[ Author: Night ]
He was sitting on one of the wicker chairs arranged around tables outside the bar, summer had just begun. He had a ragged hat with a wide brim. I figured he had a beautiful body, he was a handsome man. I say imagined because he had a long trench to below the knee, although the cotton, I found a bit 'exaggerated view of the season. I noticed that her hands, beautiful and slender, was slightly tanned, she kept her legs crossed and I could see that his ankles, which could be seen under the white pants, had been kissed by the sun. He was motionless with his face towards the sea, beyond the horizon. Dark glasses reflected the sails of boats that sailed in front of the lens and read port. I passed him, I said "Hello." I said, "Have we met?". "Maybe ..." he said "the scent is not new."
I I do not use perfume, said. "Exactly," he said, "That 's why I recognized it immediately." He spoke to me without looking. Do not look at me but I was also observed. Fabienne came, we sat at the next table, I ordered a juice and she used the U.S., probably the fifth or sixth day.
"What's so urgent?"
"You're away, I had to talk order to understand why ..."
"The order of speaking? Look Fabienne, I want to leave. "
" You can not leave now, I remind you that you have sworn. "
" I know, but I am confused, please help me, not me la sento più di andare avanti. Non so più quale vita è la mia veramente. Il sogno e la veglia si incrociano di continuo, e io non so più chi sono… Doveva essere quasi un gioco e invece mi sta consumando.”
Il cameriere arrivò con le bibite, l’occhio gli cadde nella mia scollatura che, da una prima scarsa, in un mese era già una terza abbondante. Imbarazzante, non ci ero abituata: il “davanzale” non è mai stato il mio pezzo forte, gli uomini hanno sempre preferito il mio lato B. Mi aggiustai la camicetta – ormai troppo stretta - sul davanti e incrociai le braccia ma, invece di celare l’insolito gonfiore, ottenni un risultato tipo push up. Il cameriere fece un sorrisino di traverso, drinks and left the receipt and, finally, he rose from the feet.
"Did you talk with your nice, eh?"
"No, I swear. But it is increasingly difficult to hide. She is suffering for me. Lately, when I open my eyes to orient night, he is there looking at me. Is watching me ... This morning I said that I want to know what's going on, is very worried. And I am ... especially now that ... "I glared
Fabienne with her violet eyes
" Now that ... Finish, come on! "
" expecting a baby. "
" Ah ah ah. "
" Why are you laughing, stop, you're making me scared. "
"Well done my child. And he knows it? "
" Forget it. "
" You told or not? "
" No. .. not yet. "
" Do not tell him anything, it's useless. You know what to do. True? "
man at the next table asked us to turn on. Fabienne handed him the lighter. Cigarette smoke tickled my nose and gave me trouble ... to me, that I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day! When the man returned the lighter, she said something quietly, and still did not understand what I did there too if I had other things to think about. Fabienne came back at me, "So?" He asked. I leaned
with the upper body forward, arms resting on the table and his hands clasped.
"Then nothing! Fabienne Listen to me ... I keep it, "shouting the words well spoke and looked straight at me with a firm voice and a courage that I no longer believed to have.
"You know you can not."
"Of course I can, as long as you help me."
"I do not think I can do. It will be good that they'll talk about ... "He began to fumble in your bag. "Here, this is for you," he said "... now I must go."
He handed me a book, old and yellowed. I turned it in his hands, seemed to burn. I looked at the title and began to tremble. "What do you mean?! "I yelled to Fabienne who was already far away. He did not answer. I watched her leave and I felt a deep sense of loss. I had to get up and leave, but decided to stop for a moment to calm down and catch your breath. The warm late afternoon sun caressed my cheeks, roar of the boat just steps from the slight movement of the sea rocked me like a sensual rhythm of the music. I gave up on the chair, let go of his head with his face to the sun, eyes closed and his hands went alone to rest on his stomach still invisible
"You have no choice." My voice came as a whisper, directly ear. I was scared, I had forgotten the presence of man with the hat. I turned abruptly and with a gasp, said: "Please?" I could have sworn that was an inch from my face, but it was still at his table. He turned to me and took off his glasses. As I stood paralyzed at the sight of his eyes empty, lifeless. Oh God! He was blind! The glass in my hand fell to my feet I bent down to pick up the glass and when I raised my head, he was gone. It could not have gone. I looked around and saw him: he was walking towards the end of the marina, between two guys who followed him, head down, one step away.