and 40% for the next few days. The application for unemployment benefit with reduced requirements should be submitted to the INPS by March 31st of the year following that in which the employment relationship has terminated. The application form is available INPS offices and site, under "Forms." Remember
Each question to be examined should include the necessary documentation and information shown on the form as stipulated in Article 1, paragraph 783 of the Act 296/06.L 'compensation may be charged: the door of any office Post of the national territory with cashier's check, or cash on your bank account or post office in the case of credit in bank account or post office should also be provided identification of the payer at which they will collect the performance and the bank or mail (IBAN, ABI, CAB) and the account number.
For v / s questions used actions below:
How Long To Not Shave Before A Wax
Disability Civil
shall be considered civilians maimed and disabled people with congenital or acquired disabilities, physical and / or mental and sensory, which have suffered a permanent reduction in earning capacity not less than one third, or, if younger than 18 years who have persistent difficulties in carrying out the tasks and functions typical of their age. Instead, recognition of the civil status of blind or deaf follows different rules, while taking the same assessment procedure. According to the degree of recognized disability, the disabled person is entitled to a range of benefits: prostheses and aids (disability of more than 1 / 3), mandatory employment (46%), exemption from the ticket (67%), monthly allowance (74%), disability pension (100 %), attendance allowance for children, attendance allowance. Each performance is, in fact, subject to the possession of several requirements, health and socio-economic (the recognition of civil disability totally ignores any contribution requirement).'s Request for recognition must be submitted an application to the ASL responsible for the area, including a medical certificate stating the nature of the debilitating illness. Subsequently, the applicant is called to visit the Medical Commission of the ASL, which will give an opinion on the existence and degree of disability. The report prepared by the Commission is sent to the Audit Commission, which decides on a final
For v / s questions used actions below:
shall be considered civilians maimed and disabled people with congenital or acquired disabilities, physical and / or mental and sensory, which have suffered a permanent reduction in earning capacity not less than one third, or, if younger than 18 years who have persistent difficulties in carrying out the tasks and functions typical of their age. Instead, recognition of the civil status of blind or deaf follows different rules, while taking the same assessment procedure. According to the degree of recognized disability, the disabled person is entitled to a range of benefits: prostheses and aids (disability of more than 1 / 3), mandatory employment (46%), exemption from the ticket (67%), monthly allowance (74%), disability pension (100 %), attendance allowance for children, attendance allowance. Each performance is, in fact, subject to the possession of several requirements, health and socio-economic (the recognition of civil disability totally ignores any contribution requirement).'s Request for recognition must be submitted an application to the ASL responsible for the area, including a medical certificate stating the nature of the debilitating illness. Subsequently, the applicant is called to visit the Medical Commission of the ASL, which will give an opinion on the existence and degree of disability. The report prepared by the Commission is sent to the Audit Commission, which decides on a final
For v / s questions used actions below:
Patronage online: a response every question
Take Mud Off Suede Boots
Temporary Disability allowance
The ordinary disability 'can be requested from the INPS people who have a working capacity reduced by at least 2/3.Per to get the check, you must have paid at least five years contributions, of which at least 3 years in the last five years preceding the application. The pension contribution is not required if the disability has been achieved for reasons of service or if you are not entitled to benefits derived from insurance against accidents for the same event.For v/s domande utilizzate gli interventi quì di seguito:
disability allowance 'is a variable amount according to income, is temporary, it is compatible with other work and three years. If the disability persists, it may be renewed upon request. After two consecutive renewals, the grant becomes permanent.
To request a check you must submit an application to INPS directly or through an institution of patronage, presenting a special certificate doctor.
The allowance can not be combined with the annuity Inail industrial accident or occupational disease. If the latter is, however, of less than the allowance, disability entitled to the difference between the two treatments.
Al has reached retirement age, the check is converted into ordinary disability retirement pension, provided the person concerned has the contribution requirements and cease its business activities. In addition, through various legal judgments, and the final recognition by the INPS, can turn into retirement to achieve the statutory requirements.
Patronato on line :una risposta ad ogni domanda
Friday, May 29, 2009
What Printer Do U Need For Iron On

Benvenuto in questo spazio dedicato al dialogo diretto con il PATRONATO
******************************************** *****************************
well Ask your questions which we will try to respond as clearly and exhaustively as possible.
Choose from the "Topics", click and ask your question, you could maybe find an answer in a previous post or you could put your reinstalls, this space will offers the opportunity to see so many topics already dealt with their answers, but also the opportunity to open a topic more specific and personal.
You can talk directly online from 14.00 to 16.00 or wait for the answer that you will be given the same day.
Patronage online: an answer to every question
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wearing Tank Tops Under Sun Dress
July 25 / August 16, 2009
The Review of Water with exhibition of Mail Art and Video Art Festival is organized by the ATC Temporary Association of Associations, a leader with the group Utopia Contemporary Art
This year's artistic direction was entrusted to Aldo Colella (cultural director of the Basilicata Region - Director of the Museum of Melfi - Blank page editor of south central) to which a cure Laboratory - Site Specific by young artists under 35.
The "Chien", with the waters of the river Tenza that are diverted into the main street of the Old Town Country, is organized by the Pro Loco, from 18 July onwards. Every Saturday and Sunday last week of July until 16 August, with the diversion of water at night, at 24.
As already mentioned in the group, we are still awaiting the outcome of the requested funding to various institutions, are sent in time to maturity of March 15, 2009. Apparently our representatives and those who represent us in the coming months, committed and timely especially in the countryside election, and for the renewal of the Provinces for the European Parliament.
We do not just have to wait and think realistically self, being the group Utopia and the rest of the ATC, non-profit (no profit).
Meanwhile, we publish the invitation to attend the 27th Festival of Water - The 2009, in sections of Mail Art and Video Art.
The invitation is open to all artists who express themselves with these mezzi.e feel that the problem of water, both environmental and social policies as a vital element for survival on land, at a time which speaks of "privatization", ie Sales to multinational companies by the governments of various countries (including Italy) and other local public institutions. In this issue, as always, will be broad interpretation of freedom of expression and creation, without limitation or censorship. The only requirement, the guidelines are: technical data required, the terms and conditions of participation.
After a first exhibition of mail art and showing all the videos sent to the organization, a special committee chaired by the artistic director of the Contemporary Art Exhibition and Utopia, select the work deemed most appropriate and meaningful in their specific value, both from the point of view quality and content of that research. in both experimental and interdisciplinary for Mail Art and Digital Video in the Art ...
A separate section is dedicated to artists under 35. Another section is devoted to artists over 35.
1) The Means of expression
be produced by any technique (acrylic or watercolor, pastel, pencil, crayon, collage with all sorts of material, paper or not, etc.., Traditional and digital photography, computer generated graphic).
sizes ranging from classic format of 10x15 cm. to a maximum of 30x40 cm. on extrarigido support, complete with brackets (possibly not visible) arranged on the back of the work professionally.
Each work must be presented on two DVDs (PAL or NTSC), labeled with the name, title and duration of the film, and accompanied by a submission form, also attached with two pictures High quality (JPG format). For video you should not go beyond 15 minutes duration.
Works can be sent by courier or by post no later than the deadline of July 5, 2009. Will be accepted only those works postmarked before the deadline.
The address for submissions is following:
International Exhibition of Water - The Utopia Contemporary Art Space
Via Angelo Riviello Arc. Carmine Cesarano No 17
84022 Town Country (Salerno) Italy
The organizing committee, after an initial exposure (mail art) and projection (video art), will select the most important works for the Review. All information relating to works and artists (date, time and place of display and projection) will be posted on the blog:
E mail: spazioutopia @ alice. it
Direzione Artistica Spazio Utopia
Tel. 392.530.88.70 - 0828.46.239
Tel. 338.280.00.73
Tutte le opere presentate saranno inserite nell’Archivio-Biblioteca dell’Associazione Utopia, e possono essere sottoposte per motivi di interscambio artistico, culturale e / o educativo (senza scopo di lucro) nelle varie opportunità di proiezioni di Festival e Rassegne varie, che vengono organizzate durante tutto l'anno sul territorio regionale e nazionale, anche in altre sedi di associazioni e spazi pubblici e privati che interagiscono con lo Spazio Utopia, con informazioni che saranno riportate e pubblicate sul
The organization shall not be liable for any accidents which may damage the works presented (or that might get damaged already), although extreme care will have them.
Participation in the festival implies acceptance of these guidelines.
NB Follow the detailed program review after the deadline for submission of works to be published always on the blog:
and as widely as possible on other sites.
Cultural Association "Utopia Contemporary Art, Country
Cultural Association" The Way the Indies,
Roma Cultural Association "Antonio V. Rivelli, "Country
Cultural Association" Panda Shows, Country
Cultural Association "Altomare @ rte" Sperlinga (ENNA),
Association "Voices of Women" Eboli (SA)
Cultural Association "Amnesiac Arts", Potenza;
Cultural Association "Songs, Sounds and Signs of the Mediterranean," Auletta (SA).
Association "Giordano Bruno", Campaign (SA)

July 25 / August 16, 2009
The Review of Water with exhibition of Mail Art and Video Art Festival is organized by the ATC Temporary Association of Associations, a leader with the group Utopia Contemporary Art
This year's artistic direction was entrusted to Aldo Colella (cultural director of the Basilicata Region - Director of the Museum of Melfi - Blank page editor of south central) to which a cure Laboratory - Site Specific by young artists under 35.
The "Chien", with the waters of the river Tenza that are diverted into the main street of the Old Town Country, is organized by the Pro Loco, from 18 July onwards. Every Saturday and Sunday last week of July until 16 August, with the diversion of water at night, at 24.
As already mentioned in the group, we are still awaiting the outcome of the requested funding to various institutions, are sent in time to maturity of March 15, 2009. Apparently our representatives and those who represent us in the coming months, committed and timely especially in the countryside election, and for the renewal of the Provinces for the European Parliament.
We do not just have to wait and think realistically self, being the group Utopia and the rest of the ATC, non-profit (no profit).
Meanwhile, we publish the invitation to attend the 27th Festival of Water - The 2009, in sections of Mail Art and Video Art.
The invitation is open to all artists who express themselves with these mezzi.e feel that the problem of water, both environmental and social policies as a vital element for survival on land, at a time which speaks of "privatization", ie Sales to multinational companies by the governments of various countries (including Italy) and other local public institutions. In this issue, as always, will be broad interpretation of freedom of expression and creation, without limitation or censorship. The only requirement, the guidelines are: technical data required, the terms and conditions of participation.
After a first exhibition of mail art and showing all the videos sent to the organization, a special committee chaired by the artistic director of the Contemporary Art Exhibition and Utopia, select the work deemed most appropriate and meaningful in their specific value, both from the point of view quality and content of that research. in both experimental and interdisciplinary for Mail Art and Digital Video in the Art ...
A separate section is dedicated to artists under 35. Another section is devoted to artists over 35.
1) The Means of expression
be produced by any technique (acrylic or watercolor, pastel, pencil, crayon, collage with all sorts of material, paper or not, etc.., Traditional and digital photography, computer generated graphic).
sizes ranging from classic format of 10x15 cm. to a maximum of 30x40 cm. on extrarigido support, complete with brackets (possibly not visible) arranged on the back of the work professionally.
Each work must be presented on two DVDs (PAL or NTSC), labeled with the name, title and duration of the film, and accompanied by a submission form, also attached with two pictures High quality (JPG format). For video you should not go beyond 15 minutes duration.
Works can be sent by courier or by post no later than the deadline of July 5, 2009. Will be accepted only those works postmarked before the deadline.
The address for submissions is following:
International Exhibition of Water - The Utopia Contemporary Art Space
Via Angelo Riviello Arc. Carmine Cesarano No 17
84022 Town Country (Salerno) Italy
The organizing committee, after an initial exposure (mail art) and projection (video art), will select the most important works for the Review. All information relating to works and artists (date, time and place of display and projection) will be posted on the blog:
E mail: spazioutopia @ alice. it
Direzione Artistica Spazio Utopia
Tel. 392.530.88.70 - 0828.46.239
Tel. 338.280.00.73
Tutte le opere presentate saranno inserite nell’Archivio-Biblioteca dell’Associazione Utopia, e possono essere sottoposte per motivi di interscambio artistico, culturale e / o educativo (senza scopo di lucro) nelle varie opportunità di proiezioni di Festival e Rassegne varie, che vengono organizzate durante tutto l'anno sul territorio regionale e nazionale, anche in altre sedi di associazioni e spazi pubblici e privati che interagiscono con lo Spazio Utopia, con informazioni che saranno riportate e pubblicate sul
The organization shall not be liable for any accidents which may damage the works presented (or that might get damaged already), although extreme care will have them.
Participation in the festival implies acceptance of these guidelines.
NB Follow the detailed program review after the deadline for submission of works to be published always on the blog:
and as widely as possible on other sites.
Cultural Association "Utopia Contemporary Art, Country
Cultural Association" The Way the Indies,
Roma Cultural Association "Antonio V. Rivelli, "Country
Cultural Association" Panda Shows, Country
Cultural Association "Altomare @ rte" Sperlinga (ENNA),
Association "Voices of Women" Eboli (SA)
Cultural Association "Amnesiac Arts", Potenza;
Cultural Association "Songs, Sounds and Signs of the Mediterranean," Auletta (SA).
Association "Giordano Bruno", Campaign (SA)
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